Was there ever a bigger military mistake ever?
Was there ever a bigger military mistake ever?
Us joining the allies?
taking elephants into Russia, in the winter.
Actually, anyone who attacked Russia in the winter after Napoleon go wrecked.
Not a history fag, so I don't get what they were trying to accomplish. I thought the only thing the U.S did was put sanction on them on iron and oil or something no? What the hell would they achieve, they expected the U.S to lose and start giving them oil and iron again?
the ENTIRE pacific fleet was stationed at pearl harbor, and we stopped giving oil and rubber to the japanese and they needed it for the war effort. They attacked us knowing they would eventually have to fight us for our resources, so they decided to try and strike out our pacific fleet so they can continue plundering Asia
If the damage of the base was extensive enough the states wouldn't be able to fight a very effective pacific campaign leading to Japan taking pretty much everything between it and Singapore with no struggle
the Nips had taken Hitler's "master race" talk, applied it to themselves and were going mental with it, they were making decisions based on how Japanese are the divine ubermench ethnicity so they can do whatever they want to other asians and in fact were the most powerful race on the planet and could shit all over America if they wanted as they had the God Emperor on their side
Saddam invading Kuwait.
>be 5th largest military on Earth.
>invade small oil rich sand nigger country to south
>get btfo by rest of world.
>never recover
The Mazinot Line
For japs to accomplish more they need more oil
>the ENTIRE pacific fleet was stationed at pearl harbor
Oh shit right forgot that little bit.
No, it was the greatest betrayal of honor in modern history. The US got a letter from Japan two weeks prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbor that went completely ignored until after the matter. What our media painted as a sneak attack was a formal challenge, and a tragedy that was completely avoidable.
choking us off from resupplying the soviets could have turned the war in their favor
Hitler invading Russia.
He literally did the exact same thing as napoleon and expected a different outcome
China unilaterally disbanding their entire naval fleet in 1433 at a time of uncontested control of all shipping lanes in Southeast Asia.
With the loss of U.S. oil, the Japanese only had enough oil for the war with china and their economy for about a year. They could attack the dutch east indies for oil, but they felt that if they did, the United States would declare war of them. The United States also held the Philippines and were reinforcing it with more troops everyday. From the Philippines the United States could cut off the Japanese for the Dutch East Indies if they wanted to.
In the end Japan had two choices:
1. Give up all their gains in China and submit to the United States for oil
2. Attack the United States with a crushing blow and then negotiate a favorable peace treaty after the U.S. tired of fighting.
>the ENTIRE pacific fleet was stationed at pearl harbor
No, a good portion of the PF was not at PH. Go read something like Day of Deceit.
Why though?
This guy is right. Pearl Harbor even worked but when the Japs got their shit pushed in at Midway, they were fucked. They needed everything to go right.
Well just to list some things
You could have a completely white ethnostate
A state with high wages and livable incomes
You could have been sending people to Mars right now, due to German scientists and engineering
>God Emperor on their side
Trump time traveler confirmed?
US had to side with the allies. hur dur let's help the nazis. nigger what?
But why?
Trying to use your army to make Vietnam reject Communism
Trying to use your army to bring Afghanistan out of the iron age
Trying to use your army to make Iraq... I don't even know
Lul. Bants aside, you find much greater blunders in the ancient world. Look at things like Cannae and Teutonberg forest.
But nazis would kill many greeks too, many greeks are not white, with obvious middle eastern features in them
It's not really a question of US but Great Britain. If Great Britain allied with Germany (remember, France had been their legitimate enemy, killing them for centuries) history would have been very different. They didn't want Germany having proximity to them through Belgian ports, but that proximity could have been used for teamwork instead in their fight against Russia.
There was the Spanish Armada, which permanently sunk Spain's prominence in the world because of Philip II's dick.
3.) Negotiate with America and get America to support a Japanese Korea and Manchuria but promise to leave southern Asia alone.
It's sad really, because metaxas already had the ball but he thought the allies would win
Charles XII, Napoleon and Hitler's invasions of Russia.
because the Germans where gonna welcome us with big open arms, right?
Yeah, the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, 15 years running and trillions wasted just to serve Israel and opium sales.
they did it because they were opressed for centuries by the fucking bongs
god damn bongs didnt you watch ip man
the fucking bongs god damn did it and they kept doing it
literally bongs did it to japan they did it to ip man they fucking did it to india
who didnt they do it to? they did it to black people they did it to fucking ip man and they did it to india and japanese
like holy fucking bongs caused wwii they deserve to get peaced and fridged
Napoleon campaign in Russia.
Worst reasons than Hitler and the oil
The Nazis would have only killed the outright Jewish ones. How they look didn't factor into it. The leader of Italy was a dark Sicilian.
La Batalla de GirĂ³n ?
Probably because Hitler declared war on the United States and not the other way around.
they were trying to take over all of europe. why would the us support that? they would have had way too much control in global markets. eventually would have gotten bored of controllling europe and would probably have came to try to conquer north america.
Germans saying fuck you to Belgiums neutrality and invading to get to France.
Start of a chain reaction leading them to lose WW1 and everything that followed for decades.
Maybe in the end, he would take rid of dark italians too
I mean before that
Probably the invasion of Iraq.
Not really a BIGGER mistake, but the Winter War is possibly one of the funniest military fiascos in history.
>dat K/D
King George the 3rd.
Nah, the Japs were and are faggots.
The American public was committed to not actually joining any conflicts. They had enough bullshit after the mistake that was joining WWI. You can make the argument that they pushed it through sanctions and Cash and Carry, but the sanctions were to end the conflict in the East and Cash and Carry was only open to non-aggressor nations.
Same with the allies/kikes , yet you joined them
Germany didn't annex hungary or Romania, neither did it annex Italy though
nigga tried to roll the dice, and just struck out.
I think you'd have a case if Bush got exiled to a tiny island prison in the middle of the Mediterranean sea.because of it
He was pretty close to success, but he did everything to screw things up.
Then perhaps neutrality was a better option?
I mean they still joined the allies and seemed fine with it
Athens sending an invasion force to Syracuse
>better option
neutrality was not an option at all
Well see?
I'm just telling you which side could have been better
It's almost as if they were and then someone proceeded to fuck it up by bombing a naval base and then another retard declared war. The U.S. had been trying to mediate the conflicts for YEARS by the time Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. No Pearl Harbor, no war.
>He was pretty close to success, but he did everything to screw things up.
Between soviet citizens burning fields and crops and a typical russian winter I'd say Hitler's ego got the best of him.
Japan attacked due to the trade embargo, they really had no choice
Not saying you should have sucked their dongs, but they aren't the only ones to blame either
>He was pretty close to success
And why was there a trade embargo user? I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with Japanese violation of the Open Door Note or being an aggressor nation in an era where the United States quite literally had laws against trading with countries that start wars.
Closer than anybody, ever.
I'm just telling you why user, japs were rabid and sick to the bone but I'm just telling you why they did that
Japs are the master race of Asia. Too bad they are still shit tier compare to Europeans
can I get uuuuhhhhh... vietnam
>the United States quite literally had laws against trading with countries that start wars.
Meanwhile, Britain declared war on Germany in both WW1 and WW2
>can I get uuuuhhhhh... vietnam
>Not understanding or taking advice from france not to invade vietnam.
>Closer than anybody, ever
Poland and the Mongols might disagree with that statement. The whole point is moot anyways because looking back we know that Hitler was never close to capitulating the Soviet Union.
And I'm explaining to you why it's a fucking stupid argument.
And why did they do that user? It absolutely couldn't be because Germany was invading their allies. Great Britain was a defensive ally in both wars, not an aggressor.
lol at the people trying to justify it. It resulted in the biggest BTFO of all time. Attacking the US should have never even been considered. Its was a suicide mission.
The biggest military mistake was probably by the governor of Baghdad not agreeing to kiss Mongol boots and be done with it.
Islam might've spread far more by now otherwise.
>Meanwhile, Britain declared war on Germany in both WW1 and WW2
>what is context
The soviet union also invaded poland, yet they became allies and Germany became enemies. Even though it was openly known at that time the soviets had killed millions of their own people.
And in WW1 Germany was by no means the aggressor. They were simply winning a conflict they didn't start
What were the Japs to do?
The Jap advance in China was being blunted by the oil embargo, and the United States and the other European States would not sell, or allow their protectorates/colonies to sell oil to the Japanese.
Assuming Japan wanted to win the war in China, it needed the oil, and rubber that was under Western Control.
Japs were in a lose-lose situation.
We helped the Communists win.
Not too retarded for these bucktoothed japs though
That's how it happened, they had no choice and cornered themselves, don't blame me, blame them
>And in WW1 Germany was by no means the aggressor. They were simply winning a conflict they didn't start
They were the first to invade and declare war. They were LITERALLY the country to start the conflict, you historically illiterate nonce.
bad position. guess they could have gave up on china.
Hitler kind of had to invade Russia. Read this:wintersonnenwende.com
State did not function at all during the troubles, basically nature won there before the war even started. And then peasants rose up and BTFO poles. Not much of a victory if you defeat a dead thing.
Rus' wasn't even a singular entity - they just grinded down one duchy after another and never did they unite against them. There was no adequate resistance to Mongols and thus it can't be comared to German invasion.
My point is importance of Moscow: Germans had a chance to take it and if they did, they would effectively destroy main transportation/government/everything hub, because of extreme centralization that was possible due to technological advancements since 150 years after Napoleon's attempt - Moscow wasn't as important yet, and it was acceptable to burn it. Not in 1940s.
They literally couldn't take Moscow though. The logistics didn't allow for it which is why Army Group Center had to be diverted South. Anyone who has done even a minute amount of research will tell you this.
i'm glad no one else is shoehorning themselves into a bad position. nk n iran.
Wasn't even the biggest mistake of the war. The Japanese falling into the U.S trap at midway was honestly the deciding blow. Japanese lost 4 out of 6 of their aircraft carriers in 24 hours and basically all of their good pilots. They only managed to sink one US carrier in response. They didn't have the resources to replace them while American industry was cranking at full capacity so it was only a matter of time after that.
Not following up with an invasion of Hawaii.
We won the war so it wasn't a military mistake, if anything it led to America's emergence was the preeminent military force on the planet thanks to the scientific cooperation with the Brits.
You mean, by bombing everyone else's industry into smitherines
More like turning everything into a kiked mess
We should really make a Civil War version of that meme.
It ain't me machine broke