Political Discussion

Do you guys ever have serious conversations on here? If so, I'm down. Political theory debates, economics, ethical theories and how they effect your political stances. Anything of that nature would be really interesting. I'm an ancap, as you can see, and I just want to make sure I don't end up living in a bubble, if you can understand that.


As a general rule, I consider that any ideology out of the 12*12 center square of this diagram may look good on paper but will never work for real.
I am open to debate though.

Ancap doesn't work my dude. Progressivism and conservatism works.

Great discussion buddy.

How accurate is that chart? Would people actually agree with where those positions are relative to one another?

wheres the quiz at for this?

I would agree. Historically my political compass and those of others I know IRL have been within that range. It's just the crazies on here that get far edge results. I started in the social democracy area but have slowly worked my way to the libertarian side.

But what about the roads?

I thought it was weird that progressivism is on the right

It's almost impossible to have a reasonable debate here. Even less so on 8/pol/. /leftypol/ is sometimes alright, if a bit autistic.

>Do you guys ever have serious conversations on here?
Some of us try, but to be brutally honest, imageboards aren't really a particularly suitable environment for that. Attempts at serious discussion tends to get drowned out by memeing, trolling. Furthermore, the pace of posting that is generally necessary just to keep threads from falling off the board is not conducive to carefully considered arguments, and even if it were, the post-length limits can make nuanced language a challenge, especially when trying to reply to multiple people/posts at once. It's all just too frenetic.

>Do you guys ever have serious conversations on here?
He asks after posting a delusional chart where libtardation is shown as being the most balanced political philosophy instead of the fringe fanaticism of betas with severe complexion deficits and no marketable skills.

(-.3, -1) Just ask when you want the correct answer.

Anarchism is kind of a natural state, in that with no laws, groups will for and have tribal warfare and alliances, falling back on natural laws.

the upper right and the lower left will fail on the fact that they are contradictory. communism will always fail because of conflict for power and the inability for any one group to choose for everyone else.



I rarely see serious threads here.
You would have better luck finding a serious discussion on a non-anonymous site.

Those threads pop up occasionally but then they die once someone slides them with a picture of Varg and saying "durr hurr only blonde hair and blue eyed people are REAL whites" or some other horseshit and then your thread is kill.

>Serious conversation

shall post these more often


durr hurr only blonde hair and blue eyed people are REAL whites

rip in peace thread

Defuck?!? I Am a fucking libertarian just because I want to own land and I want the government to fuck off?

No. Have you even looked at the other threads on here. Half of them are just random bullshit and the other half is Pro Trump bullshit, white supremacy and fascism.



What political ideologies are in the authoritarian-economic right corner


Honestly I think you can extend a couple of blocks outside that perimeter and still have a sustainable society if your society is homogenous and has low unemployment/social issues. Things like socialism only become problems when certain groups (you know which ones) become a net drain on the economy and hold others back.

>tfw nationalist-libitarian

Yes all the time user, I have found discourse has gotten better since the flags came back, I personally don't identify with any of the new flags though. As I have major issues with all of the ideologies.

as long as you're not on the left side you're one of us, desu


Fucks sake user, I agree it's not central, but liberalism is a capitalist ideology and sits further right on the scale. Fucking Americans and their twisted view of liberals. It's a fucking meme it's the only country that's view of liberals is opposite of what they are.

I've been working out this new political ideology that does everything perfect inside my head, let me know what you think:

Meritocratic Socialism.

Describe meritocratic part

A brief description: Those who are the poorest will be given a large amount of currency. that would be capable of making them very wealthy. Think of it as an economic policy that liquidates the entire caste system. No one is poor, no one is rich, they either fluctuate between the two, or they become middle class. Meritocratic Socialism: A fair world, but you get what you deserve.

you would have to regulate the living fucking shit out of immigration

otherwise you have people coming in, getting citizenship,and sending money back to their hijos

Rather than try and be egalitarian and multicultural, you put every part of society in competition. A person's worth isn't determined by their inheritances, but by the hours that they work. Think of it (and I know this is dumb) as a match of Slayer in Halo 2. The best player is the one with the most skills, and the worst player is the player with the worst attitude.

That's pretty easy. It's working for North Korea. For all we know, North Korea might actually have something like this.


>I'm an ancap,

Please. It won't work, at least without the "Take the shit out of the rich to enforce the fair start". Otherwise you will have the McState, only without even fucking shade of common interest with the population.

if you regulate immgiration you will definitely have to keep the liberal far left in check, particularly globalists.

I'm just saying, giving all citizens a lump sum just seems like a lot of risk for a reward that is almost completely philosophical

Hey, could you explain me what are the main differences between Nazbol and Natsoc ? So far I don't see any

nazbol is a monster in lord of the rings

For me, the difference is simple:

Natsocs will out the jew, but will either close the eyes on native degenerates, or will employ mental gymnastics to call them jews.

I would gladly shoot both (((them))) and them. If you're "feasting" on your own, or even worse, lessen the power or quality of life in my country, for my nation, in my state, you are declared enemy, even if you are fucking aryan.

Also, I'm more skeptical on the "capitalism part" since I grew in Russia in 90-ies and saw a bit of how the "NAP non-violating" businesses tend to turn out. Especially during the start, when they gather their capital and power, both political and actual

That being said, "hurr durr own the means of production" rhetorics are autistic. I prefer simple approach: You make good luxury goods - you are ok. Your goods end up maiming/killing people, or you bullshit your way through the market - I am not going to wait for "market forces" to intervene and will strangle you with your guts.

Also, most NatSocs have unhealthy obsession with Hitler, while I would prefer more of the local authoritarians/nationalists.

Also, I'd easily be NatSoc, if Russian NatSocs weren't degenerate cucks and eiither white niggers, or (((aristocracy))) in wait to get control over local population.

Nazbols are like Natsocs if they really believed in making life better for their race. Nazbol drops a lot of the stupid idealism that has plagued neo-Nazi orgs for decades.

Thanks you for the anwser !
I should read more about Strasser...
Also this post finally confirm that Nazbols really reject marxism, that's very good as I mostly hear people here calling them degenerate.
Most of pol seems to be corporatecuck so its nice to see someone different for once.

I lie around "Your Penis has No Honor"
What about you?

Also, I look on the whole "welfare and education gibs" as more of an investment into individual to enforce his working ability and... let's say, prevent him from becoming a hassle, rather than either going full "it's duh right" or "fuck you your poorffag, put yourself by the bootstraps"

What loyalty or comradery before the face of potential enemy can be in the nation, if every individual is, pretty much, a lone wolf against everyone else?

Of course, it would work in nationally (if we speak about national state) (or culturally, if we speak about the confederation of several nations) homogenic states. And even then dealing with abusers should be present.

So I doubt it's the canonical Strasserism, but anyway, that's how I think things should be done.

PS: That being said, I am not radical and more of "if the things are nor helpful, nor harmful, put them away in case conditions will require those things, if things are actively harming - remove them".

However, in dire situation, I would without doubt go either full Natsoc (as a reaction to niggers ruining shit), or full Communist (that one is definitive for organizing community during (and after) nuclear war, since individuals, for example, being left to live for years in bombed metropoliten, pretty much, will both prolong their agony AND doom others if they will push for the "muh individuality/muh rights/muh property).

I could be wrong but, isn't the only difference between the two is that NatSoc what's a mixed economy and NatBol wants a controlled economy?

I personally don't care much about mixed economy.
Though I wouldn't trust first-need goods production into private hands without the backup in the form of state organisation.

It's like putting gun into nigger's hand while waving money before his face.

A mixed economy is what the scandinavian countries and Nazi Germany had, why don't you like it? Some things would be left to private enterprise, while the more important things ( like roads ,medication, science) would be provided by the state.

Didn't mean to Green text economy

Nazi Germany privatized and collectivized their industry at the same time, it wasn't really a mixed economy. It was a kind of weird Aryan social democratic system, but it wasn't sustainable. They were going to change everything after the war. Hitler really didn't give much of a shit about economics