I know, FOR A FACT, why they got rid of country flags

Because the powers that be saw what german flags were posting and they without a doubt decided that this place was certifiably dangerous and they pressured 4 to give up country flags. Because growing german nationalism is the kryptonite of the left.

German nationalism is literally leftist fuel, they destroyed Rome, gave rise to the Protestant split, created a pact that allowed for the survival of the Ottoman empire on into the 20th century, birthed communism, imported revolutionaries to Russia starting the communist revolution, started the second war and even split up Poland with soviets and forever tainted ethno-nationalism, now they're importing third worlders and economically gutting Europe and claiming it in the name of neo-liberalism.
Krauts are worse than kikes to me at this point and I dislike kikes a good deal but the only reason I can ever assume krauts disliked kikes is because they're planned method for the destruction of Europe didn't agree.

its too late for germany... the plan to destroy the german race has passed critical mass and is now a fait accompli.

Almost all I've seen from Germany lately is a bunch of pro-EU shills.

US is afraid of the EU
a new empire is rising and there can be no "mah ebil germans" now. neither can Russia or China can match the economic powerhouse of Evropa. and soon our military will surpass the US

I doubt it, 90% of the German posters on Sup Forums are HARDCORE leftist pozzcuckolds that come just to cause shitstorms. It made me realize how fucking brainwashed they are, if German anons are like that my fucking skin crawls just thinking how pozzed is the average German normie.

Damn....Germans the real nigs

except people have a choice to changce their flag

including EU cucks like yourself

thats the real story, Euros are willingly abandoning their flags

Meh, id say 60%-75% of the gerrys ive seen on pol are posting things like my op picture "pol ist lebensraum".
I think the powers that be literally have shit leaking out of their ass they are so afraid of the image of german flags posting things like that...

This is what happened to all kraut flags

It makes shilling a corrupt viewpoint even more noticeable and degrades the canadian insult down to inhuman level of shame. You can now call anyone with retarded posts a canadian or a leaf (or a swede in a pinch) and you are right in calling them that. Any attempt from them in taking umbrage with the insult just makes them look insecure, furthering your justification in labeling them as such.

Real posters that want to have a real discussion will continue to use their geo location. All others, except pirates, should be labeled canadians as default insults. Pirate posting will never get old.

>everything is a conspiracy

>I know, FOR A FACT, why they got rid of country flags.

But they didn't...

No it's so Israelis can post without being identified

Shut up, faggot donkey. You lesbo-nigger.

Now that I think about it, Jews were probably mass reporting posts by anons in countries with (((hate speech laws))). As much as I'll miss spamming 'day of the rake' and 'swedecuck', it's probably better not to auto-dox users from countries with shitty speech laws.

This. Fucking Jews taking over. We need some place new.

We don't comply with foreign nations' laws, they comply to ours by using the site. If they are on the site and it has hate speech it is them, not us, that will be punished.

The only people we answer to is the FBI, because we dun goofed once. And by the way the site works and potential FBIanon, I'd say they like us acting just the way we do. The feds probably send them pepes by fax after each official report from (((them))).

>growing German Nationalism
implying thats an actual thing
I wish the German's took pride in their own country, history happened. Move on. The holocaust happened. Move on. (if it didn't then why are you a Nazi?). German's don't need to be cucks and feel ashamed of their history, they were misled by an opportunist who happened to come at the right time, and befriend the right people.

say waaaaaaaat

Commonwealths+America vs. EU army, who wins (pro tip it's the chinks)

It is destined to happen again because they bury it so hard it will sprout up again one day and they will think its the first time it happened.

Isreal with the Samson Option

Can't hear you over the sound of 60% flapping burgers.

I'm gonna just assume you are a german since you took such easy offense to the truth. We might have our problems in the US but its not illegal for us to know what happened 70 years ago in our country. There isn't some black hole of nothing in our history books for a period we don't like. We can say Heil Hitler or take pictures of ourselves with an effigy of our political leaders without it being a death sentence.

Come back with your insults when you can say the same.

You might be right about the cause, and you are damn right about the effect.

Here, take this gif version of rave Fuhrer.

It's sad liberals are trying to remove confederate symbols from our history. If we do not remember the past, then we are doomed to repeat it.

"doom" is one way to put it. Honestly, if a society is that foolhardy, they deserve to get double wrecked. Luckily in the US the "south" is virtually its own ethno-state that will never change. They will sadly be the stewards of our history.

While I'm at it I'll just pass some free Fuhrer gifs

The south has the most Africans friendo

If anyone want's some more gifs that aren't the man himself, but still fashy, hmu.

dont believe this dumb nigger. Hes full of the lies he memorized from synagogue.
The jews started WWII, look up their communist revolution in Germany and what they were funding Poland to do in the corridor of danzig.
The Jewish International Banking system split up germany like a pie after WWI.

you don't even know what you are talking about.
Krauts aren't worse than kikes, they were conquered by them, and are still ruled by them today.

you blind motherfucker, they taught you false history or you just don't remember any of what you learned correctly.

go to reddit or facebook or something. You are too shitty to be here.

We didn't always have ip based flags on Sup Forums, retard.

and you've only been to niggerville in the south if you think they are all like that. Alot of southern blacks are just as hateful of liberals as the whites.

They are their own form of trash, but a vast amount of them are good people. Its northern niggers that are a problem.

Not too pozzed, just usually scared of getting shipped to the Brits' shitporn deathcamps.

>destroyed Rome
Shouldn't have attacked us. We were happy in our swamps.
>gave rise to the Protestant split
Because by the time that the pope sells souls to buy palaces it's clearly in our best interest to sing kumbayah with him. Be a bit more grateful that you still get to be literate, mongrelboy.
>pact that allowed for the survival of the Ottoman Empire
It is, after all, our fault when random Turks make better allies than our noble Christian brother states.
>Birthed communism
Marx' family were rabbis in the East for centuries and even had a direct link to Rothschild's get among their ancestry.
>imported revolutionaries to Russia
Lenin's train came from neutral Switzerland, where Britain's bankers usually hang out. Interestingly, noone recalls the man speaking a word of German.
>started the second war and even split up Poland
Read up on who Pilsudski was, then on who Beck was. And what the Czechs and Slovaks had to say about those British "guarantees". Also, who was it that only declared on one of two attacking powers? Why was Soviet propaganda minister (((Ehrenberg))) so sure that no repercussions would hit his troops from the Western press? Why did it take till the 90s before the commies admitted Katyn?
>forever tainted ethno-nationalism
Among what appeared to be dozens of ethno-states hell-bent on tainting themselves already. Whoo, I am so disgusted.
>now they're importing third worlders and economically gutting Europe and claiming it in the name of neo-liberalism.
While you're busy checking Marx' bloodline out, maybe look into Merkel's too.

So what is so bad about us again?

So we can stop bullying pajeets or distinguish the perfidious leaf from the shithole.


>make a thread about a week ago, suggesting the removal of flags
>not the best discussion, but also, not the worst
>mfw waking up to this
D-did they listen?

move to america you fucking cuckold



Arrest me mother fuckkers! I fucking dare you statist pigs!

at let we are nationalistic unlike your commie ass

Yankee, I...

In the end, it'll just make us better at identifying shills. Like a blind man that has learned to see with his other senses. Life finds a way.

>thinks they can beat the people paying and providing their defence

You guys are going a bit overboard with this flag thing. The flags weren't even going to stick around initially. I wish there was a random option, because who give a shit?

We defeated Germany twice.

Not only Germany, but Sweden too. People are seeing just why Sweden is allowing terrorists and rape - they are cucks and the women are outright whores. France even acknowledged Sup Forums's power with elections, so I am sure that is a part of it. Plus Poo in the loo's crying constantly, Canadians being refuted with A FUCKING LEAF due to their atrocious threads and ideology on everything. Personally, I believe it was done to give country/company shills to push shit on Sup Forums - that Ukraine shill can now post freely which lately uses the Democrat flag, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, France, UK, Canada are the countries with the largest known shilling companies in the world, in which a large part of these countries posts were super angry anti-Trump comments/unsourced trash accusations, and trying to push Euro policies on USA.
I am amazed that changes are being made to try to make this fucking place more leddit friendly - but if you think about it, the mod here works for a fucking advertising company and Hiroshimoot tries to make as much money as possible no matter what. They would both agree that this change would be more welcoming to ledditors to bring more traffic, therefore more ad revenue and cookie data to sell. That is the justification for /bant/ too. Honestly, the flag change should be for /bant/ and not Sup Forums.