Otto Brought Everything Upon Himself

"Otto Frederick Warmbier is an American college student who was imprisoned in North Korea in 2016 after being convicted of "hostile acts" against the country. Warmbier, then 21, "confessed" to stealing a political propaganda poster and was sentenced to 15 years' hard labor."

The root cause of everything is the sole fact that he visited a different country and did not obey their laws. People want to blame N.Korea for enforcing their laws. No the blame falls onto Otto. And guess what, he would not have ever been in a coma, if he did not commit the crime in the first place. Everything subsequent is due to his original choice. I have no pity for what happened to him. Do STUPID things, win STUPID prizes.

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Thoughtful insight ya butt-pirate.

And why would he need to steal a poster for glorious Kim? There's plenty of them over here.

Best Korea doing God's work yet again.

Sure, you should follow the host country's laws or face the consequences. But he didn't deserve this. He's brain dead, from either incompetence or malice. Still, his parents should have never let him go to North Korea.

Stupidity kills. How stupid one has to be to go to the DPRK? And how stupid one has to be to steal a fucking propaganda poster, knowing that the Norks are just looking for an excuse to take American hostages?

He was probably a retarded leftist who thought that the DPRK is probably a-ok and everything bad they say about them is just porky propaganda.

Actually, yes he did. Choices have consequences. Personal responsibility.

Maybe he'll die then

Alternate timeline where he went to South Korea instead.

yeah he's quite the retard

$5 says he was injected with botulinum because he was a pain in the ass

Wasn't it proven that the agency he was travelling with was some communist-sympathising leftist group?