Hey fags! /Pol Challenge. Name one country blacks have prospered

Yo, damn, nigga. Shiiiiiiiieeet. Here's a fun challenge. Name one country, fuck... name even one city... no wait, let's make this real easy. Name one town blacks have prospered and technologically advanced further than white people in the whole goddamn world. GO!

The winner gets to claim "WE WUZ KANGS"

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Morocco, their corpses make very good fertilizers.


Ancient Egypt

Ancient China

Ancient Shakesperean England

Ancient Olmec land


Ancient Scandinavia

Olmec Empire

Ancient Israel

Ancient USA

Ancient NBA


Das riiiigt

Fuk drump an fuk whai ppl

Modern Sweden

Ethiopia beat the Italians
>in4b Italy not white

Non retarded history lessons.

Currently botswana has the PPP of brazil.
Seychelles has an european level of HDI.

madagascar has less homicides than germany.

Nigeria has 3 times Hitler GDP.

and so on.

>when blacks were moder advanced
Mali kingdom, middle ages.

Semien. Actually nigger jews.

Ethiopians where blue eyed Aryans until the Italians blacked them.

Learn some history.

Oh. And Italy DID conquer and cuck Ethiopia

And they only outnumbered the pastaniggers twelve to one!

>Mali kingdom, middle ages

Hahahahahahaha the two story high mud huts of Kang barag obongo the negus of mali

Having to use hunderds of thousands of people and using chemical weapons. And they failed at first attempt.

Italians worse than niggers.

>and so on
niggers are the worst, and so on

It doesn't disprove your memes that west africa was richer and more developed than europe during middle ages.

Excuses and lies are the only things that leave your lips Slavic Tyrone

Tы чe aхyeл пидapac! Mы были цeзapями и вcя хyйня!

>It doesn't disprove
Yeah, because no need to disprove lies.

Gothic cathedrals vs. 2 story high mud mosques... Riiiiiiiiiiiiight

What happened in your own personal version of the middle ages that made Europeans discover and conquer the world while Malian kangs ate shit and blood while being all black and violent and shitty?

Slavic Tyrone can into Chinese runes, you must be in the same level as Ahmed the clock master and other poc geniuses

I want to believe that this reply is funny and witty, but I'm going to hedge my bets and assume it's a typical drunken ruspost

gothic cathedrals are late high middle ages retard.

Also look up gondar castles in ethiopia if you want something comparable to european castles.

>pol knowledge on africans

roflamo this one got me
shit this one too
Duh fuck? WW2 Italy conquered it? They had like one plane and no tanks?

It says that we wuz kingz, empraz, kaysarz n shiet. Oh, and that that spic is a rooster cracker, yep. It is supposed to be funny to russian speaking people.

Want to chucle some vodka with me bratan?

>pol knowledge on africans

/pol needs to know nothing on Africans, our hard times make the knowledge of veterinarian themes not an important subject for most of us.

>Africans finally building forts when Europe is about to bust open a can of industrial revolution
>"So advanced! Much wow!!"

well, I have readen about african history and most of pol are just retards memeing something they don't know nothing about pretending it doesn't exist.

>built before colonialism
>huh duh blacks can't do shit
>huh duh whites built everything in africa

Muh mansa musa

Whai man keep blak folk downk

Sorry dear veterinarian with a master's on negro themes, I have not readen anything on apes, crocodiles, vermin or Africans. Not my subject.

>built before colonialism
What's that got to do with anything? Europeans have been building castles since...

>huh duh whites built everything in africa

mansa munsa is still the richest man in history.

maybe you should.


I'm pretty sure some negroid in the rift valley
tens of thousands of years ago might have banged rocks together before anyone else maybe

>Authority on who's white

Planet of the Apes. check mate white boi.

You sir, truly deserve the "WE WUZ KANGS" trophy.... here you are... good job! kek

btw... damn youz all to hell!

According to scientist it would appear that Atlantis was in fact a black civilization.
Until white men found it and razed it to the ground with white sorcery.
True story, google it Sup Forumstard.

>mansa munsa is still the richest man in history.

>European Kings who conquered his descendants, put them into bondage, and held all of his natural resources and refined goods not being as rich as him-on top of owning the rest of their collective empires

Sounds legit.

>Kingdom of Aksum
>how am I not supposed to WE WUZ KANGZ this man?
>Try quoting his link instead:
>"Aksumites did own slaves" =that's a good start, blacks treating other blacks with dignity
>"The Aksumite population consisted of Semitic-speaking people" = blacks not speaking a natively invented language
>some sweet stelae and obelisks to be fair

Alright, they passed the civilized test, but barely.

>mansa munsa is still the richest man in history.

He wasn't . Maybe he accumulated the most gold or glued the most diamonds on his negro rotten teeth, but in no way he is a relevant wold historical figure. Even with a gorillion tonnes in gold he could only buy dry land, mud buildings or negro slaves. In power projection or purchasing power nigger mansa musa doesn't sound like any relevant figure with, for example, a navy at his disposal.

I give you that but then again, if they were smarter than whites, they would have come out on top. So kek.... NEXT!

>they doesn't know mansa munsa desetabilized all the middle east by simply gifting gold to every town he passed
>they don't know about all the mosques and libraries mansa munsa build during his pilgrimage to the meca
>muh eurocentrism
>I haven't read about him, therefore he's not important

Did these scientists have dyed hair, go to UCLA, and self identify as scientists?

What about Mansamusa and the African empires?

modern day africa is more developed than XIX century europe, but this triggers pol.

well, we all know how Africa turned out. NEXT!

>I haven't read about him, therefore he's not important

No lil nigga, no:
He's not important, so there is no need to read about him.

modern day africa is as developed as 1940-60 europe.

he is one of the most important figures of african history retard.

Sure, but most of the textbooks I grew up with neglected him in favor of Sundiata Keita, who is way more interesting by the way.

Also, that part about inflation may have been accurate. China did the same thing to Rome on accident over a millennia before. It's a result of trade throughout the geographic pivot. Honestly though, the rest about him is apocryphal. Tall tales. I seriously doubt this man went around "turning villages into cities" by throwing gold at them-because there's no evidence major constant growth was attained throughout the region.

I'm trying to think of the best source on this. I think Eric Cline did a thing on them, but I could be getting him mixed up with someone else.

I could be wrong, but doesn't that imply that they're kinda behind in development if they're barely making the same progress as some eurofags in the 60s?

well, according to western media your continent is swamped with drug lords, war lords and corrupt ass politicians

You are the retard:

he is one of the most important figures """"""""""of african history"""''''''''''' whatever that means.

Negros are dumb, violent, incarcerated, poor, ant they will continue to be dumb, violent, incarcerated and poor.

No nigger cucka musa fairy tale will change that.

Alright faggots, let me rephrase my question. Will Africa ever become a free and prosperous place like North America or Europe?

Europe has throw tens of billions of dollars. I can't imagine how much of it was lost in corruption. They always have to shut down their development projects bc of dismal failure.


They made the Bahamas work somehow.

even much more simply... is there a Sup Forums for black people? And by black people I mean... niggers!

Yes, after they rapefugee all duh womenz into princezez and turn the rest into shitholes

Coincidentally, expect Israel to be fine

According to this cuckAfrican apelike cannibals are as developed as Austrians in the time of my fair Lady

yeah, but my point is that pol doesn't know nothing about african history and treat it as never existing.

right now africa is receiving heavy investment from china.
the nations that are growing fast are mostly african.

they're not growing, but it seems they will just being their leaping, like asia in the 80s.

If you look at their cities on youtube, they have the same development as poor latino countries.

Is pretty good the situation for them right now.

cool memes.

they're still less violent than mexicans though.

yeah, they're simply behind, currently right now in the same stage as india was in the 80's.

Is being projected poverty will be erased in africa in the next 30 years.

They need more capitalism.

Africans are poor because of corruption.
They lose 10 times the money from natural resources to corruption than what europeans gave them in aid.

But hopefully things will improve.

Emigrated from Tyre and Syria, they would look more like Persians/Babylonians

well, some african cities seems pretty developed, retard.

why don't you use google.

You need an average IQ of close to 100 to have a prosperous country like North America or Europe

I find the theory that the little Ice age from 1560 to 1660 directly led to the increase in the average IQ of Europeans. Because survival required a 100-105 IQ

>yeah, but my point is that pol doesn't know nothing about african history and treat it as never existing.
That's a fair point, but it's funny as hell tbqhwy senpai

>But hopefully things will improve.
In all seriousness it will. Every generation of African leaders over the past half century has been steadily getting better. There's one good book on this that studies three generations of African leaders since the 50's (where they were abject failures) to the 90's (where they're finally getting their shit together and not robbing the people under them blind and allowing merits to actually mean something). All the Africans I've spoken to think it's going to take a long fucking time though. That's probably why they moved to America though, it's hard for them to be optimistic about the situation over there so we get the ones who are fed up with it.

No one knows African history because nothing came out of it

European and Asian history are studied because they shaped the modern world

My Google does not reach your imaginary negro sim cities 2000

Colombia/Venezuela (IQ 89)
Botswana/Zimbawe (IQ 70)
Eastern europe/Western europe (IQ 100)
N.Korea/S.Korea (IQ 107)

IQ is a meme.

African are just getting their shit together.
Pol simply wants to compare the development that took europeans several centuries and comparing it with 50 years of african independence then claiming africans cant do shit.

simply google any african country and seek for the capital youtube tours, retard.

>muh eurocentrism
kys faggot.

Why study failed societies. Who the fuck cares?

>IQ is a meme.

What else can you say other than that..Come on man

There is a reason everyone wants to live in the West and Asia

they're not failed.

simply because whites disdain african culture and history, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist nor is insignificant.

>Pol simply wants to compare the development that took europeans several centuries and comparing it with 50 years of african independence then claiming africans cant do shit.

There's a good reason for it though. They will not be the next Europe. They won't make it as far as Latin America. The reasons are simple, and it has to do with physical limitations. No one likes to think IQ or general intelligence has to do with these things, but they are violence prone and they are not an inventive people. The records from the pre-imperial era make them out to be absolute apes. Europe had and still has the goal of civilizing these people. Europe is about to fall. When that domino falls, it'll be up to Asian countries like China for the Africans to rely on-and the Chinese are going to look out for China. Yes I'm saying that African development right now is sustained by Europeans and Asians. They cannot support themselves, and they will never be a Wakanda. They'll always be a Liberia.

compare those countries.
one is a failure, another is more suscesfull.
same race, same IQ, diferent outcomes.

You're talking shit...There is absolutely zero migration to Africa and we can't even begin to accommodate the number of people who want to live in the West

Look up meme by the way. It comes from the word memetic. The IQ test for N.Korea is invented based on what they tell us about themselves, sort of like how China uses it's stats from Beijing-which is like the intellectual capital of China- for it's statistics. S. Korea is just over 100 and it's actually a pretty amazing place, as well as throughout Asia. Let me just say, each place acts in accordance with what I would expect the IQ to be. Same in Europe.

Muh google

Yeah communist dictatorships can turn a country with an 107 IQ into the third world. It's pretty much the only thing that can

Look at Eastern Europe. They get out of communism and they're going to be first world in a decade and it took 40 years to recover...why? their 105 iq's

those are memes pol likes to repeat without even five minutes of research.

the flynn effect still applies to africa.
1920 americans had the same IQ as modern day africans. (google it).

>violence prone
this is supresed by culture and access to oportunities.

whites were equally violent some centuries ago.
>what are world wars

>inventive people
what is the mobile cellphone industry in africa right now.

who is kelvin doe, washintong carver and William Kambwamba, among other african people.

why not read a book then?

Not really, compare those countries.

same race, same IQ, diferent outcomes.

africans started from a lower point though.


Really though, eastern Europe is going to be the refuge of European civilization solely based on genetic human capital. I think that's why the democrats keep trying to go to war with them

fucking kek

You can't start lower than 100 million dead and complete economic collapse. IT ONLY TOOK 30 YEARS for them to become a better place to live than your shit low IQ country

The only reason you make arguments against IQ is because you have to.

Muh Asian architectural privilege

I'm telling you after having traveled the world and done the research that these aren't jokes. They're solid. They're memes for a reason actually.

You're ignoring the fact that China and N.Korea are manipulating IQ scores to be above S.Korea and Japan. They probably aren't higher.

The other user already told you they both happen to be communist, and that's what influenced those outcomes. Now if you want to talk about how communism came about, you can look no further than the forgotten field of geopolitics to explain why they fell at the same time-for the same reason. If N.Korea didn't have sanctions they'd be in an excellent situation. I've been to Hong Kong, it's a marvelous place although it was under British rule til 97'.

Muh mansa munsa nigga palace

>Name one country blacks have prospered

Confederate States of America

It was the last time negroes had 100% employability

You can read everything you want, and write every idea you have.

Where are the proofs ? Real ones i mean.
Cathedrals, castle, pieces of art, sewers, bridges, etc ?
Nothing to show. Coz the best niggers ever did was mud huts.

In Europe and middle east, you Just have to dig anywhere and you will find layers upon layers of ruins.

>I don't know how to use google

yeah, let's forget colonization ended in the 60's followed by some decades of dictatorships followed by civil wars and then finally democracy in late 90s.

Gorillas are smart, niggers are not


why don't you use google next time?

That's the biggest point right there. Let's look at China during the 40's:
>Warlords fighting Nationalists
>Emperor is a puppet of Japan
>Commies spring up in the west
>famine widespread
>Europe has colonized several of it's ports previously
>Japan invades killing millions

Africa in the 40's was in a much better position. We keep giving these dindu's money ffs. Right now European money is being squandered in shitholes like blacks only Liberia. And what do they have to show for our diligence and hands outs? Very little next to China, who picked themselves up.