Ideologies Define Countries

Previous thread got archived so posting this again.

Okay Sup Forums it's time for some truth.

The country you reside in is NOT YOUR country unless 90% of its population believes in the same ideology as you.

You can not call it your country/homeland otherwise and it only happens to be a place of your origin and nothing more.

If your ideology is a minority view in your country, it's time for you to move on and find somewhere you can feel like being at home.

Who agrees with me and who disagrees? Put forth your arguments, I wanna hear each one of those, however shitty/idiotic it may be.

Also, the nu-fag parasites that came from r/T_d thinking they know what White Nationalism is and turning every thread into a race war, you stinky skunks are a cancer, not only to Sup Forums but also to the country you belong to.

90% would be nice. But my view is still a majority view even if way too many people have a variously poisoned mindset.

Still can't call myself a White Nationalist (I'm white btw) but if it sounds better every day.

It doesn't matter what you call yourself. My point is that the most harmonious places would be the ones rhyming to the same songs and not the ones that keep causing massacres because someone doesn't happen to believe in someone else's god.

Every time I attempted to argue for communism as a swedeposter, I got ridiculed for the flag instead of them trying to refute my points.

Never again.

Mate if I were the odd man out living in a sea of White Nationalists, I'd be happy as a clam as long as they weren't assholes that I'm slightly different.

I'm not causing any massacres, and I believe in a Christian God.

>Every time I attempted
>I got ridiculed for the flag instead of them trying to refute my points
Yes, I'm well aware of those krauts. I referred to them as r/T_d's in my OP but they could be trolls alike. These lice turned Sup Forums into a shitposting fest where debates had no value and no worthy arguments. Everything challenging view to refute was tackled by a simplistic and imbecile response like "your country/countrymen did this so you are responsible".

>I'm not causing any massacres
I'm not asking you to cause any massacres and you seem to have presumed my views to be of some sort you're familiar with even though I haven't exposed even the tiniest ones of those.

>and not the ones that keep causing massacres because someone doesn't happen to believe in someone else's god
I think you made an implication, even if you didn't mean it.

Better would be to preach the WN line of reasoning. As I said, I'm something of a fellow traveler.

>leave the country that all of my grandfathers & their fathers are buried in because the recent generations are retarded and have stupid political views.

Lol no.

>sticking to a place where you and you are unwelcome and seen as devilish/satanic/abhorrent/repulsive to point you can get arrested for differing than the mainstream.
You are deluding yourself.