hes right
I guarantee you this was taken totally out of context. Stop falling for the clickbait jew
Mmmm yes, inbreeding goy!! Sure, even though people were fine for tens of thousands of years when the human population was 1/10,000th the size it is now and was far more isolated, you're totally going to die from inbreeding if you don't import 40 million sandniggers and Africans RIGHT NOW!!!
Put it in a good context.
>Be Germany.
>Elect a childless leader.
>Childless leader tells you we need shitskins because no one is having children.
>Umlaut tells you that pro-shitskin policy prevents inbreeding.
>Poland says fuck off.
>Buh, buh, buh...
If migrants are so precious why do they want us and Poland to take them off their hands? Wouldn't the germans want to keep as many as they can for themselves?
Calling bullshit on that one.
No 'critical' levels of inbreeding will be reached among a populace of 740 million people.
What a cunt.
>catching at the last straw
hate this fucker
i pray that he lose his tongue like his legs
So the finance minister is now a scientist? Hmm makes sense.
Here's some context for you.
>Wir brauchen einen neuen Umgang mit Afrika und der arabischen Welt, fordert Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) im Interview mit der ZEIT. "Afrika wird unser Problem sein, wir müssen diese Aufgabe annehmen", sagt der Bundesfinanzminister. "Hart gesagt, hat uns der Mittlere Osten Afrika vom Hals gehalten. Das ist jetzt vorbei."
>Mehr Investitionen im Irak, in Syrien und in Libyen seien nötig, um die Fluchtursachen wirksam zu bekämpfen. "Und dann werden wir in der Subsahara mehr für deren Entwicklung bezahlen müssen", sagt Schäuble weiter.
>Die reichen Länder müssten sich viel mehr den benachteiligten Regionen zuwenden. Er werde gelegentlich von seinen G-7-Kollegen belächelt, wenn er für mehr Unterstützung der Ökonomien des Südens plädiere. "Das passt manchem nicht, wenn ich das sage", so Schäuble.
>Auch der Idee, Europa könne sich gegenüber der Einwanderung abschotten, erteilt der Bundesfinanzminister eine klare Absage: "Die Abschottung ist doch das, was uns kaputt machen würde, was uns in Inzucht degenerieren ließe. Für uns sind Muslime in Deutschland eine Bereicherung unserer Offenheit und unserer Vielfalt. Schauen Sie sich doch mal die dritte Generation der Türken an, gerade auch die Frauen! Das ist doch ein enormes innovatorisches Potenzial!"
It wasn't.
>Die Abschottung ist doch das, was uns kaputt machen würde, was uns in Inzucht degenerieren ließe“
"Closing our borders is what would destroy us, what would let us degenerate into inbreeding"
Then he goes on to explain the enrichment and openness turks are supposed to bring:
>Schauen Sie sich doch mal die dritte Generation der Türken an, gerade auch die Frauen. Das ist doch ein enormes innovatorisches Potenzial.
Look at the third generation of Turks, especially the women. There is enormous innovative potential
In an interview with weekly paperDie Zeit, Mr Schäuble rejected the idea Europe could close its borders to immigrants, and said: “Isolation is what would ruin us – it would lead us into inbreeding.”
Taking aim at opponents of Germany’s border policies, he said: “Muslims are an enrichment of our openness and our diversity.”
“Look at the third generation of Turks, especially the women. That is an enormous innovation potential,” he added.
Germany took in more than a million asylum seekers in 2015, and the issue of integration has seen rows over immigration dominating the political landscape.
>this man wants a revolution
>“Look at the third generation of Turks, especially the women. That is an enormous innovation potential."
Yes, the women that clean my pubes off of the gas station urinals are an absolute asset to the German State.
He should be killed for saying it. In a better time, he would be run out of the country, if he were even allowed to live.
>people actually use this argument with a population of millions
That's grasping at fake straws.
You know they have zero fucking logical reason for importing heaps of people and putting the native population at risk when they use muh food and other shitty reasons.
>In a better time, he would run the country
Of course not. He just advocated genocide. He's an authority figure telling your gullible women that it's inbreeding to have children with your own race.
Somehow, EU posting just isn't very funny at all.
He's right.
our retarded politicans doing it again
>if you don't fuck brown people, they win
I talked to a girl from >Berlin who bragged about have a black boyfriend and said that two whites having children is incest.
only because your hope hasnt died yet
give it a little bit
We don't live in an island like Britain. Inter-EU movements are still possible, we don't need niggers.
>our retarded politicans doing it again
That is per year right? Got to think of your country
>if you fuck your sister, you win
>tfw to intelligent to lose hope
So, no one calls them out on this shit?
It's funny to me.
Considering that the country is now full of muzzie bydlo, he is 100% correct with this statement (muzzies inbreed like rabid dogs FYI)
are people falling for this, or is he getting called out?
>be me
>see german woman with black boyfriend from across the street every day
>what the fuck, right?
>that whore
>he fit af
>got a company van
>owns that company
>works all day every day
>makes a shitton of money
>pays a shitton of taxes and contributes to society
>german women always miring his muscles when he's outside flexing them
>he always smiling
>i'm a NEET
>i sit here, shitposting on 4chinz, hiding behind the curtains
>he's a better german than i will ever be
>i'm actually jelly af
You've got a crazy imagination user, truly incredible the extent to which you can fantasize
You sound like a little cuck get /fit/ and stop letting your country be destroyed.
Not sure if bait or extreme cuck
Da fuck? Is this what they are telling these gullible females?
damn economic illiterate schauble
>successful blacks in Germany
Which alternative universe do you live in?
Yeah she also
>said she hopes white people don't exist a 100 years from now.
>ohnoes inbreeding if we don't racemix
>better racemix with the most inbred people there is
>population of 80 million people
>suggesting inbreeding as a potential problem
The only way this can even remotely make sense is that he's talking about the muslims who can't racemix anymore and have to CONTINUE inbreeding like fucking retards. Muslims are the most inbred group of people on the earth.