When MGTOW becomes anti-social behavior

MGTOW hurts women.

Should we institute a Bachelor Tax, like Canada?

How guilty should men feel about pic related type happenings, anons?

Other urls found in this thread:


>no one wanted 20 year old left over roast beef so therfore I should feel sad

Gas yourself

Consider the below article snippet:

>Dear Nice Guy, I Wasn’t Ready For You Before — But I Am Now

>I don’t know you yet but I’m so ready to date you. Seriously, I am.

>For a long time, I dated bad boys. Yes, I was that girl you blame for always coming in last.

>I guess I dated bad boys because, somehow, I liked their unavailability, sexy sideways glances, and late-night calls. I fed off the chase and mystery they provided me. I saw them as a challenge that I always happily accepted. Let me tell you, I’ve dated so many jerks throughout the years. A lot of times, I ended up being disappointed with how it ended with them, and wondered why I always had such blind optimism about these guys I clearly knew were jerks to begin with.

>But to be honest, I don’t regret any of it now.

>With all that being said, I’m ready to date a Nice Guy. I’ve learned all the lessons I need to learn from bad boys.


Men should embrace a woman who knows how to change herself.

We already have a bachelor tax

>Selfish cunt posts a quip on twatterbox about nice guys that are attempting to have a relationship by altruistic means
>Takes her life when she realizes she was a stupid, vapid, bitter whore
Weak genetics. They are doing us a favor at this point. The problem is, the ones not killing themselves are breeding with orcs, creating Uruk Hai. Just more shit white men will have to clean up during and after the war.

Canada was discussing it.

Clearly bait. This article restates pretty much verbatim why men go MGTOW. You can't expect us to settle for dried-up harlots.

I know we will need this

Damaged goods. Fun to fuck, but that's it.

Leaf get out reeee

>I rode the cock carousal for years and I've had now cum on my face and dick in my mouth than you can imagine
>I am sooooooo ready to accept your beta add now as a provider :)))))

I am not memetow. But I will not settle for a whore. I don't care that you've slept with other people. Just don't pretend to be something that you're not, and don't blame me for judging your past actions.

>MGTOW hurts women
This is the path women chose when they gave up loyalty and homemaking for promiscuity and economic exploitation of men. I'm not gonna dig women out of a hole they dug themselves into.

>Should we institute a Bachelor Tax, like Canada?

Should we institute taxing people for doing what they like?

By that logic, we have to tax feminists. If this is so, feminism and feminist adherents owe 50 years back taxes for choosing freedom from patriarchy.

Double standards, as always, from this gynocentric society.

I dated a girl like this. It is not that they can not find someone. It is they can not find someone perfect.

>But I will not settle for a whore

It takes surprisingly few sex partners for a woman to lose her ability to pairbond.

Most college age women have long passed the number 5 by the end of freshman year.

Yeah. That's their fault. Why should men be expected to look past women's own lack of judgment?

>I don’t regret any of it now.
This isn't someone that has changed, though. This is someone that thinks of themselves as "a more mature person now". These are empty words parading as an "article" worthy of your attention. All it is is a diary of her feelings at the time. The woman that wrote that tripe will forever look at her beta provider as an inferior. Her previous sexual conquistador lovers will, forever in her mind, be the best lays she's ever had.

Women, biologically and subconsciously speaking, prefer harems over monogamous societal norms. You know this because you are a woman posting in a predominantly male political board, pushing for "redemptive qualities" in these females where redemption is beyond their ability to comprehend correctly, or honorably. Your worth, as human history has shown time and time again, is as a servant to a male superior. Once you've fully realized that, you'll forever submit to sharing one Chad with 5+ other women, knowingly and willingly, as opposed to "settling down" with a truly "nice guy".

Your biological imperative demands it, and there's nothing you can do to deny it.

The bisexuals can work

Im about to turn 30 with no wife or children and am considering suicide as well.
My shitty job i hate and my shitty appartment i hate also plays a small roll but really its because im empty inside. Ive never felt so out of place, so lost. The rage cannot sustain me any longer

>It is not that they can not find someone. It is that they have any kind of standards whatsoever


>Should we institute taxing people for doing what they like?

Yes we should you ancap degenerate Kys

I wish women would understand that promiscuity has consequences.

this pic always makes me feel better about my life

buy a hooker if you want sex and as for children consider adoption?

MGTOW until no-fault divorce is repealed nationwide.





>It is they can not find someone perfect.

Did she kill herself, user.

Or buy a box of cats?

Also, these women are dangerous because they realize they were wrong about Romeo being the perfect man the first time he farts in bed.

And they are on the lookout for mister perfect again.

>Crazy Cat Lady in the making.

If youre going to commit sodoku then you should go out in style. Go and forcibley inject your baby batter into as many women as you can without getting caught. Then you can
But you just shouldnt commit sodoku period

If you think having a wife and children would fill your life with happiness you're very wrong.
t. shotgun wed guy

just another way to screw the men in this counrty

You are the most sexually viable and valuable in your mid thirties. You aren't even there yet, m8. Read this shit, and live it. Oh, and stop listening to (and treating as equal) women. Including your mom.

Change your point of view of women RIGHT NOW. They are not adults like you. They are large sized children. When you start treating them like that, they will start admiring you.

Just watch.

As for the rest of your situation;
Get in a car or a plane and go somewhere. Change your entire latitude. Go somewhere you have no contacts or leads. Meet new people, get a new job, and make a new life. Your life. Not someone else's vision for your life; but YOUR LIFE.


eat shit

> redheads

You're a faggot.

Men aren't the problem, feminism is the problem. As long as people continue to ignore the root cause of the breakdown of gender relations, it's only going to get worse. No amount of taxes or other quick fixes are going to work. Feminism has made women monsters, because it's removed the social norms that kept them in place, and it's removed the traditional tools that husbands have used to direct their wives' behavior. Women, in their natural state, without the necessary social boundaries placed on their behaviors, are psychologically and socially repulsive. It shouldn't surprise anyone that men are less and less interested in pairing with repulsive people.

Feminism is the problem. And not third wave feminism, or "some feminism" - all feminism. Every inch of it.

Redheads are a metric shit ton of trouble. Sometimes, and ONLY SOMETIMES, they are worth it.

feminism has proven the age-old folklore that women are easily corruptible, lazy, amoral, selfish whores is completely true. they aren't worthy of having the right to vote or attain positions of leadership. they aren't inventive or daring or original. they were put on this earth to take the cock and pump out babies, nothing more, nothing less.

In that case, you need to further taxed for enjoying posting freely on /pol

I don't know anything about natural redheads.

Eerily dyed-hair feminists like pic related and Big Red revulse me though.

>metric shit ton of trouble

Even so, they are always worth it.

Woman: I don't owe anyone a relationship
Society: Woah you go girl!

Man: I don't want to be in a relationship
Society: Grow up and be a proper man!

Nah man the bible did it before feminism. Look at the story of adam and eve. Eve was persuaded by the snake and adam followed because he loved her, but do you think eve would have followed adam? I mean we all know women arent cappable of love the way men are

>I wish women would understand that promiscuity has consequences.
you make them learn it the hard way by being an awesome, successful masculine leader and NOT committing to trash like them. this is how you create depressed cat ladies and that is what the West needs to scare some femininity into the next generation of girls.

Doesn't count at all

> women
> responsibility
> consequences.

you will lose that argument before you have started.

power corrupts, and women learn early in life that vagina equals being able to write the script that beta-baed civilisation will jump through hoops to please them.

the idea is out of their reach because they are spoilt from birth by this culture.

solution: feed them into the meat mincer of society and work that will punish them with the very laws they invented to sideline men, once there are no men left to be targeted by those laws


the fuck does mgtow mean?

Women seriously crave subjugation. Their inability to regulate their emotions are why they fail. It's how it is...! Evolve, bitches! Or don't, it's not up to me.

It means assertive behavior whereby one realises that we only have control over our own actions. we can't control women in their actions because thats automatically considered abuse and patriarchy. thus we ensure women are free to do what they like, which be extension means men are free to do what they like. anything else is manipulation or abuse. thus a feminist driven society attempting to shame men into a traditional role is implicitly abusive under their own terms.

What if this is a take over and only betas reproduce in western countries and create a weak generation that can be easily controlled


Men going their own way.

Based Popp explains all.



>girls that have had more than 5 lovers

Lets take it even further: No voting rights for women


You are essentially identifying what civilisation has always been. It enables specialisation in roles that go beyond the warrior/hunter primitivist lifestyle.

essentially, you have civilisation and you have the means by which betas can impress women in achievements that have nothing to do with traditional role models (provider/hunter/warrior/soldier).

Failure is built into the system. Its in fact a feature.

A woman with more than 5 lovers cannot pairbond.

Can someone please explain the redhead part?

Currently dating a redhead and I can't find some red flag for this.

The whole MGTOW movement to check out is simply a man's version of feminism. They're not happy so we are hearing the nonstop bitching (instead of improving or using the time wisely for other things). There is no need to bitch about it or announce it - that's what women do.
Simply use your time wisely, do other things but at least make them productive. Locking yourself up in a room, locking yourself away, playing endless hours of video games - all not productive, not healthy, etc....

I know, right?
It's funny seeing the same threads popping up every day. And Sup Forums always falls for it.

>it's MY responsibility to find and marry women so they don't kill themselves



I have to say, she is a natural red head with typical freckles.

> tfw you kill yourself rather than date "down"

> chad indirectly killed you because 9/10 men will fuck down for one night of fun, but never marry you -- too bad you think that turns you form a 5 into a 9 -- sorry bitch

and we will use the laws constructed by women to sideline men to inevitably enslave women into their role in the deathmarch of modern work while mgtow are freed from their traditional role.

Feminism has liberated men from having to do the dirty work that all women have BEGGED to take over. Women can have their corporate servitude. I'm off to play vidya.

>Should we institute a Bachelor Tax, like Canada?
There already is in many countries, because married couples often get tax breaks or discounts to state or local based contributions. As well as welfare for children, no matter the status.

The fact is that marriage and children cost a lot, the average UK wedding is £24k and the average UK child from 0-21 is about £230,000. So as long as the taxes are below that threshold, we come out on top winners.

If it gets too bad, we can just move to another 1st world country is who is looking for productive members of society with no family ties.

1. Daughters of single mothers.

Often means Daddy issues. And a mother who was dating a lot because Daddy was gone. Daughter grows up dealing with lots of tears and angst from a perpetually ditched Mom. And no good male supervision / role model. Some daughters of single mothers escape this (grandpa strong in her life; or a really good and stable stepfather before her wild years, maybe).

> #2. cutters

> #3. women with tattoos and eccentric piercings

> #4. women who have ever had an eating disorder

2-4 are self explanatory

> #5. Women who have had more than 5 lovers.

Studies have shown that a woman's ability to pairbond drops off significantly if she has had more than this. Which coincidentally matches Grandma's common-sense advice.

> #6. Redheads.

Hands down this one is the most controversial. To me it makes no sense, but I have never a redhead. Also, this probably refers to natural redheads.

> #7. Bi-sexuals.

Fun to sex with. A sheer disaster to marry. Avoid bisex women.

> #8. seems to be often about attention-seeking.

> #9. Weaboos and Wapanese.

Western women (even those who are genetically Asian) who live only to anime and Cosplay and who believe Asian culture to be superior in all ways

> #10. Victim women.

Not referring to women who have been victims, necessarily, but referring to women with a "victim mentality".

Women who need rescuing will carry that need with them from relationship to relationship.


The answer to the woman question is not MGTOW

The answer is White Sharia: become dominant and making women your property, covering them up and keeping them in line. It's what their shit-tests have truly been asking for and up until now they've only been getting it from third-world savages that make us look weak with our naive romanticism.

White Sharia rape gangs when?

My Mexica nigga. It's sour grapes nothing else. Men lead by example be someone who turns gold diggers down because yourè in shape have a career and life.
If the game is rigged you can opt out and still be a winner. These guys just won't accept being a loser single nor will they accept the 3 they are worth. If they had a 10, they would still be a loser

>MGTOW hurts women.
Oh come on. MGTOW is retarded, but women needs to take responsibility for their own mistakes.

Summer is a bitch

.Not guilty. Her life, her decision.

>MGTOW hurts women



Never. What a stupid thing to say. Men who try it your way end up in jail for a long time.

Especially if she has already chosen your replacement in her mind.

Yes, but it should target men and women over 30 with no children, not just men. We should also instate mandatory military conscription, replace world history with regional history in the classroom, make it illegal to divorce if you have children and there's no fault with either party, and do away with affirmative action and quotas. This will sort out the lack of national pride, civic duty and stable families that are ruining western civilization.

>but women needs to take responsibility

pick one.

Damn I feel bad for her. That's the type of woman I want. Mgtow fags will look at all the sluts, and act like women like this don't exist at all.

>Men who try it your way end up in jail for a long time.

Only if they do it wrong or are ugly or awkward

Oh, and btw, because there is no role for us MGTOWs other than enjoying our new found freedom, then there is no incentive to perpetuate the society that has sidelined us.

the beauty is that this will destroy the economy (as it already does) because no new promising generation will be produced to be taxed and worked into the ground ad infinitum.

migrants with more patriarchial cultures will thus supplant our "culture" wiping it out in the long game of 100s of years.

And I don't care, its now women's society, they asked for this future, so they can enjoy the collapse. of course, it means less to me than them because they have invested their means of "terror management" of their mortality (see psychology 101) from this society, which means they now have more to lose.


I sense a No True Scotsman defense boiling up.

Why not a bachelorette tax? OP is sexist! Women are strong individuals and don't need men to prop them up. Feminism has taught us that.

Single women owe me Neetbux for not blowing me. Bachelorette tax now!

A girl playing an electric guitar and playing Cities skylines and LA Noire is not a bad thing man. Good God are you guys really this autistic?

>kekistani flag
>wanting white society to collapse

Go back to r/The_Donald you lil faggot

> girls with eating disorders

Are you kidding? Some of the best women are ex-fatties who starved themselves into attractiveness

thanks to previously being fat they..

> don't eat much, get drunk easily
> actually have some personality ++
> give really good head / handjobs / anal and give it often
> are never quite secure in their looks, less bitchy/entitled
> want to please you more than normal women
> try harder to earn your affection
> probably have a hobby or two to entertain themselves
> Look like a 7, but feel they are a 4 -- isn't that every man's dream?
> knows the pain of being fat, never intends to get fat again whatever the cost

contrast that with your 8/10 or 9/10 stacy and who would you rather be with?

>> #6. Redheads.
>Hands down this one is the most controversial. To me it makes no sense, but I have never a redhead. Also, this probably refers to natural redheads.

We can all say that women with dyed red hair are an absolutelly NOGO!
But natural red hairs shouldn't be an issue?

Can attest to number 9 and 10, fuck me that was a horrible relationship. Weebs can't do anything in half measures

Here's an idea. We insitute a tax on single women because they're the ones with all the new money given their emerging role. thus they have all the power and thus they will be made to leap through hoops to get a man; they will be the ones that have to perform.

>because they have invested their means of "terror management" of their mortality (see psychology 101) from this society, which means they now have more to lose.

Can you illuminate this a bit, user.

I took Psych 101 and do not remember this being discussed.

Do you watch TFM's videos/streams by any chance? If so you should he really enlightens you with more information

men going their own way
It's some group that don't want women

>Why not a bachelorette tax? OP is sexist! Women are strong individuals and don't need men to prop them up. Feminism has taught us that.

THIS. This is ironically what I just posted too (just occured to me, see above )

Young Men Are Playing Video Games Instead of Getting Jobs. That's OK. (For Now.)

>The surprising thing about the stereotypical aimless young man, detached from work and society, playing video games in his parents' basement: He's actually happier than ever.


>Single women owe me Neetbux for not blowing me

Made me laugh.







Terror Management is the primary means by which culture is formed: the means to deny ones own inevitable death through symbolic immortality in the continuity of society and culture itself. It is a foundation of self esteem which provides a buffer against death-related anxiety.


Men should feel about a 3/10 in guilt in her case as her mom died. So a sense of pity. By average men would suicide themselves more often with far less attention. MGTOW should be ignored, bitter pussies.

Sounds interesting. I will check it user. Thx

Is it possible she was being a bit picky, user?

Because the UK is full of single men.

>And not all are chavs

Full name: Turd Flinging Monkey

If you can't find him using the acronym

You're full of shit
>t.Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Cum Laude

Based on feminism, women have just as much agency as men. to pretend otherwise is to play to traditional female roles (read: traditional and thus oppressive).

Thus women who off themselves in the way of OPs article are solely responsible for only THEIR OWN ACTIONS (assertiveness 101).

>kekistani flag
>wanting white society to collapse because you are sour you're not getting pussy

Go back to r/The_Donald you lil faggot

Then it undoubtedly an underpinning of Anthropology 101 which I am sure has close links to human psychology anyhow.