I thought this was satire but it's. Enjoy getting sued by trannies for not saying Ze and Zer
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Wonder how big the Canadian human rights tribunal is going to get when faced with the incoming massive influx of lawsuits. They might end up with their own parallel police force.
>it's real
imagine being a Canadian right now
the only option is to refuse to speak to anyone who wants to use a non-standard pronoun, for fear of risking a lawsuit
more reasons for liberals to migrate to cuckistan
Will draisaitl fix this?
Chai is wrong. Trudeau is not smoking a blunt, as weed is illegal.
The only option is to make your pronouns things that trigger the left and watch as they're forced to say them.
>omg, I told you, my pronouns are nigger and jewsmustburn
>xe walks into store
>gets greeted with "Good morning, ma'am"
>xe explains that xir gender is xorg, and not female
>clerk answers "Whatever you say, ma'am"
>xe calls 911, the rainbow police arrives within 30 seconds
>ask clerk if he admits willfully misgendering, if he denies, xe can provide proof and/or witnesses
>clerk gets arrested to protect the community, later sentenced to pay $250,000 in fines, a six month prison term, and probably additional damages in civil court
You'll just to figure a way to use it to your favor
Have you never been discriminated against for identifying as a man?
nigger have a good point
Trannies are mentally ill
Can't do anything because me being muslim overrides that memelaw hahahaha
>dog blowjobs
>trannies are infalliable
>homos are protected
>islam is soon to be alongside trannies and homos
Does my govt. even realize how retarded their policies are?
Let the leaves do what they will. It will soon be fall and the gender fluid leaves will have no laws to hide behind when they fall and ahkmeds truck of peace arrives. Then America will have to come in with the rake and clean it up so that nature can take its course up there again
How long until Justin the Cuck to accidentally calls a man a man and gets sued so badly he has to use taxpayer dollars to bail himself out?
When will that idiot of a Canadian PM get assassinated? I'll laugh if it happens.
I hate this man and that he's ruining my country
can't wait to move to iceland
If I go to Canada, can I claim my gender is gundam?
Can't wait for day of the rake
Put a fucking bullet through my skull
Brilliant. This will send a strong message to bigots everywhere, especially in the age of Trump. I am so proud to have this man as my Prime Minister.
can the chinks just genocide us already
Feddie FUCKING scum. Check your lunar titanium privilege.
But you are proud of being fucked in the butt too.
So it's not like it amounts to much.
it's not any better here.
besides if you don't learn icelandic gtfo really.
His very next tweet was about celebrating Ramadan .
Do leftists have no self-awareness?
Policing speech will NOT change opinions or viewpoints.
And if there is an ACTUAL bigot being forced to comply, this is only going fuel that hatred even more.
Canada is becoming a giant red pilling machine.
Bump incase someone missed this thread
my prefered pronoun that must now be used in all goverment communications is
>accuse them of misgendering you
>say your pronoun is sire
>break down into tears right there and sue for damages
Just a month ago they were saying how there was nothing dangerous about bill c-16 it will never be a law and will only be a recommendation.
>implying this isn't the greatest thing ever
>sexually identify as nobleman
>pronouns are your highness, your grace, your majesty
>if plebs don't refer to you as a noble you can have them sent to the dungeon legally
>Canadian law forces them to bow down of face your wrath
We neo-fudalism now boys
you should be castrated
>Sup Forums thinks words will stop them .
Well good thing I don't talk to people anyway.
For knowing my pronouns yet refuring to me as "you" I shall have the Canadian tolerance police throw you in jail
Faggot & Dicksuck
Dyke & Cuntgobbler
you forgot to say "your majesty" you peasent
>tfw I live in Canada but I work for a weed company and Trudeau won't legalize weed so I can say fag
I want to try this out actually
i'd sue you for that. pretending someone is invisible is often worse than bullying them.
id sue you for everything you got filthy bigot
dont ever come to my country privlord
my gender is xfree86
Props to the leafs not hiding behind a different flag. At least you're owning it. Now fix your goddamned country.
Nah, you have to say something that's too far out.
Like bald eagle or touhou.
Easy fix...
Go to meet Trudeau, let him call you he or her (depending on your gender), and then sue him for not using your made up pronouns.
>Don't call tranny by made up pronouns, use he/her instead.
>Get sued
>Go to court
>Wait till prosecuter/judge refers to you as "He" or "Her"
>Countersue immediately (Like they could prove you aren't a xir/zir/sheera.)
IT will stop the bill in it's fucking tracks once they start bleeding from the fucking wallet.
I fully support this.
What a joke of a country.
I have was is referred to as rotational gender.
>From midnight until 3:15 my pronouns are zer and zim
>From 3:15 to 3:17 they're xax and sax
>And from 3:17 to 8:00 they're zip zop biddly warp wop bam boo.
For the rest of the day I alternate between these every thirty seconds, and if you don't call me by the right one I'll sue.
!! so are you a deranged man or woman? (as per your real birth gender aka only gender)
They enjoy this.
Can they really sue an every day citizen for refusing to use Ze or Zer now?
jesus christ, canada.
>Sup Forums blowing things out of proportion yet again
Americans literally suspended habeas corpus yet I've never seen a single post about it here.
Until I come to Canada and report you to the thought police for misgendering me. I'm an Apache helicopter that answers to Apache and Apachii, and you absolutely have to use them. Congratulations, you just reduced your cause to a joke.
Eventually we'll just sound like aliens to avoid offending anyone.
>Greetings, human.
>Hello, fellow Earthling.
>Have a nice day, sapient bipedal simian.
how long until the canadian common people loses its patience?
the Germans lost it after an economic crisis.
The fuck is a ze and zer
Canadians don't give a fuck about anything. We literally vote based on how much we hate the incumbent. The Liberals will have a tiny minority government next term, and then we'll have a conservative majority. Rinse. Repeat
peak degeneracy
I'd hate to be a teacher or college professor in Canada, being expected to know every snowflake's gender and pronouns
Why is he so annoying Sup Forums?
Parallel police enforcing Zer-ria law. BTW my preferred pronoun is KEK you cis-leaf shitlords.
what a fucking cunt
Fuck you fa
>I thought this was satire
our country is satire so you were right
thinking every about leaving
How? Just . . . why? Oh my fuck.
> invent a gender which suits all our needs
> preferred pronouns: his majesty
> make it a gender which looks down upon other genders (hey, it's in "his majesty's" nature)
> get called his majesty
> have a valid excuse for not respecting other's pronouns
> beat them with their own weapons
> probably won't work though
might be worth a shot