You have F I V E seconds to explain why there needs to be a government...

You have F I V E seconds to explain why there needs to be a government, and why there can't just be people working together via the non aggression principle

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Because the common man is too stupid and lazy to self govern

If there was an ethnostate could libertarianism be possible?

Why you need a brain to dictate your actions, instead of the cells doing whatever they want.

organized crime, gangs and people in general not wanting to follow the rules of the game. You guys are delusional if you think millions of people can live somewhat peacefully without some government

You have five seconds to review Coase's theory of the firm in relation to transactions costs and re-evaluate your question.

>be people working together via the non aggression principle
You mean, like a government? What kind of drug are you on?

Who carries out the sentencing for crimes?



No, nothing like the government you cancuck.

In order for there to be a government, there must be a ruling class and a working class.

People working together via the Non Agression Principle are not ruling over other people. They are working together for themselves. Not against others.

The people of which defend each other

Why do you stupid fucking an-cap niggers think that a few people wont work together and form their own government? One that might even be stable and coordinated enough to stomp your asses into irrelevancy like every civilization ever.

>The people of which defend each other
That's what civil government is supposed to be. You can't get out of its necessary existence by calling the State by a different name, user.

He already admitted it in his answer to me right here. He is just tired of using the words "civil government" and "State."

>In order for there to be a government, there must be a ruling class and a working class.
>People working together via the Non Aggression Principle are not ruling over other people. They are working together for themselves. Not against others.

There could also be private police forces that assist. You already pay for a police force via taxation. Why not get to choose which organization is behind that?

Political science is no longer a viable topic, user. The forces at work are religion and to a lesser degree, race.


>hey, you!
It is an argument, user. After all, you asked me "why not get to choose..." and you got the reason why not. Apparently, you didn't expect anyone to disagree? Go ahead and explain your misbehaviour, T.B.H.

Are you still there or did you run away?

What does religion or race have anything to do with the non aggression principle?

it's an extremely naive way to look at the world
people are fucking evil, in what universe you think a country without police and laws would be anything other than pure chaos, rape and death?

>>There could also be private police forces that assist.

Said police are not controlled by any law- and if they actually fucking mean anything, are armed and trained.

How long until they fancy themselves a military- and then fancy themselves a state?

Fucking retard. The moment literally anyone comes together in an ancap "state" (assuming that some external force doesn't just roflstomp them), they will take power.

Hey, I've always wanted to ask a ancap this
Is SnowCrash based on ancap principles. There would be McDonalds with private armies?

>niggers band together to rove through shitty maintenance-bereft cracked streets, killing and raping

>muslims demand caliphate and form a militia, roflstomp all the ancapis around them and take control

There is literally no realistic way to keep an anarcho-capitalist area together for more than a single day. People are not fucking squeaky-clean group-thinking utopians, as much as your neet ass playing Bioshock 2 learned.


And for that matter. What is keeping the NAP together in the first place? Why can't some group with weapons just take over whatever the fuck they want, NAP be damned?

And on another note, who is regulating currency? A 'capitalist' economy implies that there is money that is worth something. If you have some kind of cabal that ensures monetary worth and standardization- you have a government.

N.A.P. and the other thing you mentioned, is political science which is no longer viable. Political science emerged from homogenous ethnic groups, the essence of which is religion and race. Heterogenous states are unable to co-ordinate political science including what you've stated your goals are, user.

To ban race mixing lul

b-but muh NAP :(

> be OP
> live in ancap area (not the banned S-word)
> roads are cracked and shitty
> no power for house
> no water for house
> house is falling apart
> grow food in front and back lawn to survive
> wife is dead, son is dying
> the local pharmacy was robbed clean the other day
> have 300 dollars to name, all worthless since no backing or law behind them
> go outside to breathe a bit, think about how to escape situation
> three niggers pull up in a scavenged car, step out
> they all have AKs
> lead negroid speaks up
> "give us all your food or we'll shoot you"
> what is this violation of your NAP
> "hey, the NA-"
> niggers shoot you multiple times
> hear them entering your house and raping your daughter
> bleed out on overgrown front lawn while all your food is stolen
> at least you're not a statist

The way any organization would achieve a wealth large enough become a state is with the assistance of the people who use their services.

If that organization becomes so large that it has the means of forcing people to use their services, then there would still be smaller organizations that those people can go to for help.

Never read it

If a group of people threaten to kill me and the people around me, it is not considered a violation of the NAP to fight back
The NAP doesn't mean being a bitch.

>regulating currency
No one single organization, and that's the point. If some organization (see the United States government) starts currency manipulating. Then that means that its users will abandon them.
Cryptocurrency is the way of the future
>but muh paper bills
Banks will hand out bitcoin backed dollars instead of debt backed dollars. Just like they did with gold way back when.

Why can't there be communities of which are homogeneous?

>If someone breaks the nap how do you enforce any penalties?
>Who is responsible to enforcing the penalties?
>Who gives these people the authority to enforce the penalties?

> people will turn to other organizations for help
Creating strife and effectively 20's China-style warlordism; you'll have fuckers that people band together under for basic supplies (which an ancap society cannot ensure the way an actual government can) and safety of life. Then one warlord takes over and forms a government to consolidate his power, meaning that the entire ancap venture was pointless in the first place.

> i can totally fight back and win against a group of armed guys out to kill me and loot my house
Even if this was somehow true, how is it preferable to not having bullets flying from sunup to sundown?

>muh cryptocurrency
hahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you're thick

>Why can't there be communities of which are homogeneous?
That would be ideal, but to get there co-ordinated action would be required and the heterogenous "community" which people live in today is unable to achieve it due to that lack of homogeneity I mentioned.

> you don't, except by shooting them and making the average city look like fucking Aleppo
> whoever has a gun
> themselves, as well as authority to do anything they please

lazy people realize they can take your hard work instead of actually doing something productive. also, we already had anarchy. then people decided that was retarded and started to form hierarchies and governments

Sounds like a hellhole


how these people continue to believe that ancap would work is incomprehensible

> 4000 BC or some shit
> Guy discovers agriculture
> Builds a hut and grows wheat, has a closed-in area where he breeds pigs for meat
> Good life
> Other nignogs hear of this and come flocking
> Agree to obey Nigfarmer if he gives them food
> Nigfarmer's words become law
> Agriculture spreads, but Nigfarmer has the biggest palace and loyal army and shit
> Nigfarmer decides to title himself "king"
> 2000 years later
> Some faggot descended from King Nigfarmer I writes down a list of shit people should and should not do
> Congratulations, a working fucking society

>Creating strife and effectively 20's China-style warlordism
That's not warlordism you fucking idiot.
It's people paying for services. What's wrong about that?

>> i can totally fight back and win against a group of armed guys out to kill me and loot my house
How is this situation any different than in a state?

Private police forces can have contracts to bring to justice individuals that are involved in the death of it's users.

>hahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you're thick
nod an argument

Do you know what happens when the State provides for young women benefits including health services, user.?

I'll tell you since I have doubts you'll figure it out yourself. It makes those young women independent from their husands and fathers, and they spend their prime years degrading themselves with sexual immorality and possibly having children outside of wedlock.

Again. Why would people want to pay for fucking services if all they can be guaranteed is bitcoins?

What the fuck are bitcoins good to have for in a society when you can just get a gun, go to the nearest house, and take whatever the fuck you want?

And why would a private security force exist if they could just as easily take what they want? You're assuming that such services would magically pop into existence the moment an ancap society existed.

This handy writing from earlier this month probably will score against those who run to the State with too much fondness.

I shouldn't be surprised that after a set amount of time christ-cucks would leak into a Sup Forums thread.

Also, that's beside the point of that post. The point being that- out of a million things an ancap society would do wrong- it'd fuck up the environment with literally no restrictions.


Ancap here. This x1000000, non whites and the whites who cater to them.

I lived in a very rural white county in Texas. About 10 years ago a few white property developers sold lots of the land to housing developments and shit skins moved into the apartments.

Now there's crime everywhere. A few whites made a lot of money, and the rest of us suffered. Which means more cops, there used to be 2 sheriff's for the county with a few deputies and then each town had maybe 20 cops at most while most towns had 0. Non whites and race traitors cause problems which causes the need for more govt which creates more problems and the cycle continues


Pictured: a street in an ancap society

i like roads

Because highly aggressive alpha males would pop up from time to time who would conquer everything by force.

Politics is a system to channel the energies of a particular kind of person we have in society.

Because people working via the non agression principle just leads back to government again. It won't be called government, but that's what it is.


Because what happens when some violates NAP.

>What the fuck are bitcoins good to have for in a society when you can just get a gun, go to the nearest house, and take whatever the fuck you want?
Because I'll kill you if you fucking try
Increased gun ownership in neighborhoods don't increase property crime. They do the opposite. Nobody wants to rob a house for maybe $1000 bucks of jewelry that they'd have to sell for $500, if it means they'll risk their lives.

>And why would a private security force exist if they could just as easily take what they want? You're assuming that such services would magically pop into existence the moment an ancap society existed.

>steal from houses a few times
>people either move far away or can no longer support themselves and become poorer
>take money from people who willingly give it to them in exchange for protection
>people don't become poorer and instead become richer because they don't have to worry for security

Which one makes more money in the long run?

One man's trash...

society needs the rule of law, the rule of law is the only thing that keeps another Louis XIV from ruling again. power dynamics will never go away, you are envisioning a naive, and romanticized, utopia.

Niggers of all colors

He already said he's for the functions of civil government;

>> 130097869
>Who carries out the sentencing for crimes?
>The people of which defend each other

isn't this one of the points of religion?
this. it can only work in small communities.

I already asked him and he already said he's for the functions of civil government;

>> 130097869
>Who carries out the sentencing for crimes?
>The people of which defend each other

>people working together via the non aggression principle
>expects people to follow the rules at all times

That's really naive logic OP

Why do you assume everybody is a model productive person who will not immediately resort to ganging up on the unfortunate and defenseless without a regulated law enforcement in place that doesn't discriminate based on whether you have a fucking Bronze Membership or not?

Even if every whitey is magically capable of functioning in an ancap society, inevitably you'll have the fucking Bloods and Crips or whomever- pick any nigger gang out of the hat- rolling around treating the entire society as their hunting ground.

If you want a degenerate "society" where walking down the street is liable to get you shot for being in the section of sidewalk in front of somebody's lawn, where drugs are as common as fucking chocolate bars and child sex slaves are in every nigger lord's base, you are nothing better than a nigger in terms of mental capacity.

>and i haven't even asked how roads are handled yet

Laffer's curve

>expects people to follow the rules at all times
He already said he's for the functions of civil government;

>> 130097869
>Who carries out the sentencing for crimes?
>The people of which defend each other

There doesn't need to be but we want one. We are people mutually working together with an NAP.


A government will always exist in some form

Self governance is still governance

thats my meme nigger. pay up or i activate the bomb in your comp

Would you prefer to have in the short-term publicly-funded roads or, for the long-term, strong families?

Because, user., it looks like you can have only one. Think about the 19th Century, without many publicly funded roads, and the 20th Century where roads began to become publicly-funded en masse, but the family unit disintegrated.

Because the first group to organize a government animating society will take over all the individualists.

That's about it. In the absence of government, you have private management of resources and security which is basically feudalism.

AnCap/An/libertarianism is basically communist-tier unattainable.

Better listen to this guy

> saying "it's my meme"
> lacking an Ifunny Gold Memeposter Membership

The bomb in your cranium has been activated. Pay 3700 bitcoins within 30 seconds or it will detonate.

>philistines who take politics for their religion, i.t.t.

What part of "PRIVATE POLICE FORCE" do you not understand?

>the non-existent government can't make any money if the non-existent taxes are set to zero.
In fact, you're proving my point and you don't even realize it. The way the laffer curve works is that it is a combination of growth of the economy vs taxation. If taxation is set to 0, growth of the economy is at its highest point but there's no government income. If taxation is set to 100, growth is negative (one could say there's no economy at all), so the government doesn't get any money at all.

The laffer curve theorizes if that there is a taxation percentage at which the growth is steady enough that maximizes the government income

Political science in general is unattainable right now, T.B.H., lad.

Fucking negroid. Both are good for a society, but I'd much rather have working fucking roads than tight-assed christcuck families.

As much as you seem to associate it with Milo Stewart-level retardation, the 1920s women's rights movement wasn't necessarily bad. Grow out of your shell and stop looking at anything that doesn't fit your description (well, idealized description, given that you're a nigger) as a stereotype.

>silly people who believe politics is any match for religion, i.t.t.

Maybe the Mozzies and Roman-Catholic Hispanics disagree?

because of the N.A.P..... "Assume a perfect world why...?" stupid fucking question...

user., you're as bad as the one with the An.-Cap. flag. Political science is deader than dead.

Do you think your Mozzie and Hispanic replacements will be able to build and maintain roads coast-to-coast? Take a good guess now, because you're never going to find out for sure...

Go read you mindless twat

On the subject of private police, what is stopping them from ignoring anyone that doesn't sign up for whatever rate they dictate?

I'd love to be stabbed to death in an alleyway with a cop standing on the corner nearby, just because I didn't have his corporation's Gold Anti-Murder Membership.

It works, to a very disjointed extent, but it's still a degenerate society. I'd rather take fucking Communism over ancap if I could at least be guaranteed safety from being murdered in the street by a nigger for literally no reason.

because you're a violent demagouge who demands things from others thus proving that you are not worthy of the utopoia yo useek

so apparently giving women the right to vote instantly equals race-mixing and hispanic overflow?

>On the subject of private police, what is stopping them from ignoring anyone that doesn't sign up for whatever rate they dictate?
They're allowed to do that you idiot. But the amount of people that will sign up is determined by the rate at which they charge. This is simple economics you fuckwit.

Go read a book if you're still confused. This is how literally every business works.

>just because I didn't have his corporation's Gold Anti-Murder Membership
It's up to you to get membership or not. You knew the consequences here.
What's so bad about people just making choices?


Fire brigades used to be run by insurance companies

Ancap society would barely work. It wouldn't immediately crash and burn- such an event would only be likely, not certain- but it would be unavoidably degenerate any way it turned out.

And that's all assuming that the neighboring country, with a proper armed forces and direction, doesn't invade and put up a new government on the pretenses of "peacekeeping".

It inevitably does. But what is so shocking about finding somebody who agrees to that, user.?

Why do you even need the NAP ? You're better off having most citizens not fear death, and understand the consequences of their actions.

Used to be.
Nowadays they're government-run because nobody wants to watch their children burn to death because they didn't subscribe to a fucking insurance company.

Describe the entire process to me and how it MUST become degeneracy in the end.

Hardmode: Don't use retarded christcuck rhetoric or "because Hitler said so".

Maybe that town just hadn't moved on since the 1800s?

So in other words, have laws?


Possibly. It's still no excuse though.

> be OP
> don't know how to counter the opposition's point
> respond with "that's not valid"
> victory.png

There needs to be a government to promote the Lord Jesus Christ's message on earth.

This is self government:

Militaries exist