Only rand and bernie voted no
Only rand and bernie voted no
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i hate these gop kikes
(((democracy))) strikes again. No surprise there.
What the fuck is up with that headline? This has nothing to do with Trump, because Trump has nothing to do with Russia.
The bill would forbid Trump from removing sanctions on Russia, something Trump wanted to do to improve relations
Fuck politicians
Her nickname is Vantablack.
are we winning bigly yet? hahahaahahahahahahahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa
>Bill passes and now Russia either fucks with Trump or we create an even more massive rift
>Trump vetoes this ridiculous bill and the (((media))) talks about it for two weeks
Why is USA sanctioning Russia?
Dis she just win the title of the niggiest?
virtue signaling
Paul/sanders 2020
Because they interfered with our election :^)
>independent Bernie Sanders
>The bill, which includes both Russian and Iranian sanctions
>Iranian sanctions
Forget I asked
It can't get vetoed with that many votes
Because Russia is very antisemitic
Because they are a White Christian nation, making them the enemy of (((the U.S.A.)))
We didn't doubt you will sanction us more.
Don't care actually anymore, the whole world is against us, that means we are right. :^)
Clash of civilizations
He can, and should, just veto this.
>White Christian nation
But they're not. Russia is probably the most multiethnic/multicultural country in the world outside the Americas
Y'all niggas should read yourselves some Agnostic. Basically the facts of the witch hunt don't matter. Russia didn't really do anything (hacked some voter rolls, oh boy) and it's been said time and again that Trump isn't, and never was, under investigation for any supposed collaboration with Russia.
But none of it matters because this isn't about proving Trump did something wrong. It's about different elements (the liberals/MSM and the Deep State), mad that their chosen candidates all got trounced, engaging in an effort to overturn the the results of the election with fake Russia conspiracies put out there to undermine the faith of the people in Trump. As the people are who got Trump elected and his popular support is thus his only form of political capital against the entrenched Swamp Creatures, destroying his credibility among his base is key to the coup (since any good coup succeeds with legitimizing propaganda).
Try and overthrow Trump while support for him among his voters is still fairly high and you risk revolt but slowly erode it away and he can be safely removed a year or so from now with a more amenable choice put in his place: Paul Ryan, I'd assume, as Pence wouldn't be acceptable to the Democrats whereas Paul Ryan, as a RINO, will at least be begrudgingly accepted by mainstream liberals i.e. the MSM and that crowd (your hardcore lefties will, of course, still think he's Hitler).
>If one piece of the narrative is definitively disproven, that's fine -- something else will fill its place. It is shape-shifting and adaptive to whatever facts it is presented with, because the goal of this mental program is not to understand what is actually happening in the world, but to make the facts fit their worldview and allow relatively normal emotional functioning.
this country is fucked. we are more worried about Russia than real fucking problems like the economy,muslims, and the heroin epidemic.
Russia is fucking irrelevant it's the largest country in the world but has the GDP of fucking Italy. they are only relevant because they have nukes.
She's been beaten black and blue, but she was already black, so she's just blue
She's so black she's blue.
And it doesn't even look like she's been in domestic abuse. Nigger Queen is qt.
>bernie voted no
>Passed 98-2
>Wasting time vetoing this
It's the Whitest nation that's still positively Christian.
yeah that’ll go well
That's true
you are very active
I hate your senate
The Russian Federation is multi-ethnic, but the Russian nation is White and Christian.
>Russians getting BTFO
today was a good day
Trump shouldn't do that.
(((The Economist))) stated that Russia will not be a geopolitical power in 10 years. Trump can't stop this. Sup Forums can't stop this. No one can stop this. What (((they))) want, is what (((they))) get.
>Only rand and bernie voted no
Rand and Bernie confirmed for /ourguys/ in the congress
Battle lines are being drawn. Me too.
fuck these obedient kike servants
Well we put him in there not to be a faggot and to fight there people. So who gives a fuck if they get mad.
Why Bernie wants that?
They obviously are making some kind of shady political power move because the general public hasn't been notified of any of this shit unless you're a political junkie
>implying any senator who votes against Trump, the person I threw 2016 away for, will ever get my vote again
>its an America is once again confirmed to be completely controlled by kikes episode
>I am the senate
wtf I thought we were going to stop with this israel first agenda
I get why kikes are going after Iran but why Russia?
Because they're allied with Syria?
Who gives a shit, veto
It's still a symbolic statement and he'd be throwing a bone to his base who he promised that he'd not try to cause world war 3 with Russia
Because of this.
Why would you think that?
I doubt most people even know what sanctions are or why is the USA implementing them. I remember when Obama first sanctioned Russia, the media was saying it was because Putin was persecuting homosexuales, and every leftard rallied behind it.
Assad is allied to Iran too.
They've always been going after Russia. This is nothing new really. They will use any excuse they can to throw more sanctions.
even Germany and Austira are pissed now, maybe they'll even refuse to abide by them.
>Why would you think that?
Do you ever sleep? :)
How bad is it if I find her hot?
why did bernie vote no
Unlike you he isn't a gigantic cuck and do what's best for the country despite people hating him for it.
The new right are Jew lovers. Who do you think is bringing all those mudslimes to Europe? They want to prop up a right counterculture that aligns with Israel's interests.
Fucking LUNATIC.
You should fucking aborted.
>constantly push narrative that russia fucked with the election
>constantly bitch about hillary winning popular vote
this is the worst timeline
Moloch is literally a neocon larp god. Find a leftist that has gone to the bohemian grove; you can't. You're literally namefagging as a neocon.
For what?
Why do they want sanctions with Russia so bad? What's the point in provoking Russia
"One of the subliminal texts to this whole Russian conspiracy theory is the insistence that the Trump campaign colluded with Vladimir Putin or some Russian mobster to sabotage Hillary's campaign. That smear has been repeated endlessly on the cable channels and has become an article of faith to many Americans, especially Democrats who are in denial over Hillary's implosion.
So, why the vitriol towards the Russians? Why such a concerted effort to dirty up Trump with the brush of being a Commie dupe? This was done IMO in order to ensure that Trump's hands would be tied when it came time to deal with the Russians on issues like NATO and Syria. One of the real appeals of Donald Trump during the campaign was his willingness to attack George W. Bush (and Hillary and McCain and Jeb) for starting an unnecessary war of choice with Iraq in 2003. Trump, at least during the campaign, insisted we had no business inserting ourselves into the war in Syria. And Trump correctly noted that NATO was an anachronism."
Don't know what cnn is on but it was 97-2 and the nays were Rand and Mike Lee of Utah, not Bernie
>What is a veto
>today was a good day
>Israel is our greatest ally (((master)))
>pretending I pick sides
I pick power.
"Now that the campaign is over and Trump is in the White House, the Foreign Policy establishment (referred to on Colonel Lang's blog as "The Borg" and characterized by others as the "Deep State") has succeeded in getting Trump to walk back his campaign promises. NATO is now said to be an essential organization and Trump has pledged his allegiance to Article 5 of the NATO treaty. In Syria, the US launched an unprovoked cruise missile strike on a Syrian airfield under the pretext of "punishing" Syria for using Sarin gas that the US intelligence community knows was not used (but that's another story for another time). And Trump has surrendered US policy in the Middle East to the Saudis and the Israelis. We are now evidently ready to go to war with Iran.
The average American is ignorant about the importance of Russia in our broader foreign policy. The cartoon painted in the West portrays the Russians as unrepentant imperialist authoritarians bent on global conquest. This is a view I believe a majority of Americans share. With that belief as a starting point it becomes easy to justify multi-billion dollar defense budgets in order to contain the new Russian threat. We also justify putting our ground forces, air assets and naval forces on the borders of Russia to conduct military exercises all in the name of containing the threat."
alright jeb
Still, 12% muslims and rising fast. It will be between 30%-50% by 2050.
>News article unironically goes on about Russian 'interference' as if it actually ever happened
This is genuinely pathetic, this is why the rest of the world hates you America.
It is technically a revenge for 1996. Trump is Yeltsin.
It can. They will then be forced to pass it again with a super majority. The number of votes in the first round just are symbolic that they will vote for it again, but that doesn't mean he can't be a madman and force them to.
>People unironically believe that we don't just have two Neocon parties
>bernie voted no
I want to hear his take on this.
>divide and conquer
Why are Republicans sanctioning Russia? Kike puppets!
Personally I won't believe it till i here it from Trump.
Hmm... you're correct. Serves me right for believing CNN.......................
I imagine his thought process goes something like "Always do opposite of what Republicans do"
He should just undo the sanctions right now before the bill is signed into law, and fuck the Russia "investigation". There's nothing to it, and he doesn't need to be beholden to the political winds and waves of the swamp in DC. He should just do what he was elected to do, and if the politicians and the media want to wail and gnash their teeth about it, let them. If anyone gave a fuck about what they think Trump wouldn't have been elected in the first place.
You're retarded and a shill
Trumps entire point with NATO was that they aren't paying what they owe. That was his entire point. Not that the whole thing should be disbanded altogether. That was lying news outlets that acted like that. You made up your false claims then pretend like he went back on those false claims you came up with in the first place. Everything else is a negotiating tactic to deal with the fact we pay for 70% of all NATO spending and more than double every other country combined. He has been pressuring other NATO members quite a bit to raise their defense spending and some have.
The syria strike was not unprovoked and frankly it didn't do anything
You people are trying to pretend like trump went back on campaign promises but to people that actually say there and watched his speeches in context it's blatant what you're doing
The bill also includes sanctions against Iran, which could jeopardize our current treaty with them, the one where they agree not to build nukes.
It's not over yet. Trump might be faking it for now. The only way to beat the Jews is at their own game.
who cares
How long until those countries drop the USD and America finally fails? America is seriously desperate right now
you are a good person
>our election
fuck off eurocunt, it wasn't YOUR election