We can't blame millenials for nor buying a house

Why are houses so unaffordable?

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houses are extremely affordable, but nobody has disposable income because of college loans.

gotta keep that GDP up

banks have a lot of book value in them mortgages too

They are affordable as long as you aren't a dumbass with how you spend your money.

They are affordable if you live in the based areas of the US. (IE: The South and the Midwest)

mass immigration, cheap credit, and foreign speculation.

This guy is an idiot, don't listen to him

Housing prices have risen far faster than inflation and wages. Cities in particular, the only places where there are jobs anymore, are even worse.

>house prices in my shitty town have tripled in the past 7 years
>jobs are just dropping off the map

Millennials can afford homes. The ones who can't cannot because they have shitty jobs because they wasted their time in college getting a useless liberal arts/art/humanity/social science degree or some degree in a heavily oversatured field. Now they can't pay back their student loans because they're making shit money, so of course they won't buy a house.


our entire economy is based on banks extracting interest from the dying middle class that took out mortgages in order to afford homes prior to 2008.

Our private debt is nearly triple our annual GDP in the US.

Our economy is getting raped by bank speculation and cheap credit resulting in tons of debt.

t. retarded, senile boomers

>houses are extremely affordable
Anybody got that pic of house prices sky-rocketing?

Turns out if you fund a bubble to avoid a complete pop, you just make that shit unaffordable.


Why don't you rent? In the South it is pretty convenient to rent if you can't afford a house.


>private debt
>300% of GDP

t. retard who's never bought a house.

It's quite easy to start paying for one by the age of 35.

You will never own a home and all the home owners will be fucked because rental properties degrade over time and volume. Meaning, the higher % of rental properties = +maintenance

Too much Avacado Toast.

Are houses in New Zealand made out of pure gold?

Everyone rents now, because they can't afford homes, and can't get a mortgage, even if they wanted one.

preach, bought my house in Jan, been unemployed since July, 2016.


I graduated 2 years ago from a state school with a BSN in nursing and now work as an RN and easily afford a house in a CT suburb and a new a car after saving up for a year by living at home after getting a job. Who knew buying a house, and even a car, would be easy when you are smart with your money by getting good degrees, going to state schools, and saving your money.

>cover arms in tatoos
>cant get a job
>cant afford house

Boomers stubbornly holding out and believing all their hard work is worth a million dollar shed.

Nope, the boomers are pieces of shit. Glad to see their end is soon as they don't seem to be changing their minds.

I will continue to save money and wait for them to die off, then buy up houses from the banks for less than 20k each.

Yea, they constantly trying to sell off houses built nearly 40 to 60 years ago for well more than they would be worth even building new today.

It's amazing just how awful the boomer generation is with their decisions, not only that but they are lazy as fuck and exploit mexicans for their jobs instead of making a good living wage payout to the younger generations.

fuck them

The short story is labor costs and profit margins for construction companies. Most will have to charge around a 30% margin on all projects in a fiscal year just to get a net profit of say $50,000, which is nothing compared to other industies. Some bars make that in a month. The nigger contractors will give you a lower price but they will cut every corner imaginable, cheat you on square footage, and bribe every inspector so that their pile of shit passes inspection.
>t. Been around the construction industry for 20 years now

There are tons of Chinks and immigrants who want to move to New Zealand and experience a western lifestyle, but fairly little viable land.

>by 35

Boomers had houses by the early 20s, genius. That's straight out of college, btw.

Fleeing to the suburbs is only a temporary option

As America becomes more and more full of immigrants and debt even the suburbs will get crowded.

Decades ago a 20 something year old boomer could easily afford a house in the city.

No more like jobs don't pay shit today.

>4 percent change in rent prices in the last ten years

I'm sorry, but thats just too much. fuck trump

tatoo discrimination shouldn't be a thing

It's because the Chinese OWN us

>just don't have a family

thanks, Shlomo

>cant afford a house
>tattoos all up her arm
>probably not married

I wonder why.

Also houses cost so much, because everything about owning/building a house for the purpose of selling it is so expensive.

>half of all the housing units in every major city are occupied by section 8 and """low income""" residents (ie welfare state minorities)


Where in the south do you mean? Rental cost of a 1bed in Atlanta is around $1k in a decent neighborhood. I think you have to take Atlanta, DFW, and Miami out of context to get a better look at cheap housing in the south.

The Boomer Generation needs to believe the illusion of high value home prices or they might be able to revolt still. In 20 years they will not be able to revolt and home prices can crash or 100,000,000 non whites can be imported to America to prop up home prices. What the (((Elite))) decide to do might ruin their (((elite))) decedents. If they even care about anything but themselves and their assets.

>real estate prices rise
>wages stay the same, or decline
>lol housing isn't expensive, and you're a loser if you think it's overpriced

Pick one

The big change is all the things you 'have' to perpetually pay money for now a days. Not so much back then. Very easily part of the plan.

Says a lot about someone when they cover themselves in tattoos desu. At the VERY LEAST, it says they dont care about having a clean professional appearance, and at worst, it indicates someone who is a serial bad decision maker, impulsive, and women with a lot of tattoos tend to be mentally unstable and have father issues.

Why own a house when I can bounce around? I have a degree and can find work in any city. Just bounce around making just enough to live and have fun. Instead of getting trapped in the same city forever? That doesn't sound appealing.

Are you kidding? People literally give them away here. You just pay a few thousand to have them moved onto your property.

>game start 1986
>Marines 2004, cuz fuck it i'll get college money after. parents broke, older friends broke, debt ridden. college nope.jpg for 6 years.
>got college money after
>own first place in Denver 2013
>rent that bitch and bust heads
>Take profit and got MSc
>100k carrer 2017.
I hate that millennial label shit. I am not of this brand of generational punannies.

>you can buy a home on a minimum wage job
>house payment is the same as rent
Yes, and buying a car is the same price as renting a car.

Excuse me while I rent a shotgun for the same price as buying one and shoot myself for not having seen something so obvious.


The problem is that there are almost no good jobs in these areas. They fucking suck and are degenerate though. I would move out in a heartbeat if I could find as good of a job in a based area. Chicago fag here.

They aren't. All you have to do is not be so ruined by bad decisions you can't afford basic shit. You could even do it with a minimum wage job.

As long as you aren't living on the government's dime then it's probably the same as the rent you're paying now. Probably won't work if you're living in the middle of a city, but then that means you probably shouldn't be there in the first place faggot.

Only thing you need is good credit and some money saved up, same as when you get a car. You'll need to have a little extra in the event something breaks. Unlike renting, you can't rely on anyone else fixing the important shit.

boomers and inflation

>Feb 2016
That place would have been demolished and have at least 4 units on it worth 2 mil each by now.

When females began working in earnest two income households became commonplace and the housing market adjusted for that.
>sneaky goyim, trying to escape poverty together will only serve to make us rich enough to divide and rule you forever

You need to avoid any large city and coastal town

If its your primary household you can get an FHA loan for 3.5% equity so there is LITERALLY no excuse not to own a home

32 year old here. Been a home owner since I was 29.

Houses are not unaffordable, white people are just fucking retarded.

I live in Quebec and my parents live in Vancouver, BC. My dad has at least 12 different properties that he has full or partial ownership of. I am about to buy a house in Quebec which I was just rent out to dumb white people.

The reason why morons can't buy a fucking house is because they don't like the stress and the intellect involved in it. They don't want to learn the game of buying a house, letting it appreciate or renting it out while you work and buy a house that you yourself live in.

Honest to fucking god, NONE of my white friends that I graduated with, NONE have a house. They either live in an apartment or with their parents.

If you can't put enough braincells to buy a fucking house, you are honestly incompetent.

This lads

>parents bought home in 1989 for $242,000
>neighbors house just sold for $1,130,000

And salaries haven't quadrupled in that time


You're paying for the land, not the house. Demolition costs extra.

If pic is related, millennial spent an ass on tats and it's mac. Dumbass, learn to manage money.

But obviously the value of the house did.


my house was 130k, monthly payment is $860 on a 30year fixed with 2.5intrest rate.

And because Obama stole money from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to pay for ObamaCare. That money is no longer made available to pay for 30 year mortgages.



>being a literal housing jew who gets money off of inflating house prices
Wow, you're "smart" (conniving) and rich (jewish) enough to make a profit off of the slow collapse of western society. Man, you're a kool kid!
>leddit spacing
Do us all the favor, and start speculating in the suicide market.

These indexes don't mean shit for states like Georgia. 2/3rd of the population lives in seven counties(out of 159). The average cost of living is going to of course be lower when you consider houses in South Georgia cost $50k whereas you better have $200k before you even start looking for something in the metro Atlanta area.

So yes, the living index looks cheaper on paper, but how the fuck am I supposed to afford a $50k house when it's in South Georgia, 3 hours away from the major job center?

>profiting on the destruction of society and openly bragging about it

I expect no less from the average pooinloo

I also expect the same from ancaps tb-h

Ya but when the median household income is like 74k a year before income taxes
How can people afford this shit, in Toronto it's a fucking nightmare, aside from the fact that you live in Toronto

So eventually a cuck-shack will be worth what a sprawling mansion is worth today? This sounds a little too good to be true, rabbi.

They are if you get the fuck out of the big city and aren't financially retarded.

I owned my first home by the time I was 25.

Sims 1 best Sims

>tfw second lowest cost of living

This is

What leddit spacing

Looks like

You fucking retard

Well tell me how you do it then. Houses over here cost atleast a million, which is sady unaffordable if youre not cooperating with a bank. City parts are owned mostly by groups of politicans or companys

Dont know about everywhere else but over here most people can buy a house if they wanted to the only ones bitching are fags that dont know what to do with their money.
>overseas holiday at least once a year
>gotta buy the big name clothes
>gotta go eat out and pay for shit coffee
>gotta have netflix, spotify and a huge mobile plan
>gotta have the latest and greatest
I make a point to call these people out when they bitch and blame everyone else.

You have the same outlook as a leftist, congrats.

Meanwhile out in buttfuck nowhere land is so cheap you can get a house for 100K and it has an acre of land around it.

you are single why are you buying a house with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths?

McFucking KillYourself

Oh I agree

that's why everyone flees to the suburbs where housing is "relatively" cheaper and they can still access jobs in the city.

You still have to put up with 2 hr+ long commutes though.


>just leave the only places with reliable employment oppurtunities

ok, good advice

>my daddy owns 12 houses and jews people for rent
>I'm buying my own home like a big boy!
>none of my dum dum white friends have daddies who own a dozen properties, so they're beneath me intellectually

What a colossal faggot you are. Your family might be worse than the section 8 scum you rent your slummy properties to.

Not really the problem of the homeowner. Should the homeowner take less than someone is willing to pay for it just so it can be 'affordable?'

Also all that happens if EVERY wage/salary rises (including construction workers to build the house, landlords to manage the property, real estate agents to sell, landscapers to maintain in the meantime), it just rises the price of the house on the back end anyway.

That's actually a pretty stupid thing to say.
Ancap is an ideal, not a practical reality. That's why its the foundation of the meme balls.

"good degrees"

You are a nurse. That is like becoming a school teacher and calling yourself a success. Sure, you're not broke - but you are hardly a dream chaser or a winner.

Right you curry nigger. The banker looks at how many brain cells you have when they decide whether to let you sign on for a mortgage. If your MRI results aren't good, then you can forget owning a house.

theres a finite amount of space and your cuck shack has LAND VALUE

A lot of the regulations passed under Obama make it a lot harder to get a home loan now too. You HAVE to get it inspected and everything HAS to be up to code to get the loan. You can't just buy it cheap and fix it up yourself which is what people used to do to afford a home.

Wouldn't be a accurate because shitty states like California and newyork would inflate the numbers masking the affordable in most states

Honest to god question, how can we fix this? How can we set things right?

My father bought our house for 40 thousand american dollars and now it's worth almost two millions, eleven years ago. It's good for us but it ain't fucking right.

Looks leddit spacing to me, leaf.


I'm very sure that if shit hits the fan, the boomers will panic the most.

you have to be able to figure stuff out, no one is going to hold your hand and give you a house

The market always takes its pound of flesh, at least where I'm living the crash will correct the market and I'll buy up on the cheap.

Houses are affordable in more rural areas, but if you lose your job and can't find another close by, which is likely since you live in a rural area, you're fucked
I've already gone through this process once

making 35000 as a new grad on med surg floor after taxes at the best hospital in 50 mile radius. prospects for raises are slim, 401k only matches 3%. living in middest of the midwest. are rn wages and benefits much better elsewhere?

it costs like $50 to get a permit
you do the work yourself to a level required by code and boom, you're done

>let's just exponentially increase land prices through mass immigration and debt; I foresee no future problems at all

What's sad is that the average boomer "intellectual" consider this to be wisdom.

No because that post is several sentences not broken up prematurely aka paragraphs.


the homeowner should not have the opportunity to make those kind of gains if the opportunity comes due to poor governing and foreign capital.

If the government was doing it's job it would be protecting its citizens by only allowing citizens to purchase and hold a residential housing deed. If foreigners want to buy the houses they can become citizens and then buy the house.

They also need to introduce measures to prevent wealthy owners from buying all the properties without intent to occupy. A few rich people could potentially purchase nearly all the available properties with the intent of locking out the market.

Canada is shit though when it comes to citizen protection though so no elected official will ever do what's necessary.



Nearly 1/3 of the U.S. population will die in the next 20 years. And another 2 billion will die throughout the world.


Because the baby boomer generations of post WWII is a mass of individuals all born around the same times.

Yeah if you already own the house. If you're trying to buy it, it's someone else's house and they're probably not going to go for that.

So long as you didnt take out a shitty loan and dont have a ton of debt to get that degree, 35000 is more than enough to live cheaply for a few years while saving for your down payment.

sell high, buy low.
do a 1031 exchange and turn your house into two or three cheaper ones
I can think of a thousand options to go from here
you yourself needs to save up 10% of a home value, and move to somewhere you can afford to live at such a time as you want to settle on a house. theres no pressure to buy a house under age 30, but if you do you're better off because the prices are only going up