“I’ve never done this in 22 years, I’ve never recorded another journalist, but I knew it was a fraud, that it was lie,” Jones said in a video posted on Twitter. “God, she was like, ‘I want to get steaks with you, I’m obsessed with you, oh my god,’ wiggling around in her seat. It was all crap. I knew it was all a lie. I said Sandy Hook happened, and she wouldn’t even put it in the promo pieces. So we’re going to release — oh yeah — the pre-interview. And then when they put the fraud out on Sunday — which I’ve asked them not to air because they’re misrepresenting who I am and say I’m as bad as Saddam Hussein… we’ve got the whole interviews here … You’re going to hear what I actually said … it’s all going to come out tonight.”
holy shit this is gonna be like the Cenk incident all over, showing the raw unedited version vs teh heavily manipulated Cuck version and got 5x more views
Alex is about to ruin another MSM career
As a leftist I'm happy about this because fuck her for interviewing him to begin with. She gets fucked and Alex Jones continues just being Alex Jones, seems like a win.
kek awesome
Maybe ill watvh tomorrow I'm feeling slee
No offense to ol' Alex here, but why would you expect an honest interview with that cheesy cunt?
Alex is an actor. That's his type of business. Some people take him literally, which is incorrect. He's an entertainer. Megan is not an entertainer.
why is this happening?
did she refuse to sleep with him?
That's what I thought when I heard about it
>Shit Alex, why would you give an interview. They're just going to edit it to hell.
Then the outrageous promos for the spot came out
>Goddamit Alex how didn't you see this coming
Based Alex Jones made his own recording in order to refute the lies that he knew the MSM would put out about him.
That was pretty smart in my opinion.
yawn this is making me sleepy, better go to bed guys! nothing to see here.
Megyn is a porn star for old people who can't figure out how to turn a computer on and who think a little cleavage is full nudity.
Should be interesting.
Alex is a libertarian Gnostic posing as a Christian. Had to recite the Our Father from a piece of paper today. What Christian do you know that doesn't even know the one prayer the Second Person of the Holy Trinity taught?
The fella literally believes that classical liberalism- the system that overthrew Christendom and established secularism- is true Christianity.
Liberals and classical liberals are cut from the same cloth.
Since Megyn switched sides, an unedited interview tape will either get no coverage or a little bit of coverage until going away entirely.
She's probably finishesd at NBC since her ratings suck anyway.
Megan is no longer a FOX news pundit. FOX News average viewer is 65 years old. Megan has broken free from those bonds of old school farts. She's a professional now.
Out fucking played
Michael Jackson did it first.
He had his own cameras to record everything just in case the final footage was edited in a misleading way.
Yeah, but a lot of truth is said in jest. You can spout off about all the conspiratorial shit you want and sane people will shake it off. Throw in a few facts and their ears will perk up, and they'll look into it themselves.
I'd be more inclined to watch him on youtube if he ditched the radio-show formatting. Can't stand it.
If you watch her interviews for 5 minutes you'll see that she's nowhere near professional.
I say good for him. look at what Katie Couric did in the gun interview.
>"I’m obsessed with you, oh my god,’ wiggling around in her seat."
anyone else get a boner, fuark
I agree with this completely
LOL ALL MSM on air talent are actors. A majority if not all of Congress are also actors. Its like the WWE in politics and media.
>leftists happy about leftist journalists attacking each other
>a lot of truth is said in jest
Nobody is ever just kidding.
Can he be sued for this?
What am I seeing here? I know what a hillary hole is, but what is the significance of this webm?
Alex Jones continues to be Alex Jones with a massive exposure boost.
I hope she burns
>but what is the significance of this webm?
It's my Governor and its Hillary Hole.
not really. shes the type of person who would bite your dick off and then sell it on ebay
"true" leftists (as opposed to normie libcucks) view the establishment as merely an instrument of capitalism. to varying degrees.
>and even then there's disagreements whether this force of capitalism is purely negative or if it encourages social-changes (basically capitalism will destroy any conservative values in it's quest for new markets and profits) that will lead to a better world.
>She's a professional now
i thought the full interview was already out and was old news
ive used all natty shampoo for 10 years and fluoride free toothpaste
i didnt need infowars to tell me what to do
worst ad by far.
pretty much this. It's like they're both using each other cause ratings are falling. Garbage.
Brilliant, no one's gonna want to see the heavily doctored version the MSM puts out. Even if people honestly believe Jones is "evil" America is obsessed "evil people" [Manson serial killers etc...] so they'll want more than just a 5 min segment and watch the whole thing thus being exposed to the reality that he's not as crazy as they claim just over animated and hyperbolic at times, exposing more people to red pills, we're always winning because we push the truth, there is literally no effort, just let the light shine on dark places and things will fix themselves, while the fucking slugs of our planet have to burn the midnight oil to keep a grain of sand that is the Russia story, alive n sheeeiiit.
Good for you
True for her, but Alex Jones hits are only going up
>Alex Jones hits are only going up
I lost interest
Alex also made a sex tape of them fucking.
N-no. All good here.
>literally got fucked by AJ
She tried to honeypot him and he pulled a Bond; screw her and then use her.
I can agree with you "true" leftist on that point. I think we all want the same thing first and foremost. An honest government.
Wtf is it, a deep state classified documentary?
Bullshit. Alex Jewnes obviously had his own cameras in the studio to shoot the interview OR he was given an unedited version of the taping. Either way Kelly and co knew he would air the unedited version because there is now way Alex Jewnes didn't stipulate this as part of the agreement in the first place. Just like Alex knew Kelly and co would "misinterpret" him. It's a dog and pony show of literally nothing.
>are you cunts really this dumb?
Literal 4D chess. What a madman.
Literally everyone on YT who supported Trump during the election or at least opposed the democrats has basically tripled or more in viewership over the past year.
what does he do during sex?
>Megyn Kelley
>leftist journalist
sounds hot desu
I mean, I understand that during the election, but still? I don't buy it.
listened to it. literally a nothing bugger.
she didnt take anything out of context, it was just edited for brevity.
alex has no case, megyn did nothing wrong.
yet another attack on womyn in the work force.
What do you got against Alex Jones?
He's a "journolest" who found it more fruitful to be more entertaining so he injects news in his entertainment... or is trying to be a news channel but can't help but bring in a bit of entertainment for the $$$ aspect.
Tactical thinking.
Sweat loudly
Leaf shill! Your rake will come soon enough.
>megyn kelly
>not leftist
she went deep undercover for years and bet everything on destroying trump
I would imagine some of it has fallen off, but they are beating MSM.
Protip: Megyn Kelly is a dumb blonde who can't even spell her own fucking name. We all know who wins here. Literally nothing to see.
way to cook that up in, Photoshop?
Check it yourself buddy
>implying I actually watch
I usually just play it in the background while I play vidya.
You misspelled KANG
It's sad that this story will get all the press, but the REAL scoop on the Inforwars page right now is that 4 days before the DC attack, Huffington Post was calling for the death of the President any anyone in Congress who supports him.
Where is it, Alex?
Fuck all this shit. Is there any way we can celebrate the economic collapse?
lel what a faggot
Wanting to destroy Trump does not make you a leftie. Trump isnt a Republican, he's a traitor. Its one thing to hold right winged ideas, and another to to throw your country and tis peopel to the Ruskies for a few extra cuck bucks.
remember this interview anons? I sure as fuck do. Megyn Kelly has been dead to me ever since. a stretch of rope has her name on it
He took her downtown
Showed her what time it was
Sent her home without any underwear
> fuck her for interviewing him to begin with.
>let's not interview this important figure because we disagree with him
When did leftists become such pussies? Whether you like him or not Alex Jones is out there and reaching millions of people. Surely it's better for your side to understand him rather than sticking your fingers in your ears and pretending he doesn't exist?
>calling leftists pussies
Last time I checked, a politically left leaning America and Allied forces fucked you all in the ass
She need to be know she cant be ignored ..
>did she refuse to sleep with him?
Funny you say that, because while he did not come on to her, this article literally misquotes his two-min video posted tonight, to imply she offered to fuck him:
>Jones described Kelly, when they met, as having been “like all ‘I want to get steaks with you, I want to have sex with you – oh my god, wailing around in her seat.”
What Jones clearly says in tonight's video is
>"I'm obsessed with you"
Feel free to light up the comments and expose this website's agenda.
In the same article, Tom Brokaw calls Alex Jones "racist," which shows how effing clueless and malicious these people are
Expose the whores for what they are.
Then and only then will you earn your way to the next level.
This is the information war!
-Alexander Jones
Did I ever say Trump was done for? Im jsut saying he's a cuck for the Russians, and we're fucked because of it
But why do I care, user?
I have no idea why more people don't understand this. It's not like they even hide it. There's like one program, of like 15 minutes per day on Fox that's actually considered news. The rest is entertainment. The same goes for all MSM networks. I'm not saying anyone is a stupid ass for watching it. But if you believe everything there is not opinion based you're a stupid ass. It's like kids that think WWE is real. You would think more people would understand this, especially after the election, but they still don't get it.
Last time I checked, the leftists were the ones crying like a bunch of pussies because they didn't get their way last November
Probably not--but that's hardly at question considering both Alex and NBC did the interview full well knowing ahead what each side was going to do with it. Journalists have no legal responsibility to set or uphold interview terms--they can lie bold faced ahead of time and throw in as many misleading gotcha questions as they want--because Alex could have shut up and left the interview at any time. NBC faces zero legal liability even if they completely 'defame' jones in editing, because he's already on public record in other cases for claiming his work classifiable as satire and that his role at info wars is an 'actor.' He'd have to prove they were damaging his brand, which he's flushing that possibility to run his own hit piece. Anyone is allowed to record their own interview with or without consent-- it's when a journalist does it to someone else without consent outside a public space that the legal heat is on. Alex is also heavily protected from libel like most 'pundits' because he can easily claim it's parody/not literally meant to be taken true in court. Same as tabloids-- they can generally spew nothing but bullshit with fake quotes so long as everything they do is complete bullshit and they appear 'unreasonable'. The benchmark for malice is that a 'reasonable' person would have to find their bullshit true, which is why Jones always sandwiches vaguely believable claims between off the wall batshit insane stuff and skits.
>I'd be more inclined to watch him on youtube if he ditched the radio-show formatting. Can't stand it.
AJ is a documentary and radio guy. He really needs to make a new documentary. A libtard college professor introduced me to AJ via 911: The Road to Tyranny