Why are we alive?
Why are we alive?
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We haven't died yet.
just to suffer
I'm mostly here because Yahweh won't let me leave.
because your pick related makes us want to fuck not kill ourselves.
because your dad fucked your mom
More meat for the grinder
To learn
Class is almost over
Ready for the exam???
All I do is roll with the punches.
You know this.
to die horribly in solitude
1. because your ancestor managed to survive long enough to produce you.
2. You have not killed yourself yet
3. Because you need to bring purpose to your life, the world will not hand you a purpose.
Answer: fight, flee, fuck... and philosophize, but only if the first three conditions are met.
To walk in shapes.
No, you're just too lazy to build a dimensional machine.
To serve the risen Christ.
To secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
>Yaweh won't let me leave
Are you someone important or just some dude?
A series of accidents
I dunno
give it a rest man
Kek isn't real
Her body is uncomfortably approaching the shape of a man's.
to struggle and triumph against all odds.
To die
No more or less important than any life in this plane.
I worry about the consequences of such an undertaking.
Worry all you want, you won't be any more successful.
Ogon’ po gotovnosti!
dank memes
we are alive to live
I don't care about my success.
I care about the consequences to the rest.
Kekism is a ritual that delivers results. It matters not if Kek is actually real.
Note how these people put Christ above their families.
You don't know the first thing about it, let alone consequences
To continue the cycle.
Cause our parents FUCKED
To create something that is worthy of being with God.
God started out alone in the universe. The only one of his kind. We're God's children. He wanted someone to be with. And since God is infinite he needs a lot of company.
Life is like a furnace in which a precious metal is tempered. Things are tough here, but it's all for a purpose. To make something worthy of being with God.
Best of luck to you user.
The real redpill is that all of us are dimensional machines
to reproduce, you are an animal user, nothing more.
There are some concepts even I won't discuss here.
I made that mistake a couple years back, talking about intention manifestation and permanently opened third eye.
Cause your daddy and your mother fucked and popped out a baby.
Take the Nietzsche pill. Hint it doesn't mean being a fucking degenerate nihilist the opposite actually
to suffer.
how are you going to create your own value system when you can't even clean your room, bucko?
To worship a kike on a stick, duh!
Btw don't masturbate or have fun in this life, it's all about the next one!
To suffer and then die.
what are the chances that it was 888 then 999 in consecutive posts? kek blesses us with his holy light.
A cruel higher power gets off on our suffering.
To prove we are worthy heirs to God the Father's Kingdom via trial by imperfect body.
To breed. Everything else is just filler sadly.
Because my room is clean and i do not suck off slave loving Catholics. I live by own morals which I will spread to my children
Gods dead catholic morals suck and pander to the meek while hating the strong and successful collectively bringing down the white race down into the dirt to live among the ones who "shall inherit the Earth"
What do you mean by this?
to walk with God
it is willed
Memories that are collected by Ayy lmaos
>salvation by works
To serve the jews.
The world did hand us a purpose;
We're not.
to secure the existence of israel and a fortune for jewish children
We are all racing towards something, the end? I do not know.
What does doing drugs and masturbating all day grant me in the after life?
Because chemical and physical reactions are playing themselves out that way.
This, this and that
Whole lot more to it than that
to fuck that doggy style!
Like what?
You'll see in September
sum'bitch killed his own brother
just to suffer?
To defeat pic related.
and the "self"
>Cogito ergo sum
There is no reason besides the ones we decide on ourselves.
Because all the people go bored of being pure energy so they said God, we want a world with rules and struggle that will teach us how to create. Also, we want free will.
God said: You want free will too? You know that means that I will not stop you from doing evil, even when you cry to the heavens and curse my name, right?
The people said, "Yes. Let's give it a go."
Thus you have the current state that is existence. You may ask for divine intervention through prayer. It helps if you are honest with God.
to suffer
Exactly what you're getting out of it now..
Nothings gonna happen in september bitch .. its one of Sup Forums million happenings what did not happen
But we have to be alive to feel those. I don't see how that contributes to answering OP's question.
>What does doing drugs and masturbating all day grant me in the after life?
There's no guarantee for an after-life though, I don't see a point in living life in fear, I honestly think that if there is a god, i don't think he cares about petty shit like masturbation. And with the vastness of the universe, there could be other life out there with their own ideologies as to why they exist. There's millions of not trillions of earth-like planets in space, i think we're insignificant and we just got lucky to exist. That doesn't mean i don't believe life is special.
Only hard souled men can create strong/good women.
Left to their own devices, they will dig all of our graves.
Which scrap of evidence said that?
If it was the 1950s I would have kids
The goal is conquest. What's the next move?
Cos mom was probably a little drunk, and dad pulled out too slow!
Over the years I have come to accept that there's not much more point to life than just trying to strike a balance between betterment and acceptance.
Just do a bit more good in the world, and try to improve yourself in a way you enjoy, then let the people who would rather blindly follow, just go at it.
We are living during societies downward trajectory, so not much point harming your own sense of happiness by trying to fight every battle.
Just do the little bit you can, and pursue your own happiness.
the idea that 7 billion of us fucking asshole would have an after life is retarded. fuck that.
Conquest of the earth, then conquest of space while advancing our knowledge at the same time? Trial and error
Take some shrooms you german cuck. There is an afterlife
Not just that, but EVERYONE EVER!
let me tell you all that it's not in your best interest to die.