Why do you think society views pedos more or less worse than murderers? I know this is a common theme that I've seen in society.
Pedophiles vs Murderers
There might be a justifiable or understandable reason to murder someone but there is nothing that would excuse a pedophile.
And if you ask me, I'd rather be a victim of homicide than be a victim of pedophillia.
Would you rather have your entire life be permanently fucked up, or not live any longer?
because children are innocents
Pedophiles are so bad that the majority of murderers and serial killers would kill them. Pedophiles don't last in prison, people who abuse children never last long in the presence of justice.
Because society has become feminized.
>There might be a justifiable or understandable reason to murder someone
Justifiable homicide=/=murder. Murder is unlawful killing of a human being.
>there is nothing that would excuse a pedophile.
Little girls are the sexiest females. There's no excuse for not being attracted to them.
why on earth are pedophile and murderer in the same sentence.
>surely this can't be happening
>i must be seeing things
>it can't be that this has happened before
really joggins your noggin
You're one sick fuck, Oleksandr Kukichenko
1) Children are completely innocent victims and are very vulnerable with no means of defending themselves from an adult.
2) Murder can sometimes be justified (heat of passion, altercation that went too far, etc.) while molesting a child is something that NEVER has to happen, for any reason whatsoever. There is literally NO justification for molesting a child, there may be a justification (or at least partial justification) for murder.
3) The selfish nature of the act. The pedophile molests out of sheer self-gratification and in the process permanently scars an innocent victim. Again, it's an act that has no necessity.
4) The imbalance of consequences in the aftermath. The child has to live with the trauma the rest of his/her life, the pedophile just keeps being a pedophile. The murder victim is dead. They cease to be. The murderer may or may not feel guilt afterwards, based on several circumstances.
When you get to jail as a murderer, your cell mates will be wary...if you go to jail as a pedo, they will kill you for the scum you are...
Let kids simply be kids...
Some prisons prevent other inmates from finding out the nature of crimes of child molesters, so a lot of prisoners don't know what some of their inmates are in for. These freaks are essentially protected in some cases
In Canada yes, they have protective custody...in the states generally, no...your in with general population...
both deserve stoning
Murder can be justified, Pedo can't.
There's nothing attractive about women who can't bare children yet. They are supposed to invoke brotherly and fatherly love so that you protect them. Not romantic love.
Spent .015 seconds doing a law search.
Justifiable homicide is a thing.
Justifiable child rape is not.
user is correct.
inb4 "emergency sex" has been attempted as a child rape defense in Germany. That guy lost.
>Shit their pants
>Pick their nose with their bare fingers
>Play with and/or eat their boogers
>Never wash their hands
>Use their sleeves as a napkin
>Never puke in the trash can or toilet, always over themselves or on the floor
Children are fucking gross.
because if we didn't prioritize the well-being of children as a species, we would not be around today
>I'm mad but have nothing to say
Okay, great
>There is literally NO justification for molesting a child,
Love is not bad.
>in the process permanently scars an innocent victim
How a healthy living relationship "scar" a girl?
>.if you go to jail as a pedo, they will kill you for the scum you are
This is bullshit repeated by feminists like you to fuel your moral outrage. It isn't true.
>Love is not bad.
If by "Love" you mean wanting to have sex with them, then no, that's not justifiable.
Because there can be excuses for murder most people can understand like it being a time of war/they're an evil person the law isn't dealing with/it's self-defense or defense of another/an ongoing feud that keeps escalating/a dispute between criminals/walking in on your wife getting blacked/a spouse that keeps abusing you, ect but to molest a kid you're doing it entirely for your own gratification.
Also most people know someone who was sexually abused but getting murdered is pretty rare so it hits close to home for more people.
>implying you wouldn't kiss and eat out a girl like this
>Shit their pants
Not after a year/year-and-a-half age. By time they're doable they're long past potty training.
>Never puke in the trash can or toilet, always over themselves or on the floor
You're talking about babies.
>Love is not bad.
A child has no concept of "love" in the sexual, romantic sense and if you think they do you are completely delusional.
>How a healthy living relationship "scar" a girl?
This presupposes that having a sexually intimate relationship with a child is "healthy." It's not, and that's why there's laws against it.
Fugg I need to grow up.
fuck is wrong with you user
Nothing a trip to North Korea, some botulism and a sleeping pill can't fix.
Yeah, no, I wouldn't, in my personal opinion, yes the age of consent should be lowered to 16, because that's when someone can be a reasonable human being and can start making their life decisions, but a girl/boy that young is just not capable enough to make their own decisions yet. You my friend are a sick fuck, and if you ever molest someone, which is not far from plausible, I wish you the worst in prison.
Age of consent is already 16 in most of the developped world.
pedos are child killers.
all child killers are treated equally whether it's a murder or a psychological assasination.
Neck yourself filth
In the the ovens with you
Not America though t+b=h.
You'd best hope I never find people like you...they will never find your remains...
Murderers are cruel, but all things considered, once someone's dead the suffering has ceased. And life seriously is not as precious as we make it out, it's almost 100% likely to be better than what we got going here. (Yes, atheistfags, even if it's "nothing". Because "nothing" is just another word for that which cannot be rationalized and conceived by our minds, a.k.a. Heaven or God).
Pedophiles on the other hand inflict pain and trauma that lasts lifetimes. They take the predatory personality to its vilest and sickest extreme, and the crimes of a petty murderer pale in comparison
I hope someone murders you disgusting pedoscum. It would be a murder I fully approve of.