What's that about Asians again, pol?
What's that about Asians again, pol?
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Buck toothed fishniggers
They have higher IQs than whites. They also have less creativity and are basically ant people. Just because they're slightly smarter doesn't mean I want to live with them.
Reeks of propaganda.
US troops used to blindfold them with dental floss before they shot them
The light ones are manipulative backstabbing fucks on a level only matched by the kikes and the dark skinned ones are on par with spics and niggers.
They will be our mentats after we rightfully outlaw thinking machines.
Why do asians have black and red dicks? Always wondered this.
He is successful but still an Asian boi. He can't stop his women from being fucked hard by BWC
Why are their nipples brown?
And what exactly has this guy done for anyone else again? He seems like someone who does things just to give he impression of being "successful."
>You may be cool, but you will never be: discovering Calculus and all of modern mathematics and quantum mechanics and creating the atom bomb and incinerating thousands of japs while at the same time conquering Asian pussy cool.
This too. Anyone know? The males have hugeeee areolas.
Bumping this
>ooga booga
>muh dick
>they may have a higher IQ but they don't have no soul, creativity or culture
Are Whites to Asians as Blacks are to Whites?
Nothing, leave them alone, and keep an eye on commie chinks spies
T. Asian
lol yes.
Someone answer about the males dicks and nipples
Someone is gay
You sound like nigger bargaining claiming blacks are better than whites.
seems like a good guy, really impressive credentials, doesn't mean I wouldn't rather live in a white nation than an asian one
Ccoolerldridge is still cooler
Someone needs to know why they have black dicks and huge nips
He seems smart enough.
at least better than whole Sup Forums
first of all, No Harvard, undergraduate and graduate is in Sup Forums
No I am not, but is he ever be "had sex with an actual human being fool?" I dont tthink so
Fear, just look at Vancouver or Prato, or Gao ping in Spain. Mainlanders can't be trusted. The rest are great in their own countries.
Someone answer about the males dicks and nipples pls muh fetish and wanna know why
I don't know what you're on about, chinks are very tribal/clanic, if anything whites are more like ants with our follow the leader mentality.
that was jews tho
Isn't china like that and laos?
Lifetime public sector leech, wow
>They also have less creativity
>is on a Japanese knockoff board
>chinks are very tribal/clanic
>whites are more like ants with our follow the leader mentality
The chinese tradition of rulership is to intervene as little as possible.
Most dynasties collapsed due to peasant revolts lasting decades.
user this is a widely accepted fact
I'm training for buds maybe one day I'll be like johnny space man
Huge soy intake as part of their diet.
It's not actually him
Why don't the females then
We like asians. This is a gook toon website.
>all those credentials
>doesn't marry a white woman
seriously what is wrong with asians
Why would you marry a dumb whore who'll age like milk, will cheat on you and divorce you with a 150% of assets settlement ?
Why marry at all? TRAPS IS WHERE IT IS AT
nah i have seen some ivy league posters in the college threads. no idea where their views stand with regards to pol's, but hey, they posted in the thread. jared taylor went to Yale as well, but he was a fucking miracle of chance
If only traps can retain their looks past 30.
Proof? Surgery exists to look young.
Is that guy asian or white
So watch for Asians with sapho juice stain?
I mean most have no souls
I'm a white guy with 7 deployments spread over OIF and OEF. I served in conventional infantry units and later with AFSOC doing cool guy shit. I never bothered to count how many 'combat operations' i've been on. Now I have a forestry certificate and live off my myriads of VA benefits and disability payments. I also work as a janitor at a local community college now.
Experiences may vary.
I was a 68W with 2 deployments and went straight to firefighting. Double dipping using that GI bill to go to school for the sweet $2200 stipend and a worthless degree in public health.
Semi related but my buddy is a school janitor in Winconsin, seems all that area beautification paid of for us.
>thinking degrees and a space ship will make his dick bigger
Its amazing the motivation a masculine flaw can give to overcompensate.
But they c-c-c-c-cheat in all those IQ tests though right?!??
Why cant they use their degrees to get bigger dicks
This thread is obv bait but an actual discussion might be fun.
1. Asians are less creative, as evidenced by fewer Asian achievements / inventions.
Comparing this to black people rationalizing themselves against whites is not applicable due to the blacks' complete lack of achievement.
2. Like women, asians have a more shallow bell curve for intelligence. Their IQ is higher, but they have substantially fewer people of truly exceptional intelligence per capita.
3. Asians very likely do have the aforementioned IQ advantage, but it is important to note that in all of these tests, they cheat constantly, likely inflating the numbers.
And just some food for thought, the average Jewish IQ is 117, and on top of that they are more like to have people of exceptional intelligence than both asians and whites.
>falling for the vaginal jew
when will losers learn
theres no Asians or blacks in the navy seals, their genetic makeup is insufficient to be an extreme warrior as required by the premier special forces groups
>Military Service
>Professional Student
O-ok i guess
Why bother going to university for all that time then?
sage for gook shit
That is kind of stupid. He said his calling was medicine then he ditches it after going in massive debt and years wasted in the medical field to go become an astronaut.
He should had become an astronaut first at least.
I want to bring this up, why are there no asian youtubers who are huge? Like on pewdiepie level. Markiplier is a hapa so doesnt count.
Hey man, thanks for your service.
Nigahiga - 20 million subscribers
VanossGaming - 21 million subscribers (with his white girlfriend)
RiceGum = 6 Million subscribers
Sam Tsui = 4 million subs
Someone should be able to figure out how to get big dick
yes because
A. asians cant drive
B. niggers cant either
Shiettt didn't know nigahiga was around anymore. Honestly havent heard of rest.
Sure call me when he has an original thought
wait wtf is that vanoss?
fuck I'm going after canadian bitches now
>wait wtf is that vanoss?
Vanoss' real name is Evan Fong.
Amwf hmm did this happen before or after guy was youtuber?
quoth the dude who sits in his basement gobbling the Cheetos
>tfw you are a quarter Asian lulz
>Honestly havent heard of rest.
You should check out Ricegum since he is blowing up right now. His recent vids are getting mad views.
Find it funny so many asians ive known irl and seen online use rice in names.
Also thanks for the list man
The hard part is realizing that the woman you pick is ultimately your choice. Physical age (slow decay) is inevitable one. Best to factor in a woman with a good work ethic and sense of humor, trust me.
white russians are asian
you mean orienatal
and poos are middle eastern
Why dont women think we age bad
Is there actually any asian americans on this board? As in born and raised in america. How do you think white women treat you vs how white men are treated by them?
how the fuck did your forebears mix east asian with mediterranean
>Why would you marry a dumb whore who'll age like milk, will cheat on you and divorce you with a 150% of assets settlement ?
because your kids won't be white
you're just a grass is greener fag
maybe get out more instead of assuming shit because some white girl didn't want to fuck you in high school
Because men don't have saggy tits to worry about. They just look more rugged. Women get loose pussy
blacks don't have culture either, just violent social programming from the jews, (hth)
>Because men don't have saggy tits to worry about. They just look more rugged. Women get loose pussy
How bad is your body dysmorphia?
What makes you think you're like George Clooney? And not some normal jag off? Do you really think you really get more handsome with every wrinkle?
>Because men don't have saggy tits
yeah but you do
so, what's jazz?
Probably why blacks think about whites considering most (((modern music))) is by blacks.
Women usually go for older men don't they? That is what happens. Tbh I am scrawny bean so I have other issues. Older men are more mature and rugged looking. The beta men will stay the same.
I think there is only one asian rapper currently and he isn't even mainstream.
The evolution they would have taken had it not been for the CIA Jew niggers infiltrating the art scene by furthering post modernist degeneracy
in 2017, its music old white people listen to
its kind of amazing how much better white people made black people in such a short span of time; its too bad they've mostly blown their one chance
>spending his entire life in the public sector and academia
take your reddit opinion back where it belongs
Sometimes I think Asians are ancient aliens, or like the genetically disfigured ancestors of some ancient aliens and they abandoned them on earth because they were all ugly or something, that's why some Asians look good and others look awful, the ones that looked good were the liberals of the society and stayed with the uglies cause "muh pity".
Which are the good ones then?
I only date whites.
gtfo shill
>thinks getting accepted into an astronaut program is cooler than starting your own private space program to colonize Mars
Whitey still winning.