Why do women want so much Sup Forums?

Why do women want so much Sup Forums?

Who is she?


Do you not have something better to do with your time shlomo?

Theyve been told since birth they can have everything and that they deserve it.

We've ruined them.

>larping nazi
I knew the custom flags would be wasted on you riddit cunts

MY name is Oates

Because they're women

Genes xxx

Why do people sexualize the foot? I mean it's an important body part, it carries your weight and helps you balance and whatnot but I don't get what's sexy about it.

I mean legs lead to thighs which lead to the vagina, the buttox lead to the vagina. Tits are awesome, a pretty face is nice and her lips can suck your cock but feet? Who fuckin cares?

>being queer

get off the 4chans Chris

Shut up you fucking queer nigger loving nazi

When do you normally see the bottom of a woman's feet? Might as well be a nipple.

Of course this makes less sense in the last 5-10 years where women wear less and less clothing.

They only require their meal card husbands and their welfare babies.

They want the world.

But expect to give nothing.


You're trying to unbox a fetish you don't have so that you can understand it. You will never be able to do it. Why are you trying?
>his justification for breast fetishes is that "tits are awesome"
Well okay, feet are also awesome, there you go.
>a pretty face is nice
Pretty feet are nice
>lips can suck cock
Well, the mouth sucks the cock, but I take your point. You can fuck feet.
>legs lead to thighs which lead to the vagina
And feet lead to legs.

probably because you don't have much of anything in an absolute sense

God I want to cum all over some sexy feet right now.

Nice feet. My third row cousin-girlfriend has a similar blade shaped pair

Thinking of it, feet are just pleasant to look at and touch. You submitting yourself to pleasure your woman in one of the most devotional ways

>I'd suck on each and every one of those
>Finish off sucking her clit

It's a sensitive spot on a girl user, once a girl lets you touch her feet it's like a gateway to the pussy.

It is the last bastion of pure unadulterated manhood.

>Why do people sexualize the foot?

If I knew I'd tell you bro

>I mean legs lead to thighs which lead to the vagina, the buttox lead to the vagina.

I don't think that's why I like those parts.

>Tits are awesome
You just destroyed your own line of reasoning.

> lips can suck your cock but feet

He hasn't had a footjob.


Friend, I like your reading of the O.P. much better!

Footfags should be gassed desu. I can understand legs, though.

>he has never sucked the cute little toes of a pretty little hottie while fucking her in missionary
>he has never taken a beautiful, delicate and soft footpussy in his mouth while fucking the cutie in doggy

You are gay sir

I want to kiss those soles

it's (you)

i think he means what are the biological/ evolutionary predictors for superior feet.

I like a certain kind of breast because there is the implication of innate fertility. This is only in natural breasts of course. Men who like fake tits are literally slaves to their lower brains

a pretty face is determined by it's symmetry, which indicates testosterone, minimal inbreeding, etc.

I don't pay much attention to lips, but they are literally the baboon's ass of sexual selection. You like big lips because a woman with big lips means your daughters will have big lips, resulting in them having more daughters. It's like a peacock's tail


Now. Let us address the foot question. What makes a foot attractive? do you like slender feet? Would a stubby, hairy foot turn you off, like it's muddying the pure waters of your fetish? Or would stubby hairy feet be like 'my dirty little secret' type of attractive? 'oooo this girls feet are hobbit's feet, nobody knows but me though ;);););) '
Are you attracted by a woman's feet simply because she is empathetic to your obviously weird fetish, and that creates for you a bond that would not be previously be achievable? Like.. the fact that she's showing you her feet means that she accepts you? And women fundamentally don't accept you? And that's why you spent your formative pubescent years staring at their feet, chin down, like a beta? Stammering away?


not surprising that mudslimes like feet since that's what they spend their adolescence leering at.

In mudslime culture seeing the bottom of a foot is one of the worst possible insults

It devolops when moms kick their baby around a bit no jk

You should hang yourself fag

Unrelated, why am I seeing all these weird flags?

Women are the selectors in terms of sexuality. They select who they breed with. They breed with the ones offering them the best genetics and the best comfort (home, belongings, security, etc). In a hyper-connected world, using Instagram and the like, the female can watch the top 1% of men all day, and being spoiled by the apparent availability of such men, will make outrageous demands to the local men.

The female brain doesn't think, it feels. It feels that there is something better out there, and the female wants it. What are the costs? How do you get there? What does it take? These are problems for men to solve. The woman wants, and if she doesn't get, she will want a little less.

Women are children. Don't take their demands seriously.

>the woman wants, and if she doesn't get, she will want a little less
Except that she invariably gets

>being a pedophile
Off to the glue factory with you.

It's true. It seems like nothing is ever enough. They want this or for you do to that, it's still not enough,and there is something else. It never ends with women. It gets fucking old.

What do you think pulling the middle finger at someone is about then?

Because they're spoiled af. Women are basically like teenagers, but forever.

Mudslime countries use thumbs up instead, it's equivalent to "up yours"

Why is this cuck still not banned?

Clearly a bait (you) farm thread, the picture either gets guaranteed replies from other degenerates or triggers people that see it for the disgusting, pathetic fetish that it is.

Stop replying to this absolute fag, he's been doing this for half a year now.

because they can get away with anything with their pretty Feet

Faggot get gassed

>tfw footfag
>summer is coming

cant fucking wait

>so much Sup Forums?

You can never have too much of us.