South park

>south park
>red pilled

After the electtions they showed they were cucked

>But user they already did clinton and they planed to make fun of her after she won

1. She had a whole host of new material to make fun of and
2. It is still trying to shape peoples opinions for the election smearing Trumps name. Plus you don't got proof on what and how far they would of made fun of her.

South Park is dead to me.

Oh fuck off. South Park is funny and they had every reason to suspect that Hillary was going to win the election. It was a safe bet for everyone. Supporting Trump doesn't make you redpilled. It just makes you retarded and they acknowledged that. Trump doesn't do anything redpilled, he just runs around acting on impulses and emotions without any real long-term strategy. Hillary was more redpilled than he fucking is.

The election episodes flopped. They've acknowledged that and called it a learning experience. No more extended series like that for them. But most of their themes and recurring gags are, if not totally redpilled, a bold enough expression of mocking liberal views that it's a gateway to the redpill.

Troll trace, dicks out, PC principal, cartmens ongoing Hitler gag, the Prius episode, yelp, Whole Foods, etc. it promotes approaching these topics unbiased and evaluating them in a way that allows mockery. That's a hell of a lot better than most shows these days.

Sure is Reddit in here. SP doesn't try and offend anyone except for white Christians and the stereotypical "we are equal opportunity haters" meme. If they made an episode supporting The Klan and Killing niggers then that would be funny. But they won't.
There's just nothing funny about political and ideological totalitarianism.
Isn't one of the creators a kike too? Having Cartman make a Jew joke isn't redpilled, it's just to keep the Normies thinking they're edgy when they aren't. Start gassing kikes and jack booting down the streets, that's edgy.

You are either a shill or a big fan of the show.

My main problem was how one sided it was. If they evenly bashed both I wouldn't had a problem with it as it was in the spirit of south park of showing both sides.

But no they ran with the narrative how Trump is being Darth Vader, people wanting to be racist again with member barries and a whole other bunch of garbage. They didn't understand why people liked Trump.


The show tries to come off as moderate, but it is really just center left. They mock SJWs (far-left) and essentially every conservative talking point. Ultimately, they portray liberal ideals as logical. Cartman is the fat retard conservative, while Wendy is the intellectual liberal. That speaks for itself.


Who ever said that? South Park had an episode where characters literally look into the camera and tell you to vote for Hillary Clinton or you're going to destroy the world. Not even (((Family Guy))) went that far

>yeah this previous season was so hilarious with the running plotline about trolling they truly nailed it user

They once said that they hate liberals more than conservatives and that they are libertarians that lean right
They didn't really insult Trump, it was just funny to portray him as Mr.Garrison
They made fun of how Clinton is too retarded to speak her mind and relies on scripts though

>I thought this was fanart until I looked at the username

If that is the Jew one that is pretty redpilled because he understands the monster he is and he decided to racemix and get cucked.

it was redpilled, but corruption set in a few seasons ago and now its crap like everything else. aside from the political message them now trying to give some continues storyline instead of seperated stories that stand on its own and quality of the jokes decreased. sad

they're avowed "libertarians", so they were gonna shit on whoever won in some way, shape or form.

actually, they went pretty softball with president trump all things considered. they basically said they won't even directly target him because "comedy has become reality".

Meh, SP makes fun of everyone, nbd.

literally a cuck

>wife has skrillex hair

I will say this, the portrayal of trolling in the second episode only, was very good. Some character is consoling a trolling victim, saying the usual shit like he's probably some miserable loser in his mother's basement who hates himself, then immediately cuts to Gerald walking all upbeat to some happy song having the time of his life, contrasting him against other townsfolk screaming at each other over politics, stressing out and road racing and wasting their lives with pointless mundane bullshit. It brilliantly illustrated that trolling is about taking amusement in the absurdity and hollowness of the normies, rising above them by feeding on their predictable and impotent rage, very well done imo

Road raging*

well i admit, this is true, they were spot on in that case. but otherwise it just seemed to force and they strayed too far from their origin

>watching any cartoon on Adult Swim or Comedy Central

southpark is dead as fuck my man
episodes are following the simpson trend of
>hey what's popular at the moment ? let's make an episode about that
they were timeless once, now they are not

also it's a fucking cartoon, no idea why you people think the messages they are trying to convey from season 5 on are of any importance whatsoever

Unironically this. SP was edgy in the 90s, now its the same shit. Hating white western values isnt edge anymore- its the norm and boring.

literally my wife's son

>Stop justifying your shit taste