Uh guys?
Other urls found in this thread:
im interested..
trolling is a art
>NY Slimes
>washington compost
Those are some top tier bants
His twitter feed is full of people who think he is trolling.
I can't tell.
wtf I love Cuckabee now...
Is it related to this?
gee why would Mueller want to talk to someone from arkansas? anybody know anybody else from arkansas by any chance?
Mueller didn't call you. You're a fucking liar.
is mikek /ourguy/?
christian fundamentalist? check
baptist? check
right wing? check
libs dont like him? check
He should have won. Lord forgive us!
Huckabee has been inspired by Trump and Kek.
what a loser
Something going down
Was he spied on by Obanga, too?
BASED huck
not a clue
how can you call someone to say you want to talk to them? you're already talking to them if you told them that. FAKE NEWS.
(((Rosenstein))) basically denying the leaks IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF that is a real document.
Oh noooo... its over now for drumpff-da-da-lumphifies....
Drumplestiltskins btf-oooooo
The got him this time for sure...
Had to check that was a real tweet. Fucking lol
Arkansan here, fuck you.
huckabee must be halfway redpilled even if he's a libtard
I was talking about the Cli----...no...I will not explain it to you. Just suffer.
Lol suffer...
Yupp arkansas is shit buddy you don't ever wanna come here, please anybody reading this also please don't come here it's only incest and famine and disease and deserts, nothing to see here.
Fuck off, ark kansas. You're not even a real state name, you just took a better state's name and added two letters to it, you bunch of fucking hypocrites. You're as bad as people from kansas city being pissed when people ask " how's kansas".
Yupp. Kansas totally existed before arkansas. The name wasn't totally taken from Arkansas and had the "ar" taken off. You know alot about history and the formation of the United states don't you? you smart cookie you...