I'm finally getting around to watching this movie and I wanted to hear opinions on it. What do you think of the movie? Is there a hidden message? What makes it so "red pilled" ?
Gimme your opinion Sup Forums
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nicole kidman is really hot in it thats about it
also she fucks a dog so theres a big plus really hot
it could have used more scenes like that it was quite boring when she wasnt having sex
They're telling us what really goes on. They do this in a lot of movies.
Ahhh nice. Nicole Kidman isn't my cup of tea really
Whats going on?
They cut out all the good stuff after killing Kubrick.
Spoiler alert: pay attention to what happens to the daughter at the end.
just about an orgy where everyone LARPs as satanists. Beyond that it doesnt drop as many redpills as Sup Forums would have you believe.
Is it a movie thats worth watching till the end?
There's a different version?
fun fact: Kubrick (((died))) short before the movie was finally edited and the version we got is NOT the version Kubrick worked on.
It's never surfaced. They took things out of it and made sure he couldn't talk.
How do you know another version was made but then changed for release? How did he die?
There's a girl in it whose tits are pretty much the finest that I've ever seen. You'll know her when you see her. Happy watching
This movie literally drove kubrick to death. He spent months shooting the movie and months locked up in his mansion editing it.The symbolism in the movie is immense and the attention to detail is just spellbinding. For example, the distance between lampposts in the real life street that this movie was based on was replicated accurately, that level of precision was applied.
Was he killed because he exposed (((them)))
We'll never know.
The last scene of the movie
Kidman: There's something we need to do as soon as possible
Cruise: What's that?
Kidman: Fuck
Cut to black.
(This scene probably means to say that Kidman became a part of (((them))) and slowly resigned to the fate, took a sad red pill that reality was much more powerful and realised that other than indulging in mundane things like sex, there was no way she could allow her husband to chase the rabbit hole)
I think the title of the movie itself is a depiction of how your eyes can be wide open and your sense of right and wrong can be shut down. It is a sombre take on the elite and how they can get away with literally anything. Kubrick did certainly piss off a lot of people with the movie.
TL;DR it is a movie about (((them))) and (((they))) didn't like it.
We use to have threads on this pretty regularly here.
Thanks for bringing up again op.
Fucking watch it now, nigger
I guess wiki, imdb, common knowledge?
Tits aren't my thing but I'll be watching lol
Very entertaining. Kubrick (the director) died just months before this movie was finally released. It's also a movie about (((them))), so that's telling. I hear it's incomplete though, which is unfortunate, but it's sufficient for the purpose of giving people (who are open to seemingly far-fetched notions) a sense of the sick and depraved shit the elite do at their parties
bad goyim!
give me your childs blood so I can live forever
Ignore any claims that it's "not as redpilled as people say." There's stuff hidden in every scene, from start to finish. True that the "ball" has the most, but there's plenty to be had in scenes, like say...the Christmas party at the very beginning or at the costume shop
Kubrick died 666 dies before 2001. Makes ya think. And you can verify it yourself if you think it's some dumb rumour
As a meditation on desire and risk it is unparalleled.
Some things are not for you, only for us.
How did he die?
Oh, and by the way...check out where the exterior shots of the "ball" were filmed. Coincidence?
I'm not sure. The wikipedia page just says his death was sudden, but that doesn't matter because (((They))) can make your death look like an accident.
substitute women for prepubescent children and the movie works to reality.
>Kubrick died 666 dies before 2001.
Hollywood is so cult like, the more fucked up someone is, the more I assume they've fucked or sacrificed kids whether they get off on it or not. I think some people are so desperate to be part of something, famous, elite, needed, wealthy, etc, the more they are willing to do the most depraved things most people can't even imagine.
Days. Nobody can make a typo? Jeebus
>Is there a hidden message?
it's about being cucked by banker jews.
> be me
> see this post by a faggot
> go to wikipedia page on this video
> (((erotic)))
> go to director's wiki
> go to the early life section
> born to jewish family
> tfw
I wasn't sure what the typo was.
Exactly 666 days?
Maybe it was a (((coincidence))))
There's a reason why we keep talking about it. Maybe don't be so quick to judge.
Indeed. Just a (((heart attack)))
Go and watch "Rosemary's baby". You'll get the gist of Eyes Wide Shut better after having watched that.
This is nothing new. The movie is over a decade old. How are people so unaware of it?
2001: A Satanic Odyssey
Should I watch it? Kubrick was a genius...
It's his best movie IMO
Hmmm... it looks like I'm in for a treat. The last "genius" film I saw was a few days ago David Lynch's Mulholland Dr. - Highly recommend.
kubrick nailed the tone imo. very uncomfortable movie somehow, very subtle almost indistinguishable about WHY it's uncomfortable, but just creeps in and stays there throughout the movie. Very weird.
I can see why it was canned by critics, but if you get deeper into it, it's fucking an insane movie.
>2001: A S̶a̶t̶a̶n̶i̶c̶ SEMITIC Odyssey
I watched the movie last month. It is terrific.
However, I did not understand the end. What happened to the little girl? Did Nicole Kidman know about what her husband was doing? I mean, his mask was on his pillow when he got home and then the couple didn't talk.
The movie is amazing if you delve into it. It's the under the surface parts that makes it awesome. Read this before or while watching it:
Bring up symbols like the Star of Ishtar at the Christmas party and the connection to Somewhere over the Rainbow and the colored Christmas lights throughout. Kubrick was one of the most intriguing and detailed directors ever. Sucks he's gone.
Seen it. Very good movie. A classic.
considering it's based on a book released in 1926 called traumnovelle i doubt it
“Hitler was right about almost everything.” -Stanley Kubrick
She's going to be indoctrinated by the cult. That picture I posted here is evidence of that. 'MAGIC CIRCLE' And Alice almost definitely knew. There's plenty of theories floating around that she was a member from the start. Speaking of which, THIS is we still need to be discussing EWS. New info coming to light even now.
"THE late Stanley Kubrick once remarked that ‘Hitler was right about almost everything,” and insisted that any trace of Jewishness be expunged from the ‘Eyes Wide Shut” script that author Frederic Raphael was writing for him."
Do more research dumbass
When the fuck does she fuck a dog? I've seen this movie like eight times
(((nothing))) to see here. It's a book that meant nothing! Elite satanic circles haven't existed before [current year].
t. kike
I thought they would sacrifice her.
>scene for scene match only set in modern day america
Devil's in the details. 2001 and Clockwork Orange are nearly 1:1 adaptations yet still stray in regards to themes and messages.
>shitty ending..7/10.
I used to show this movie to girls than fuck them
it worked like 3 times
I love the look on the servants face when he drives up to the gate to give Tom Cruise the note that says fuck off. Even the servants are scary mother fuckers.
Anyone familiar with MK Ultra and EWS should find this interesting
>But, according to the report, Kubrick-Hobbs said that no one list really captures her dad's tastes. "He liked movies on their own terms," she said. "And I know that he hated The Wizard of Oz."
What the fuck am I watching.
Still quite the newfag on MK Ultra, so I don't get the connection. But either way, the costume shop scene is a great step to getting redpilled about the worldwide child sex slave rings.
just look up Wizard of Oz and MK Ultra
lol. pol loves Kubrick even though he was a Russian Jew.
Pure Kino
no one will ever mention this fact in all the ews circle jerk threads. i don't personally care other than the conspiracy retards are idiots.
How far does this hole go pol?
Just to Lucifer but that's when ppl dismiss it
I think the most amazing part of the movie is that he pulled out quality performances out of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.
Notice the change in setting and light during the sommerton mansion scene. The whole movie looks like a grim christmas story with all the fake lights besides that ritual scene. Notice also how the woman in circle kneel at the beginning as if they were children. Kubrick used alot of subliminal messaging. Also, check the drawing in Helena's room, you can clearly see the word sex with a pink penis there.
this analyses it quite well (there are three parts).
hey thats joincidence with a c