How would the public react if something came out with muslims hating on the Royal Family? Would it matter?
Just trying to find anything that will get your normies motivated against the mudslime.
How would the public react if something came out with muslims hating on the Royal Family? Would it matter?
Just trying to find anything that will get your normies motivated against the mudslime.
Muslims can get away with literally anything in Britcuckistan
No one would give a shit. Fuck off, burger.
Fuck you, just trying to help out the mother country.
their elites really do hate the english
A muslim could stab the queen and they'd just arrest her instead.
No-one would care, any respect we had for English institutions is long dead. It's a common sentiment that the monarchy is a useless relic of the past that sucks up tax-payer money. I blame our education system for this. If students were taught the role of the crown in government and the military, charitable contributions made by the crown, that the crown is a net contributor to the treasury, etc then they might be more inclined to respect the monarchy.
Britain is dead, don't expect anything from us.
>I blame our education system for this
what happened to the english education system?
What happened to the American education system?
Dumb question, user.
Assassinating the Queen may cause a stir up, though I think the Pope would be the true kicker.
was it dem joos again?
Isn't it always tho?
Also, gotta remember it's about dumbing things down to the lowest common denominator which would be niggers and spics so pretty low. Also whites are told over and over again about how bad they are for slavery and racism and everything horrible in the world.
Well, they were strong contributors to the sexual revolution in Britain so they certainly played a role in the changing public mood.
i thought that was all down to twiggy?
worry about your own country
Whites here have plenty of guns, we're fine in the long run.
Muslims could literally behead the Queen live on the BBC and the British public would say it's because we're not tolerant enough.
We are a nation of cowards. We deserve the terror attacks.
>what happened to the english education system?
Christ what a fucking ignorant question, grammar school were destroyed and in the 60s it was decided behind closed doors that history should be "taught" differently to suit the needs for a multicultural future. The focus of history was to be on the victims of certain events and never pride or accomplishment, for generations we have been taught to be ashamed of our past,embarrassed for colonialism and taught to be british simply means tolerance whilst missing out all of what it actually means. There's a really good analysis in depth of all this including names and sources of those responsible in peter hitchens book the abolition of britain. This doesn't even include btw the mass dumbing down and lowering of standards to allow more to qualify and have greater university numbers for 2 reasons 1. profit and 2. to soak up unemployment figures. Merit and rigor died in favor of equality.
yes your country may turn into a brazil-tier shithole but at least you have guns to defend your family against monthly house robberies
I was implying that when shit goes down, we're the ones that are armed tot he teeth, not the shitskins
you think the just under half the population of lefty retards give a fuck about the royal family? They want to see this country destroyed....
Why do you want shit to go down? You were on top a few decades ago, now your 90% white country has turned 56% and you have nowhere to go but down. Spics/blacks cannot run a successful country, history has proven it in South America and Africa. You could have sorted this out democratically and remained a rich crime-free superpower, given your children a great place to live in. No one gains from a long drawn out race war
no. leftists hate the royal family and anything to do with tradition
Wanting shit to go down and expecting shit to go down are very different. I wish things could be peaceful, but history tell me it won't. Reality tell me it won't. So best be prepared.
We all know they do anyhow.
The Royal Family doesn't enjoy universal support, those who aren't already redpilled would likely side with da moozys.
>I wish things could be peaceful, but history tell me it won't. Reality tell me it won't. So best be prepared.
And it was your own doing. Why user? Why did your boomer parents let it happen? Why do you and your peers continue to let it happen? You could have prevented this.
Why are your politicians letting muzzie into your country the way they are? You already know the answers, faggot.
>boomer parents
Yes, it's the fault of white people.
uhhhh leftists love the royal family
fuck the queen and her offspring
monarchy is cuckoldry
half the country would celebrate
Won't work.
Normies only think in terms of "minority" vs "majority"
Or the "oppressed" vs the "oppressor".
Royalty would be viewed as the oppressor. So it wouldn't work. To get the normie you have to make it look like Muslims hate a group of people smaller and less powerful than Muslims.
Muslims can blow up our kids, run them over, slit the throats and rape over 1000 of our girls, and the normie will not react. Attacking royalty is nothing.
maybe if you channel that butthurt into your local politics things might actually change
Who else? The US was 90% white in the 60s. They have their guns, they could have put a stop to this whenever they wanted. The sad thing is they do want it, while the far right in Europe becomes mainstream as we dip to 80-90% white, the Americans have let their country fall to 56% and that only makes them want more diversity. There won't be a race war in America, just a democratic takeover by the soon to be majority spics.
Well, the smart ones will probably come back to the British Isles, and we'll be restored to 98% white. It's a winner all round. They'll have to get used to playing World Championships against teams from other countries tho.
we shouldn't take them honestly, their "whites" have mongrelized too much, and look what a mess they've made in their own country. We've got enough immigrant lovers here as it is.
Pedro Gomez is a fyne olde English name...