>Trumptards will defend this
>Trumptards will defend this
Nothing wrong with this at all, its the presidents job to fight terrorism. He should be sending more troops to Iraq and Syria as well. Maybe even Yemen and Libya.
Not what I voted for. Trump is letting neocons run the military.
Meanwhile 14,000 illegals have gotten amnesty since he's been in office.
Meanwhile Trump did a multi-billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia. You know who funds radical Islam, right?
Didn't we all give up pretty much all of our faith in him? The breaking point for me was the Syria strike.
Yes, Iran and Assad fund terrorism and Russia by proxy.
Israel is they key player. Get rid of Israel, get rid of most world problems.
he's playing 4D chess, dummies
>He should be sending more troops to Iraq and Syria as well. Maybe even Yemen and Libya.
Its almost like once you become president you gain access to information that you did not have before that could cause you to deviate from your prior, uninformed position.
Situation changed faggit
Name the last time there was a Shia terrorist attack.
Trump is sucking Israel dicks harder than Obama and Bush did combined.
Real shame that couple months later ISIS was set up, which changed things
I stopped supporting Trump after he completely renegged on all of his promises and started dividing the american people with problematic/bigoted language.
This. 100x
It's important to trust Trump, if he says we need to send troops somewhere he knows better than we do.
Not an argument /sg/ faggot
I don't know about you, but I'd rather my tax money didn't get used to fight an endless war without a clear goal on the opposite side of the world.
They have to go kick ass because that idiot Obama withdrew to early like I wish "his" mom had done. Plus Trump is going to let them fight without the PC crap. We are going to see some great webm's soon.
I don't see anything wrong with that comment you're just salty we're actually loyal to our president and our country.
could be this. But if this is the case unless its some damning evidence be best for him to showcase as to why more troops are coming in. Again this could just be routine and part of the obama admin left over so who knows :/
>lets trust trump because r/thedonald told me to:the post
It's not classified information that the U.S. sucks Isreal's dick for sustenance
>da joos
I'm seriously considering filtering all nazi flags because I swear half of you are shills.
Can any of you name one single benefit from continuing to blow hundreds of billions of dollars a year on a Muslim shithole run by warlords.
yes you gain access to information such as hook nosed jews will kill your entire family and nuke every major city if you don't go fight wars for Israel
>da joos
Get out, kike.
Trump never had control. This is deepstate's doing
American presidents come and go but the country is always steered in the same exact direction
- Vladimir Putin
Because its the presidents duty to protect american interests overseas and to protect our citizens at home. Fighting the terrorists in Afganistan is highly preferable to fighting them here at home. He know's what he's doing user, don't be a faggot.
Did not vote for this. Pretty upsetting
to beat a guerilla you have to think like one.
Comparing a 2013 situation to a 2017 situation sure makes sense to me!
Trump is leaving military decisions to the military now so they can do the job they need to do. Not hampered by partisan politics.
Could not have said it better.
Trump knows what he's doing, he's not a micromanager faggot like Obama. He's going to let our military decide what is best and he'll trust our based generals. This is exactly what I voted for, no more weak america.
I have a job now
yeah and the upper echelon of the military are all ziocons who buy 10 yachts every year as long as there's constant war and the MIC keeps getting fed
fuck off, no one cares about an opinion from a non-country. Our generals are trustworthy and honorable.
my opinion is shared by countless intelligent Americans who can see through the Zionist theater
Have some backbone you fucking idiotic buffoons
Our generals are some of the most hardcore men to walk this earth, son.
They deserve whatever yachts they get.
>have some backbone and betray our president
Not going to happen shareblue, nice try though.
>countless americans
Countless americans support Trump in this decision and will be moving forward to vanquish our enemies.
Dead muslims.
But Afghanistan is a list cause
Taliban are stronger than ever, have replenished their ranks and have taken over so much land already
these are the cult of personality baboons that never cared about Trump's anti-establishment isolationist America First stance in the first place
It's only a lost cause if you're a weak and feckless leader like Obama. It's time that we fight back against the terrorists and for freedom.
I hate reddit so much.
most jewish post currently on Sup Forums
Top us general officer pay is 20,000$ month, not bad, but not yacht money
Watch War Machine and you'll see why it was a lost cause.
Now the military gets its say, and I hope they get rid of those Rules of Engagement bullshit.
I'm not talking about the generals
Dead Muslims
Dead Whites
All for the based Jew my millipedes
Based shia Iran doesn't fund terrorists. Isis fucking attacked their parliament and most of the victims of sunni isis are shia muslims in areas they occupy.
Taliban has been on a hot streak, if we pulled out, our "government" there would collapse in weeks. Trump understands this, and it is just a political move.
America was originally this.
It should remain this.
We don't need the rest of the world to do our thing.
Europe is full of pussies and the Middle East is a shithole.
The only ones worth taking seriously are the Russians and Chinese.
You're fucking insane, Iran, Hezbollah, and Assad have been the #1 exporters of terrorism for well over a decade. Fuck them, and fuck off back to your hugbox in /sg/.
He delegated troop level responsibilities to Mattis. It's his call.
Sup Forums under Obama:
>What's that lying nigger doing in the middle east, he's clearly serving (((them)))
Sup Forums under Trump:
>We n-need t-to trust d-daddy Trump h-haha. H-he probably knows something that we d-don't.
Stop trolling and trying to make trump supporters seem irrational. You're counter productive.
Not going to lie, former Trump supporter here. If a progressive that is totally not obsessed with race politics promises to get us out of middle east and leagalize pot, they got my vote.
Won't make the problem go away.
A progressive would start shipping them here, making it even worse.
Too bad you won't get one of those because they're all obsessed with race and identity politics.
Keep believing (((their))) propaganda. Israel and Suadi Arabia just don't like Iran because they challange their dominance in the region. And Suadis are the main funders of terrorists.
I regert not voting Bernie....
Sup Forums is dead, this place is turning into an mainstream republican circlejerk
Trump still is taking refugees, just wait until Ivanka starts crying again.
Get me a liberal that is sensible and they could win in a land slide (but no such liberal exists now).
democrats won' let an Anti-war candidate get through, they'll just call her/him a Russia sympathizer and that will be it
>da joos
go back to stormfront, facts don't lie
no doubt, they will get BTFO by the campaign financers and DNC won't let anyone through that could upset the gravy train.
i hate rebbit so god damn much
Good goy, don't forget that Saudi are your best allies
Fool. Look who you stand with. Look who else opposes US involvement in the Mideast at every turn. You will find yourself in the company of Hollywood, the mainstream media, leftist "educators", and communists of all stripes.
Because pulling out of Iraq before solidifying a government totally didn't create a power vacuum ISIS filled.
It's always the commies and the leftists that don't want us fighting for freedom in the middle east. It's been a well known shareblue strategy for a long time. I'm so happy that Trump is doing this and fully support him 100%
I wouldn't say that we "need" to trust Trump, but I do think its probable that the president's daily briefing would make most people's head explode if they could read it. Its probably some insane, terrifying shit that is laid on his desk every single day. I do trust him as much as one should trust any president, but I also don't have any illusions about the president having absolute control over our military deployments.
I would love to see some armchair general from Sup Forums tell an actual 4-star why he's wrong about needing to deploy. I wish we weren't sending any troops, but I don't think I would have the balls to tell an actual lifelong warrior for this country that he doesn't know what he's talking about because "like, war is bad, dude, peace and love is the answer, just let it work itself out peacefully!".
the mainstream media, who'd been calling Trump Hitler fascist Satan every day since he got inaugurated. All stopped in their tracks and started praising him, literally reciting Leonard Cohen on air jerking themselves off, because he bombed Syria. EVERYONE who hated him now all LOVED him.
if that isn't the most obvious gigantic redpill in recent times, i don't know what is
>In charge
Your country is a joke burger.
Oh I agree completely, that's why its imperitive to trust Trump's judgement on this stuff. It's our soldiers duty to protect our nation and if they think that a troop surge in afganistan will be the best way to protect us then we should support them completely.
What Trump needs right now more than anything is support from his base on stuff like this, too many people are trying to divide and conquer the base by pushing back against intervention even if it is to protect the american people.
>t. achmed
Afraid your family in Afganistan is going to get bombed?
>hey, we bombed Assed, and we're also going to war against Afghanistan.
>Trump was the one that called for it
It did not age well, oh well.
No matter how hard you try to fit in, you'll always be easily recognizable shariablue.
This is pretty pathetic. Sounds like grade school mocking.
>Trump in part uses the democratic and republican establishments desire for war to get elected
>Trump proceeds to go back on this in several instances
>B-b-but at least the liberals are upset!
fuck off commie peacenik faggot. We voted for strong american leadership
No, you're just convincing yourself this shit is okay because you think the democrats don't like it. You think the democrats dislike foreign wars? LOL. This is something Trump criticized in the past many, many times, and now he's going back on it all in spectacular fashion.
How else are we gonna get that sweet sweet opium?
you can glass Palestine 10 times because they stabbed some Israeli soldier, at least there's a direct reason for retaliation there, an ally was attacked.
there is ZERO justification for the Syria Strikes. as Rand Paul said it, "The U.S was not attacked". bombing a sovereign country that's fighting ISIS, is detrimental to the U.S if anything
>reverse shilling
Nice try, reddit. Guarantee I supposed Trump before you did, assuming you even do. I'm just not retarded enough to keep slurping his semen when he 180s on his campaign stances.
Done that way on purpose. Trump's betrayal is only worth grade school mockery.
Wow, it's almost like uneducated retards shouldn't give their meme-driven opinions on the twitter if they're completely ignorant.
USA needs to clean up Afghanistan. We created terrorism in that Country to fuck with the soviets.
Trump has access to intel that we don't. Times like these are where we need to trust and support him even if we don't agree with him.
Hes a troll
To think that all it would take to make the alt-right globalist af was to make Trump tell you it's good policy.
Not his family, his isis friends that he just left. Everyone knows achmeds are all born in britain now and suck on the govs tit.
>nothing can change over 4 years
>4000 deployed will be there forever, they won't help stability or smooth extraction of everyone long term