Oathkeepers BTFO out neckbeard alt-right larper, suggesting his signs and memes are more appropriate to comic con.
BTFO Oathkeepers put plebbit alt-right neckbeard in chokehold
Other urls found in this thread:
oopies, forgot the vidya
>muh civic nationalism
Pic related, "white hispanic" natural conservatives!
Nothing more than a bunch of retarded boomers who believe race is a social construct.
They aren't wrong. Civic nationalism is truly soemthing tho.
dude, for a bunch of boomers, they did put the neckbeard plebbitor/trs dues payer in a chokehold.
Why are those who use TRS are such huge larpers?
>dude, for a bunch of muslims, they did fly a couple of airliners into some skyscrapers
And you're going after the alt-right larper while you post with a Kekistan flag?
pic is the 4ft little faggot spic. not only does oath cucks have shitskins to the brim but they've got actual communist in their ranks. that's not even mentioning how they support antifa/blm
civic cucks not even once. they won't rest until their wife and daughters are blacked
alt right chalk niggers are cringey af
> come hoping for a Sup Forums Meetup
> no polacks in sight
> Get beat up by a bunch of cuckservatives
I feel bad for this dude
There were Sup Forumsacks and Stormfronters there, this guy just invaded the OathCucks safe-space.
Oathkeepers are faggots.
Bruh, because you lost your imaginary culture and the muslims are doing everything to maintain theirs, it doesn't mean shit. Larpers like you aren't gonna make america great. It's civic nationalism that will propel trump to a second term, because civic nationalism is the single most powerful idea, one that can reclaim the greatest of the american experiment, it's one the founding fathers (founding of the only nation on this planet that is a super power) developed and understood. One that defeated NatSoc, that literally excelled in terms of development compare to any european country.
Germany is cucked because they simply cannot have nationalism without the implications of NatSoc larpers, we americans can and do have it without that cringey bs.
>oathkeepers our /ourguy/ when they defend us against antifa
>oh no, they think redd!t/trs are cringey af for larping
>oathkeepers are cuck'd
> this guy just invaded the OathCucks safe-space.
>Stormfronters were outside of the protest, ourside of the barricades.
Controlled Opposition, user.
The term is Controlled Opposition.
I want to reiterate my earlier prediction, the alt-right is cancerous. The alt-right was never pol, the alt-right came from raiding parties on TRS, and from their lost sub on plebbit. The alt-right is unnecessary now because we can have a discussion on immigration control without them. They are unnecessary now because we can discuss frankly, without them, islam. They are unnecessary now because we can do tackle globaism, decline of western culture, without having to bother with the alt-right fandom.
>Controlled Opposition
>that flag
>That post
You'll hang right along with your brown boy toys
>controlled opposition
you mean from the fucking top? this is the leader of oath cucks. they're fucking antifa boomers.
They aren't controlled opposition. The alt-right, which isn't pol, is being pushed out of the big tent of conservatism. It's so gonna be a fucking shock for these die hard serious business larpers in the comming months, especially when these protests become a weekend occurrence this summer and they find themselves isolated politically. They have to contest larping 1488 with political viaiblity.
I'm white, and I'm majoring in polisci. I am just pontificating what's gonna happen based on the real political ecology of america. You TRS fucks will find yourself alien again, and it isn't because of my butthurt. Your alien status will emerge because of what I am saying right here: civic nationalism is an insanely stronger idea than islam, or natsoc, america strength stems from its ability to be self-interested without having to handle the burden of what the failures of german/european nationalism brought (germany is cucked because of the shadows of natsoc larpers who destroyed the backbone of an effective nationalism in germany).
what are the larpers gonna do?
>antifa boomers
>antifa, the people whose resistance is cucked and involves throwing piss bottles
dude, you are hating on them because they are saying loudly and clearly you have no place in the political right of america, a place they embody through their idolization of first and second amendment.
>I'm white
>Siding with shitskins ever
Sure this kid was an embarrassment, but
for fuck sakes you don't fucking take the side of non-white filth.
They're controlled op most likely working in unison with the SPLC. When these cunts were at the Bundy ranch they almost lost their lives for being despicable twats.
dumb faggot bitch. you think you can actually make oath cucks subvert the right? Sup Forums had been deleted twice because it's so racist. you aren't ever going to win the battle and make oath keepers liked here you little bitch.
fuck off and go shill somewhere else. that piece of shit will get roped like you will too.
yeah, it seems like the left is now shilling oath keepers here on Sup Forums nonstop now. they're definitely teamed up with liberals at this point otherwise the shills wouldn't spam about them constantly and their leader wouldn't be bragging about assaulting ebil nazi
Kekistan mocks zionism, just fyi.
TRS/1488er/stormfags only reply: race
Being deleted twice doesn't matter. The alt-right, which is much much smaller than pol, is gonna find itself confined to just shit posting. I don't think our new friends from TRS get this place. None of you cucks have any real answer besides unadulterd butthurt to the most important question: how the fuck will the alt-right fit into a big tent of this generation conservatism when this happens? You can say 'but he had the memes and meme magic', but the issue wasn't the memes. It's the larping/1488 cancer.
Just because I am left of you doesn't mean I am not right of many. The purity crisis awaits you.
>the only options are civic nationalism, islam, or natsoc
With that sort of thinking its no wonder you're a civic nationalist
options that are failing or failed:
options that are resurgent/insurgent:
>civic nationalism/nationalism
>islam (a weird form of supra-nationalism based on adherence to faith)
I'm close to 90% confident I am right in my understanding. I just want to see how will the larpers recover. It feels like we are gonna see the alt-right return back to where the klan was in the 90s. Anti-immigrant sentiment, anti-islam sentiment, pro-nationalist, anti-globalist/neoliberal, pro-local culture, that can all be had without the larpers.
>Kekistan mocks zionism, just fyi.
bahahahaha you lot are the definition of cringe.
>TRS/1488er/stormfags only reply: race
Holy fucking reddit
you're a fucking retard. oath cucks isn't SHIT. they're only going to be despised and then disband when they try and shun nazi you fucking idiot. there's no going back with identity politics on the white side you piece of shit. the oath keepers won't save you bitch. the fascist and nazi are coming, boy.
you shitskin subhumans can't maintain a society and whites will never live under you. some 60 old liberal boomers scared of being called racist won't ever win.
this is what happens when they don't outnumber people and surprise choke them from behind you little bitch. look at your saviors get btfo and then afterwards oath keepers shake his hand. little cowards are despised. this is a new era and you pieces of shit can't hide it
neo-liberalism is oddly another form of this supra-nationalism, like islamism, as with eu supranationalism. god, germany is the cancer. the more I think of it, the more I am realizing this is all because of germany's inability to deal with its own skeletons.
How is that any less/more truthful than your commitment to the JQ or a zionist commitment to a fake history they push to legitimize their political goals? I really want to hear a good answer, and you should try to reply because if you can, you might save your ilk a repeat of the early 00s
God, in america the hwite nationalists are the biggest political failures
>they had a monopoly on the discourse of race ills
>they had a monopoly on issues of preserving a notion of white culture
>too many to list
but they fucking still failed.
Nigger you lot are jew lovers and we both know your cringestan bullshit doesn't mock zionism. You reek of reddit and should stay over there instead of spewing your poison here like anyone is buying it.
>you're a fucking retard. oath cucks isn't SHIT. they're only going to be despised and then disband when they try and shun nazi you fucking idiot. there's no going back with identity politics on the white side you piece of shit. the oath keepers won't save you bitch. the fascist and nazi are coming, boy.
this is patently false.
>look at your saviors get btfo and then afterwards oath keepers shake his hand. little cowards are despised. this is a new era and you pieces of shit can't hide it
You can't say this is a new era when you admit they outnumber yourqueers. And the oathkeepers, youqueers loved them when they protected you against antifa. I don't think you get it, or are honest enough to see respond to it head on, but you youqueers are being displaced in the big tent. Identityeuropa is tiny. The alt-right is small compared to these boomer antifa, and for all the numbers Sup Forums has, Sup Forums is shitposting fun.
do you remember/know what happened to you guys before pol? you were on containment boards like stormfront, stuck there, talking to fellow larpers and only through meme magic you guys found some relevancy. meme magic, humour, fails when you faggots become too try-hard and this matters if you want to appeal to the power of pol.
oathkeepers value the 1st and 2nd amendment. they are the ones who should protect your ability to say cringey shit. i
fucking loser. you seriously think oath cucks can stop the fascist right? kek they already had to do damage control saying it wasn't them. one more big event like this and they're finished.
momiji didn't deserve this
>look Sup Forums oath keepers is going to silence you idiot nazi racist
>oath cucks is scrambling to do damage control since they know they failed
>from now on all the racist will go and confront the oath keepers before antifa to make them blow their cover
hahahahah you lose. like always.
racist will win and fascism is the future
>civic nationalism will propel Trump to a second term
kek, no. Leftist hysteria and incompetency will.
You, are merely a LARPing cuck. Who's too scared to see the truth because you don't want to be called a racist.
>You can't say this is a new era when you admit they outnumber yourqueers. And the oathkeepers, youqueers loved them when they protected you against antifa. I don't think you get it, or are honest enough to see respond to it head on, but you youqueers are being displaced in the big tent. Identityeuropa is tiny. The alt-right is small compared to these boomer antifa, and for all the numbers Sup Forums has, Sup Forums is shitposting fun.
upboated xdddd
>Nigger you lot are jew lovers and we both know your cringestan bullshit doesn't mock zionism. You reek of reddit and should stay over there instead of spewing your poison here like anyone is buying it.
Okay TRS, clearly I am wrong right?
>kekistan: a fictional homeland for the refugees of a great meme war
>zionism: reclaim a fictional homeland for the refugees of a great war
come on bro, try harder.
but seriously, what is the larper/stormfag/trs/redd!tor answer to the plain as day fact that they are being pushed out of the big tent of the right and that all your key issues are being co-opted by others?
>the video does damage because they are anti-fascist
>the video does damage because they violated what oathkeepers and the militia movement stood for: the 1st and 2nd amendment.
come on, tell me your fanfic version of reality.
>its all about being afraid of being called a racist
this thesis is utterly utterly false. the reason why you guys are failing is that you have no position beyond regurgitated failed ideologies. The main point youqueers have for your inevitable rise was how the left all called us racist and that being called racist for what the right stood for, would make the right okay with being racist. The issue isn't about racism, or race. The issues you guys had for a moment a monopoly on is now issues you are being displaced on. The fact you can't even acknowledge this is horrible for your ilk. it isn't just the oathkeepers, it's how do you larpers keep yourself in the tent until the 'inevitable' day of the rope? This is exactly what the left ought of done to rid itself of their far-left elements, and they lost dearly because of it.
>deranged PTSD-ridden violent tinfoilers assault someone
nice thread
Man, watching you guys fight each other over hairsplitting arguments like this is fun.
>And the oathkeepers, youqueers loved them when they protected you against antifa. I don't think you get it, or are honest enough to see respond to it head on, but you youqueers are being displaced in the big tent. Identityeuropa is tiny. The alt-right is small compared to these boomer antifa, and for all the numbers Sup Forums has, Sup Forums is shitposting fun.
The only people I've ever seen actually fight antifa are identityeuropa and all the far right queers you're complaining about. I've heard numerous people complain about oathkeepers harassing them, trying to police the right, even attacking people on the right. In fact they seem dedicated to exclusively attacking people on the right and sowing discord like this. In fact after reading this thread I'm convinced oathkeepers are controlled opposition
he has gotten bigger since putting on the mask
this is a leftist shill operation they want to make Sup Forums into good goyim and not kill their shitskin pets.
you forgot to mention shitskin illegal alien too.
the oath keepers will get eaten and shit out you fucking subhuman turd. nobody needs the oath keepers but whites need white identity. the choice is easy and will happen quickly. shilling doesn't do anything but let more people know they need to go btfo oath cucks at the next rally.
>cointelpro/fbi informers oath keepers is trying to be the armed wing of antifa and shutdown racist
>splitting hairs
no not really. it's about letting everybody know who the enemy is
>unarchived clickbaiters
civic nationalism is the failed ideology that got this country into this mess. Its been the dominant ideology for the past 100 years. Whites aren't being driven into identity politics by being called racists. They're being driven by the fact that they're literally being dispossessed in their own countries.
It's more than hairsplitting. It's legit gonna be a huge issue in the coming months, especially when these protests become bigger/more attended as the weather gets better. My bet is that we will see a hard turn to civic nationalism in these IRL spaces and the civic nationalist in their commitment to 1&2 amendment will let the youqueers be youqueers
splc thinks this is a weakness of the resurgent nationalism. I think this is a strength, a feature, of american greatness. We can be nationalistic, anti-immigrant, anti-islam without larping natsoc. germany is cucked because of hilter. You can't be a proud german, you gotta share your wife with a rapefugee. You can be a proud american who hate muslims. The fact you can't confront this is really really telling.
>shitskin illegal
nah, the oathkeeprs hate illegals.
>american greatest country on this planet
>america defeated natsoc/germany
>america paid for the redevelopment of germany
>this was america under civic nationalism
>80s hit, neoliberalism arose
>americans got cucked.
neo-liberalism isn't civic nationalism. neo-liberalism and globalism failed us.
No, it actually isn't. Everything about you, is a bad, pathetic copy of us. We made all these memes, all these inside jokes, and you retards took them, because you're too shit to make your own. You will accomplish nothing, because the entire 'thesis' of your kekistani horseshit, is that it's a play on the lefts identity politics. So you're playing by their rules, and letting them dictate the rules... hoping that they see the irony. They won't. All anyone looks at when they see you are autistic retards, who missed the meme war, but wished they were the ones with the wit, facts and balls to pull it off.
Get the fuck off my board and piss off back to plebbit.
you guys really did get tired of """""winning"""""
>oath keeprs who actually outnumber the larpers and are vets, and preppers and shiet will get their asses eaten by you queers
>whites need identity and larpers have a monopoly on it
LOLOLOLOL. You guys are losing all your issues that if you guys were effective, this would never happen. We can have white identity with larping natsoc or 1488.
>you are playing by their rules
>but we need identity politics too and white identity
dude, i demonstrated how kekistan was satire of zionism. kekistan bs shouldn't be serious, but you larpers can't stop being serious about your pathetic ideology that you can't see how humor actually works.
Day of the rake can't come soon enough. The right has won, but the question now is who, amongst our big tent, will be the losers.
>the 1965 immigration act was passed in the 80s
civic nationalism is one of the pillars of neoliberal globalism
>you can be muslim, hispanic, asian, etc so long as you're BASED you're one us
completely contradicts the concept of nationalism
This kekistan shit was one of the worst things to infect the right. Nobody knows what the fuck that sign is even supposed to mean.
who attacks from behind like that unless they want to be called a faggot
same shit
no, dude. either commit to truth or go back to trs. neoliberalism arose because of globalism. civic nationalism, national sovereignty, the unit of the nation, decline of this shit is what led us to our current mess.
it's not serious. it's like taking the guy fag mask and wearing it, thinking it is anything but cringey shit. that's why larping and going to far into that type of shit has such a bad reputation around here. it's like going full autisticmaybe you should set him up on a date with richard spencer.
>Day of the rake can't come soon enough
leaves are eternal
>Idolize first amendment
>Choke cringy kid for having signs
That fucking beaner pussy would get wrecked 1v1, and the oathcucks will fracture when shit gets real
Fucking checked
new leaves are, but the existing generation can be burnt in a pile.
if you are leftiest trying to enjoy the infighting, you need to know something. we are just dividing up the spoils of victory. you cucks have no answer to the islamic question, to the immigrant question, to the globalist question (the notion of pan-worker solidarity is globalism unfettered). The question of this new political hegemony you are witnessing is one for us to answer.
>completely contradicts the concept of nationalism
How so?
Good. White nationalists are faggots. If your race is so weak that consensual sec is considered gonocide, your race isn't worth saving.
The larper doesn't undertand his political ideologies. Civic nationalism declined
>beaner detected
dude, being white isn't a problem, you can be white and proud without ethnonationalism. The issue of shitskin entitlements in america is one the right will dictate. Come here with you have a phd, get deported if you wash dishes.
Aren't those the right-wing militia types? What the fuck is their problem?
Are the oathkeepers still around? I thought they all got arrested after the Bundy standoff
Oathkeepers toss racist members, but they will defend the right for wn to be wn, but this ultimately means wn isn't a dominant or powerful influence/factor in the right's new tent, it's tolerated because of other commitments.
even the queer himself, richard spencer and his fagboi from identity europa, said that WN in america will take generations to establish itself as a political ideology, and this is based on no resistance from the right or the right being able to usurp the ideology's main selling points (answers to some really important questions).
>i declare myself the winnar in this thread.
seriously, if you larpercucks can honestly formulate a response to all the things I said on here, you might survive this summer. If you can't, it will be a return of the late 90s/early 00 for your movement. Irrelevancy might be fun, you can discuss fantasies and stats and get ready for the next time we have a political crisis and maybe this time (how many times has it already been? 5?) the day of the rope might come?
I've never even been to trs. Nationalism and civic nationalism are not the same thing. The whole reason we have muslims shooting up clubs and hispanics waving make america mexico again signs is because civic nationalists let their BASED parents in. Civic nationalism is the idea that holding the right beliefs makes you part of a nation. There are only two countries in history that adopted civic nationalism. One of them was the Soviet Union and they killed millions of people to enforce their civics. What's your plan for people born in America that don't adopt your idea of civic nationalism? America was founded on freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of association. A civic American nationalism is self-defeating because it can't keep out anyone who disagrees with it.
Most of them are controlled opposition or informants, Bundy got off the hook for the Malheur standoff because there were so many FBI agents in there with them that the prosecutors had trouble establishing conspiracy, I think it was like 17 out of 25 occupiers or something like that. There's an old /k/ greentext that floats around about a cop who infiltrates a militia group to do a sting on them and when they spring the trap it turns out literally every single one of them is working for one agency or another. It's spot fucking on.
yep, fashwave isn't derivative.
>I've never even been to trs. Nationalism and civic nationalism are not the same thing. The whole reason we have muslims shooting up clubs and hispanics waving make america mexico again signs is because civic nationalists let their BASED parents in. Civic nationalism is the idea that holding the right beliefs makes you part of a nation. There are only two countries in history that adopted civic nationalism. One of them was the Soviet Union and they killed millions of people to enforce their civics. What's your plan for people born in America that don't adopt your idea of civic nationalism? America was founded on freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of association. A civic American nationalism is self-defeating because it can't keep out anyone who disagrees with it.
NOPE. This is wrong and a lie. Civic nationalism was combatted by both the left and the gop. The gop sold out their base to multi-nationals and free market economics, which gave birth to neo-liberalism. Follow the money, the gutting of the white working class was done by elites who paid both parties. Civic nationalism was eroded since the 70s.
>Oath LARPers bullying an autistic kid and assaulting him
stop spreading bullshit that has no basis in reality. civic nationalism was eroded when the elites who made their money through international trade and capital after the oil crisis sought to reshape american politics by buying off both gop/dem politicians. They gave birth to neo-liberalism, and they were the ones who backed hillary.
Civic nationalism paved the way for those things. You're the only liar here
>Civic Nationalism, also known as Progressive Nationalism, is a kind of nationalism and identified by political philosophers who believe in a non-xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with Progressive values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights.[1][2]
>also known as Progressive Nationalism
I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt because I thought you were just ignorant but fuck you you lying piece of shit PROGRESSIVE nationalist
Yes, we're clearly the LARPers here.
And yes, you clearly know how humor works... especially when you can't create any of your own.
Most Oath Keepers are just retired POGs who want to try and make up for the fact that they never saw combat. They are literal cucks who LARP during protests and other political events. Worst of all, they're constitution humpers and will have to be dealt with before we can rebuild America.
fucking cringe
>We totally have a point guise, we're not just pretending to be retarded! And even if it's lost on you, it still means something!
plebshit BTFO
>Yeah man, we're so edgy! Making these SJWs cringe with our flag! No, dumbass! It's not a nazi flag! lol
>Your fagistani flag, not being based on this flag
play to win or go away
>trusting the wikijew.
okay you cuck.
civic nationalism, or american nationalism as was practiced, was eroded by the elites funding both parties to push neoliberalism which destroys national sovereignty.
they are larpers, and might even be all fbi, but there is no place in the right for wn. and i am not just saying it, wn has lost it chance, it's window. all the issues wn made hay about, they can be answered without the baggage and since the left is so far away from honestly confront those issues, i am confident enough to proclaim its death righ here and right now
you gotta love how co-opting work. ;)
>/ourgirl/ telling you why you're shit
>i take my larping flag seriously
>after a long day larping in some public square, i never 'log off' the role. It's always me
>this is why I am so BASED
That's the point, retard. Your co-opting means nothing. You're like an annoying gnat. Sup Forums got Eric Clanton, while you were sperging out 'Praise Kek!'. Your kekifaggots didn't. Because you don't do anything. As we will continue in the future. And we will continue to exploit the left to our gain. You will continue to be a gnat. Annoying, but ultimately worthless.
I'm no sure what the difference is between you guys, but Trump has become the figure head of "civic nationalism" or just regular old nationalism. If the "alt-right" wants to have an impact on current politics it should be inpushing the Overton window further, trying to get ideas which are unacceptable in modern politics (ie dying for Israel, difference between races, and other alt right memes) into the mainstream. White Nationalism is deracinated in itself as its cutting "Whites" from their ethnic history, this is much more obvious in Europe where, Anglos, French, Germans are "White" but definitely not a united body politic. Tbh, Trump and his rise of "civic nationalism" has been the best thing to happen to Whites. After illegals, the biggest step is shutting down legal immigration of third world niglets. Which should be possible, Trump is as Spencer would say "implicitly" pro White.
I think this entire misunderstanding comes from Oath LARPers wanting to be taken seriously, not understanding memes and an autistic kid who just wanted to bully commies.
That's fine but in my experience that's not how white nationalists act. Although I personally think it's foolish to a group of people you have nothing in common which other than some of your genes, I won't stop you until you go full RWDS 1488. Once that happens, you guys are gonna get roof top korean'd by me.
The world cannot exist without WN.
God fucking damnit the spelling errors. I'm sure you can figure it out.
>civic nationalism as was practiced, was eroded by the elites
Is exactly what I told you because civic nationalism is self deafeating because its a progressive ideology which you also just admitted is a failed ideology
>I support BASED muslims
>I support BASED mexicans
>I support BASED asians
>I support any BASED people whose children will eventually dispossess me in my own homeland
>you're the cuck
go fuck yourself
Civic nationalism is cucked as fuck
>I don't care if I get ethnically replaced by minorities, aslong as they do it LEGALLY
>majoring in polisci
You can't handle a real degree? Politics is a hobby. You don't learn anything real in it besides the intro courses where you learn about the constitution and political systems. Other than that it's purely philosophical. If you're planning on going to law school you're better off majoring in something else since most people who go to law school are polisci majors and the degree is so easy you're gonna be rudely awakened by how much harder law school is. That's why you should major in something harder like Econ, math, or engineering. Where you learn a real skill and real critical thinking skills that can be applied to the real world even if you dont plan on being a lawyer.
I bet he cried about it on T_D afterwards. lol
>these are good memes
cool story, and thanks for admitting that your red pills have been co-opted.
it wasn't the memes. it was the blacksun flag. the oath larpers don't get memes.
>germany being cucked by their stale thinking
the problem is that in germany, and in europe, you can't contend with issues of identity without contending with the history of it. In america, we have, can and do. It's very hard to explain, but the founding fathers create a meme so persistent and strong that it allows for self-interested sovereignty and an idea of a people without everyone being that people. Hitler could not outdo this american exception in uniting his people in a strong way, nor could contemporary germany with the EU.
Youa re so pathetically ignorant of what civic nationalism. Keep believing the wikijew my cucked faggot new friend.
Is it a hobby? You larpers love to talk about 'meta-politics'. All these issues I am asking larpers/reddqueers/wncucks/stormfags to address. I haven't even once appealed to the authority of some sheet of paper or the ivory tower.
I can be white and proud and remind you that your people and history didn't create shit, and that you need to forget about your shit roots if you want to belong to our society, and that its mandatory you practice my values and my way of life, and champion my culture if you want in my country. I can do this all without going RWDS and its easy. Your beaner shit is shit, even highly developed asian countries are pretty shitty. There is no escaping the weight of that, and its that weight which will be used to combat islam. If you are a shitstained in the skin type of person, prepare to be white washed. I want your extermination by assimilation. Yes, your food is good, but the stories, the histories of your cunt grandma, it dies when she goes into the urn.
Is business management a shit-tier degree?
Canada is constantly dropping truthbombs these days and I like it.