Islamic invasion

i'm terrified for my culture, heritage, people and my homeland. I want to stop them from coming, they need to go back and stay there and i'm terrified. Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, these countries were once great but now they're falling to fucking disgusting scum. I want to protect my own and the muslims coming in are wanting to rape our children and force islam on us. I'm genuinely scared, what can i do?

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Speak up when people are defending Muslims

i try but they dont listen and just disregard me as racist and it's terrifiyng

If they are under 30%-40% don't worry so much, there is so much hate between whites and arabs that they will not race mix. there will be only a strong minoryty of arabs your culture will not go away. if they are over 50% you're cucked

Expose them when they act up in order to effect enough public outcry that the local police or whatever has the backing it needs to take appropriate actions.

Once the local government has to admit they're a problem, then you have a foothold for going after the economic detriment. If you can reduce the free gibs, and they're still new enough to be mobile, they will begin to self-deport.

that gives me hope, but when i see german girls and norwegian women getting raped and murdered, my blood boils and i start to think if maybe hitler was right

Hitler indeed was right with a lot of things
So were many scientists until the dawn of american-jewish opression

Stop being a pussy and act as a man. What I mean: engage in discussions (at least!) with them in front of normies and expose them. By doing this, obviously, you will be under their radar and you won't be 100 % safe. Understand what I am saying?

Stop being a pussy. Period.

Ok. Why don't you expose your feelings then? I don't know. In social media. Wherever. Or are you scared they will call you racist?

Sorry goyim, Europe isn't going to be the monolithic culture it once was. It HAS to go through a transformation and Jews play a leading part in that role

DONT discuss muslims the people
DO discuss sharia / human rights

Maybe you should start by using your own fucking flag you EU KEK

right ok, i've sort of just recently taken the red pill and have just recently come to this realisation so thank you

Remove the duplicates and your faggot flag you idiot leaf

Discuss history and point out that the "muslim" authors of the enlightenment were Frogs who feared censorship. Maybe mentioning slavery of blacks and the rise of Islam trough barbarism in a civilized middle east is always a good lane. Also pointing out, that neo liberals try to capitalize on them might make some think

Seek self improvement

1. Read more (gives you a better understanding of reality and a better vocabulary)
2. Go to the gym (this makes you look desirable and gives your ideology good reputation)
3. Get more confident (if you are confident people will listen to what you say and not dismiss it at face value)

>DONT discuss muslims the people
>DO discuss sharia / human rights

You have to go back

Denounce the zionists, the only reason there is a muslim migration is because of neocons

Learn how to be anti-islam and pro-palestine and you will win any conversation

For example
" I don't have a problem with Muslims at all, we have to help people where we can, I just wonder how Sharia Law is going to fit in and what its gonna BE like.
What do YOU think it's gonna be like when they :
make being gay illegal (OR)
your sister/mother can;t go outside without you (a male relative) (OR)
start chopping hands off if a hungry person steals a loaf of bread;(OR)
stone your daughter to death for getting raped;
Just pick ONE, ask innocently what THEY think...

This will hopefully make them think...

People in Europe can get jailed for even engaging in a discussion about immigration on fedbook or disqus...look up Hate Speech laws -the opposite to the US

"scared my culture will die out"
posts with globalist EU cuck flag
ky u larping faggot