/gwg/ George Webb general: Jason melts down

shit has gone off the rails

>yesterday Jason and George alert the Coast Guard to a dirty bomb threat
>today George is arrested in buttfuck nowhere Ohio on a DUI
>George has been incommunicado for over 24 hours
>Robert David Steele sent a really nasty voicemail to Jason, telling him that the NYPD is going to arrest him for filing a false report with the Coast Guard and that their relationship is terminated
>the Coast Guard says that one individual who isn't George has been detained for questioning
>some guy claiming to be George's brother, calling himself Dave Acton, has sprung up, claiming that George is schizo and that he has shamed his family. This is, I guess, in addition to his other relative (I thought he was a brother) who works for the NSA. (Nick Sweiggert, maybe?)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>(((meltdown))) coming soon
Screen cap this niggers. He will be in psych ward soon

Press R for RIP in peace


Poor George. Bumpu.

(((they))) got him, he's as good as gone and at the least compromised. Poor fellow

He'll be bailed soon.

can we get a serious discussion going on this I think its an important lead for the rabbit hole, but it has honestly gotten confusing as fuck. Usually I can figure out whats going on, but the zog has finally got a curious psyop going on


>George is schizo

>water is wet

things we already knew.

>Is his brother actually his brother or has George Webb been Dave the whole time?
>Is his brother a deep state operative trying to discredit George
>Is George part of the psyop with his brother to lead researchers down a never ending hole?