ITT: Food you enjoy from cultures you despise. Pic related, I made chicken curry for dinner tonight but I don't really care for Indian people.
Cultural appropriation food
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I like mexican and chinese food in general, although I'm not sure how much Mexican food is just kinda different Spanish food.
that looks like the bottom of a concert porta potty
I like curry also. I like all kinds of ethnic foods.
But now that we have the recipes, is it REALLY necessary that they should stay?
West african kebabs are the greatest in the world
Most Indian dishes featuring meat and well know in Western society are actually British dishes from London arising from their access to 'exotic' Indian spices in recent history.
Indians in America are honestly decent people
t. pajeet in america
Yeah, it literally looks like shit but is delicious. Also the reason you should never eat Indian "street food"
in keeping with my paleo aryan diet i only eat salt
never take foodie pics again that looks dreadful - feel sick now
Maybe post a picture before it was eaten and shat out.
Actually, you had the bluepill for dinner. That's the only way you could think eating food is an assault on culture.
>tfw I thought this was a pic of shit in a toilet bowel
>mfw it's just pajeets dinner
>yfw even indian food reminds you of poo in loo
Hey! I made chicken curry for dinner tonight too. looked a little bit more edible than yours though desu senpai.... srry
>likes disgusting, smelly curry
>flies the homo flag
why am i not surprised...
Your curry looks like shit-tier Mexican stew.
It's very different. Spanish food is very similar to other Mediterranean cuisines. A lot of olives, olive oil, wines, cheeses, etc. Mexican food is a bunch of rice, beans, and corn products (i.e. tortillas, tamales, etc) with lots of lard.
That's not even true. There are xxy, xyy, xy with female phenotype, etc.
Hate poo in loos all you want but Indian food is actually very good. I'm always down for some nan bread, punjabi tea, chicken korma, curry, or tikka masala.
Don't worry, we made most good curry recipes anyway
sure it is. because whites can't cook to save their lives, OP's pic related.
Also everyone in this post who doesn't like curry? How can you not like tumeric?
haggis curry is disgusting
Curry is the masterrace food. Indian culture sucks ass.
i like hot dogs. but being american sucks. i wish i was born in amsterdam, the freeest nation on earth
Mexican and Spanish food are totally different
Japanese is best food
shut up mexican
hes right
tortillas are a native american invention.
mexican food comes from a mix of arabic and native foods because islam had ruled south mexico for a time.
Japanese curry> poo in loo curry
Fun fact: the shit you buy in the west is nothing like typical Japanese food.
This is typical Japanese food.
kebab. the fucking owners are always total dicks but the food is good.
>tikka masala
popular because it can actually be distinguished from shit
...scratch that
>went to find image to support my statement
>in reality, tikka masala pictures still look like shit
>just reddish, hot, burns-as-it-comes-out shit
so, yeah
and while we're at it, lets make albinism a race, and progeria kids are officially legal to fuck since their deformity somehow changes their legal identity now.
Spag bol, I fuckin hate Ities.
I made Indian people for dinner tonight but i don't really care for curry.
Ethiopian food is pretty good and despite their melanin handicap, they are a historically old Christian country.
that being said there's way too many of them around here and they all smell exactly the fucking same
Fried chicken and watermellon
We stole this from Canada
That's not even close to Canadian. You can keep it.
mud cookies
>t. never had any
it's pretty good actually
I saw these in person in a thrift store that benefits that shitty nigger island. They wouldn't sell them to me though.
and youre wrong
He is right. The two cuisines are like day and night.
someone should fill in that pothole, someone could twist an ankle
Only acceptable foods are European foods and Chinese. Mexican is marginally acceptable because of its Spaniard/European roots.
love me some Chinese food
This is the "healthy" option at a state fair.
Mediterranean food is God tier. Too bad they're a bunch of culture appropriating cucks who think they built the entire modern world.
burger here whose lost over a hundred pounds and kept it off since 2014.
eat more raw food like the creator intended you nigger gooks.
top kek sirrah but it's basically meat and spices and sponge bread. give it a try and make try to penetrate one of their daughters while you're at it
Food is only the scratching the surface of deeper culture. And it would only be "appropriation" to claim that it was invented by your people. I'll eat what the fuck I like and know it has nothing to do with politics, thanks.
No they are not. Most are actual Indian dishes. A couple are Indian with minor modifications to suit fast restaurant cooking. Trying to fucking claim everything good as your own? Always trying to steal credit. That's the White way.
>curry looks like diarrhea
Cultural appropriation nigga.
Only eat synthetic shit.
Or god gonna sue your ass at the UN
Elaborate more on your diet former landwhale
Shawarma. I work with a couple Afghans, they pay for lunch and sometimes get shawarmas. They're fucking delicious, especially beef shawarmas.
my nigger, i had tikka masala today too
If the chromosome has a Y, it's a male
Fresh water comes from white people (and the inch of rain per year) but I still drink it without feeling like I am "appropriating" them.
Yes, and they are in medical disposals all over the world. What's your point?
>Food you enjoy from cultures you despise.
Well, I hate communists, and I ALSO hate starving.. so... nevermind.
Hate Africians
I'll pass, I won't eat dirt
If someone says "we have 46 chromosomes" do you also fucking answer with "Actually, some people have more than that"? It's a fucking aberration which is extremely rare.
It's OK but it always makes me poo in the loo
Despite what your Gender queer professor told you those mutations are extremely rare. Being the exception doesn't mean it's the norm
Um, user, tempura is a Portuguese invention.
>"american" "cheese"
>no gravy
fuck off
Every time I see this I think of the poo-tine WebM and want to puke my guts out
I think I've been here too long
this I love Indian food
That stuff is vile
The fresh gefilte fish is great
Turkish Coffee. I can't start a day without it.
Iranian food is bomb.
Also I like persian people.