>tfw far leftist
>tfw don't want to be associated with identity politicking tumblr chicks or bankrolled neolibs
how do we make the Left the party of the worker again? I just want to see the wellbeing of the whole I don't want this centrist nonsense that the establishment is pushing on the Democratic platform
Tfw far leftist
>tfw far leftist
free helicopter ride for you commie
Why do you hate the global poor?
>how do we make the Left the party of the worker again?
Kill the Clintons. It's the only way
>how do we make the Left the party of the worker again?
You don't. That ship sailed years ago, when the intellectuals leading your movement concluded that demolishing the existing economic order would never work without first utterly destroying the existing cultural order.
We need strong men to represent it, right now the left is seen as limp wristed fags
>how do we make the Left the party of the worker again?
The post-1945 world and the prosperity experienced by the working class in the West compared to the Communist world pretty conclusively curbstomped the idea that the far left is good for the workers.
The far left can only be good for the workers when the conditions are kept abysmally bad by a rigid, uber-traditional government like a monarchy. Such as in Spain before the civil war. In such a situation, it is the monarchy refused to address the vast poverty in any real way.
Unless a current right-wing government is absolutely fucktarded in every single way, the left is not the best option for workers.
Thats not true. You have an army of niggers and hispanics who are high on their testosterone rate(which is naturally higher than whites). Not to mention all the cucks who ironically are in shape.
>how do we make the Left the party of the worker again
hahaha it's over faggot
That said, a few old people still believe the democrats are the working class party because they're stuck in their ways. Anyways as a far leftist you're on the intellectual and emotional level of those politicking tumblr chicks so why don't you man up and support one like a good worker
kill yourself to prevent global warming
Take the NatSoc pill. Globalism is used by the wealthy elite to undermine the workers of 1st world nations. You have to prioritize the nation and its citizens first. Control the flow of people and goods that cross your borders. Then you can set rules for a decent wages, safe workplaces, universal healthcare, and environmental regulations within your nation without fear that that wealthy elite can undermine it through mass immigration and outsourcing.
You've been left behind, you are conservative by todays progressive standards.
Because you guys failed and both theoretically and empirically when it came to the economic angle that shook the most stubborn intellectuals into having to reinvent the left into dividing classes based on identity politics.
I think this is true. Its a shame people think of todays progressives when they think of the left
You'll be one of us soon enough laddy :)
heres the thing op you dont have to worry anymore about workers everything is being automated within the next 20-30 years. Driver less cars that pick your fruit for you and drive them to your house. Mail and packages delivered by drones. New medications that help fight against cancer, heart disease and obesity.
and all you have to do to get all that is not fuck it up. How might you ask can you fuck it up? BY BRINGING IN A BUNCH OF ANTI SCIENCE MUSLIMS FROM AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST INTO YOUR GOD DAMN COUNTRY.
theres no such thing as a leftist ideology. Leftism is just a massive psyop operation to dismantle entire countries, get it through your head already.
Identity politics isn't even traditionally left-wing, it is just appropriated by usually left-wing political parties.
Stat new parties, there's no other way.
Take the NatSoc pill, we know how to deal with those you hate and prevent them from ruining the future.
National Socialism is the future for the worker, my friend. No other system is more fair to him.
Refer to yourself as a democrat rather than a leftist
Send them to gulag, comrade user
>how do we make the Left the party of the worker again?
How about first you get a fucking job and earn the things you want? You piece of shit.
By being for the WHITE working class and opposed to shitskins, faggots, feminists and trannies.
How that shit somehow ever got mixed up with the concept of being for the working class I have no idea. Third world migrants are a direct threat to the working class, while LGBTQ+ tards are almost always middle/upper class snowflakes.
>how do we make the Left the party of the worker again?
Do away with the welfare state for a start, good luck convincing your bleeding heart democrap friends tho.
> doesn't address the point, just reiterates what was said earlier
Sounds about right. You can't use someone else's property unless you buy it or pay them and rent it. That's what the money man provides.
>The best response an economic Lefty can come up with is literally, "Thinking, organizing, and orchestrating production isn't work"
Top fucking kek. No wonder every Commie experiment collapses immediately into mismanagement and starvation. You dumbfucks literally don't think that using your heads matters much, so you don't do it.
Pretty much this. Leftism is the ressentiment of the mediocre and lazy against the intelligent and the willful. Anyone who has done white collar work (real work, not HR bullshit) knows that sustained concentration takes a lot of energy. Both an engineer and a construction worker can end up wiped out at the end of the day, but for entirely different reasons.
The working class were never far left.
Workers can organize themselves without a boss who takes the profit.
Realize that your ideology only attracted opportunistic rats who wanted power for themselves through the path of least resistance.
The rats had realized economic mind games won't get you fat neet bux so they've turned to identity politics for the fat cash and easy power.
>tfw supports Donald Trump
>tfw don't want to be associated with manchild neckbeards
How do I even?
>tfw support white ethnostate
>don't want to be associated with white trash or beta incels
>I am too retarded to realize that the left has left the communism behind because even they think its retarded
Get with the times you moron
Because they miss that it's not the capitalist but the international bankers, brother of the internationalist commie that fuck us over.
They are this close...
How about you create a single example of a working socialist society and then we can talk about taking you seriously again.