/Dixie General/

Noisy Crickets Edition

Welcome ITT: All those below the Mason Dixon line and honorary proxy states, polite and respectful non Southerners

Not Welcome: CarpetBaggers, disrespectful Yankees, California, pretentious Euros


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Missouri fag reporting in

Heart of Dixie, Al-a-fuckin-bama

Tennessee here and ready. I enjoy getting to post in these threads in between reading.

Who's GA here?

Nigger hating Alabama here

Alabama reporting in, cicadas and crickets are loud tonight and everything is still wet from the storms

Virginia here, am I welcome?

The Union must remain in tact.

t. Florida/Georgia/Tennessee/Montana/SouthCarolina Resident


ohioan going to school in sc here. pls no bully I love it here (except for the niggers)

I love you Virginia even if everyone tries to bully you.

Bump for Texas

hey thanks

North Florida, Duval county reporting out for the night. Sleep tight and hopefully the rain passes us by easy, Brothers.

Together in arms for Dixie! Deo Vindice!

Kentucky stayed in the union though

Coastal SC reporting. Fuck the niggers, fuck the tourists, fuck the Russian high schoolers who come in the summer and eat up all the jobs.

tranny from last thread

tfw want to leave SC

South west here.

Ummm have you 'dixie land' faggots LOOKED at the demographics?
South Texas and Florida are total losses.

NC here.

I read this article from someone affiliated with the League of the South. I think there's some truth to what this person says but saving Anglicanism is a really huge task. Especially when it might be easier to save the Southern Baptist Convention or the United Methodist Church. But at the same time restoring the church of Lee and Washington is appealing.


Lads. Don't wish for blood. There are many who share your beliefs in cities. I've lived in cities, and I grew up on a farm. I lived on a farm in Montana, and I have worked with lumberjacks who lived in Alaska. Americans are Americans no matter their political party. The second liberals or whoever is in charge of the government starts to infringe upon our God given Constitutional rights is the second I take up arms to defend them. This is not the time, people are not being oppressed by our government, California does not want secession, New York does not want Secession, Texas does not want secession, Florida does not want secession. We are stronger together than we are apart, the minority does not make the rule. The only people who stand to benefit are secessionists, the Chinese, The Russians, the Europeans, and 'Mehico/Canadaland. Republicans would gain nothing, no land, no spoils, no nothing. You would simply be fighting to say that your ideology is right and liberals are wrong.

t. Southern Republican

you can start by leaving the thread, and then leaving life

I would fuck you, somewhat ashamed to admit that honestly but you look like a regular girl

Why do you want to leave SC?

pls do

do yall like us here in Kentucky or not?

not that we give a fuck anyway, just curious

Pretty cute.
No homo tho

Don't you have some abbo dicks to clean the shit off of, you convict cuck?

If you ignore everything wrong with the west coast it's a beautiful place so feel free to enjoy it.

>do yall like us here in Kentucky or not?
aint never had a problem with kentucky personally, everyone i've ever met from up there were good people

Louisiana swampbug here again, what's the best Lovecraft? I've gone through Mountains, Innsmouth, Doorstep, currently on Charles Dexter Ward.

>The second liberals or whoever is in charge of the government starts to infringe upon our God given Constitutional rights is the second I take up arms to defend them. This is not the time, people are not being oppressed by our government
are you retarded

Have you read The Outsider yet? or Erich Zann?

this, everything i do i do for the BASED REPUBLICANS
you do realize that the republicans dont give a shit about the south, or white america in general, right?
If you love the south, fight for it
And when i say the south, i dont fucking mean memphis

is there a TN version of this?

>Texan Marines sum up Texas

Reminder that you lazy fuckers are the ones who brought slaves to america and made this country a shithole.

That's completely ignoring the millions of southern republicans. Who runs your state governments? Yankees? No last time I checked Sonny Perdue was born and raised in the south and the same with Robert Bentley. If the south is systematically oppressed by laws passed by our government, we should fight back, but show me evidence of the current government being unconstitutional first.

Dexter Ward. Great progression from sanity to insanity.

Dude WWII only killed 50 million people.
There Hispanic (Aztec) invasion force in the USA is 80 million strong.
At least the history books will read Australia got conqured by the Chinese and not fucking Mexicans! lol.

No one wishes for blood you shitfuck. We're not the ones doing violent protests and shit. The only time the right will ever mobilize is when they try to abolish the 2nd amendment or other similar shit.

Stop telling us to not want to hurt people. Southern whites are literally the last fucking people you need to tell that to, other than maybe the Asians on purpose program

Nope, that was the jews
It was jews who brought them to the carribean as well
aside from the slaves themselves, the people most hurt by it were poor and semipoor white people. Only jews and really rich white people benefited from it at all.

"Only 50 million people"
If you stacked 50 million people on top of each other, how high would their bodies reach into the sky?

Reminder that Massachusetts was the first colony to authorize slavery through enacted law

does anyone else get pissed off when people who hate the entire southeastern region and everyone in it say y'all

Obviously Call of Cthulhu (you didn't mention it even if it's an obvious one), if you haven't read it yet. The Outsider is great. Whisperer in Darkness, The Haunter of the Dark, also good. In the Walls of Eryx is great for something completely different but awesome nonetheless. Cool Air is fun.

Also, The Dark Eidolon by Clark Ashton Smith is fantastic (he was in Lovecraft's circle and is undeniably the most skilled technical writer of the bunch, including Lovecraft himself (who admitted as much)).

I might have missed some gems but that's off the top of my head for now.

Fascists/NatSocs >>> plebian muh freedumbs hicks

South by God Carolina

Depending on how you stack them, probably not all that high.

I've never heard anyone say that. I had to train myself to say y'all before it became somewhat natural.

I'm telling you people this, because I identify as one of you. I wouldn't want one of my own throwing the first stone. Just like I wouldn't wish a painful death to people who don't deserve it. And don't tell me people deserve death because they disagree with other democratic people. That's Romanesque and I sure as hell think the United States is a far better empire than shit fuck Rome ever was.

This desu.
Every time there is a shooting or some type of violence it is always some mentally ill leftist.

How about some music


Our rights are already being infringed on. Government is getting massive,and corporatist expansion is eroding our culture, and lack of immigration standards is allowing for our race and our voters to be watered down and eventually outnumbered. Already Texas was only for Trump 52-48. You don't see California or New York getting that close. Only the red states. Everything is already happening, and they do it slow enough that people like you somehow don't notice. I'm not even from the south. I live in the Northwest and I'd like to escape these cucks. I'd love to move down to the south and experience your culture, I just hope it doesn't get overrun by niggers, liberals tearing down your statues and your histories, Californians moving to dilute your towns and all the rest too soon. However, that is the inevitable end if the union as a whole remains in the direction it's going (Which it is. The people implementing this still own our public schools, our entertainment, government etc). Wake up

Hey calm down grandpa. No one is going to touch your precious AR15. When you are 70 years old you can stroke your rifle on your deathbed whilst living in a 30% white shithole of a country.

Actually guys I think this person might actually be a shill. I don't think it's possible to be this bluepilled. This is either Shareblue or Jeb fucking Bush

Omg we know just shut the fuck up already you fucking yank, no southerner would ever say "I identify as one of you"

its mostly that snarky tryhard liberal type, who tries to be all cool and down to earth yet cant talk about anything other than politics and how great minorities are


maybe he's "assigned yankee"


dont bully!!

cuz my family is unsupportive and keeps pressuring me to cut my hair plus my voice sucks and people get agressive or stop talking when they hear my voice

pls no bully...

yes homo desu

Aren't you supposed to be watching your wife get fucked by a rich Chinese man?

yankee living in VA. I was raised in the north, by Mass parents. My father, who was raised in the north, by northern parents, taught me that the South fought like Gentlemen while the North fought like the Mongols. My dad died with a rebel flag on his truck. I love the South, Virginia is not red enough, I love the South, Southern Traditions, and I hope someday I can be accepted. Fuck Carpetbaggers. I was only born in the north. If I could chose I'd be born in the Old Dominion

Sure. A common favorite during the war was the Battle Cry of Freedom. The Union's version existed first so the Confederates ending up making their own version. A fun little fact. I'll post both versions. I think it'd be good if these threads serve to teach each other about our ancestors and our culture.



Whatever he is he needs to oy vey somewhere else

I work for a local Civil War battlefield preservation group. One of our members is a man from Ohio. He's worked his ass off to help preserve this battlefield and southern culture. I'm proud to call him a brother in arms. Give me a good yank over a southerner who hates their heritage any day.

Then we must go about changing this democratically. Look at Trump, getting rid of unnecessary regulations, trying to reform immigration (don't tell me he's not trying, he's been blocked by a 9th circuit court in Hawaii and South Carolina twice), and he's been trying to reinforce our infrastructure. And don't worry about our culture, normies in the south aren't going to let this kind of shit happen. The second something real happens, the oathkeepers or whatever 'radical' group on the right has will march on Washington. Trust me, we southrons are proud of our heritage and no foreigner will EVER take it from us. People that assimilate peacefully and abide by OUR laws shouldn't be stereotyped as all religious extremists/wellfare suckers.

>Whatever he is he needs to oy vey somewhere else
get the rope, 13 half hitches of love

hmm come to think of it I can kind of remember seeing that before. I'm from a liberal midwestern city so I probably have

Favorite Dixie song


Alabama-escapee in modern, high tech Silicon Valley. Fuck all you people. Backwards filth.

NSA illegal search and seizure of all our private information. IRS Scandal that nobody got fired, taxed Christians and conservatives extra (I wonder where they got all that information). Stricter and stricter gun laws throughout many states (Shall not infringe is not a difficult concept to understand). Freedom of religion, coach in Washington state fired from his job for praying publically. Antifa violently attacking Trump supporters (right to free assembly). Portland mayor wasn't going to support security for the Free speechers attending the park that day (needed a permit to even gather in the park, that's not constitutional). Probably more I'm not thinking of. These are in blue shithole states I know, but the point remains, why remain in the same union as these people? They are already moving in hoards to other states cause they keep bankrupting their own. They will turn red states purple, and drag you down with them.

I was thinking more Southern Rock, but I enjoy historical music as well.


heres your (you)s

Howdy. Oxford, MS reporting in.

Are the rest of you aware that Blue Bell ice cream makes a 'banana pudding' flavor? Holy hell! Where has this been all my life? I highly recommend it. Thank you Texas/bros/ for the Blue Bell ice cream.

>living in a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah
Any day now that fault line is going to fucking rape everything


You're cute. I'm fat and in my 30's. Such is life :'D

I'm not a shill. You can say whatever you want however. I simply don't think our people should be so misled by foreign powers that we actually cause another Civil War to happen. If we don't remember history, then we are doomed to repeat it.

I too am in Oxford. Do I know you?

NW FL reporting in

I mentioned it last thread but I met Sonny Shroyer who played Deputy Enos. He was born in Georgia and he's a really great and funny guy. He had a lot of great stories about the show too.

Got that too brother. I'll share one of my dad's favorites.


Misled by foreign powers? What exactly are you referring to? RUSSIA?? LOL

I'll give you a chance to explain yourself if you have something legitimate to say. Honestly though it's getting more and more suspicious dude

Wait, is this about the fucking Russian meme? GET OUT OF OUR SOUTHERN GENERAL YOU FUCKING SHILL

Oh you know me, user. I've always been here.

Anyone here from Houston?

You a local or a student?

>primitives actually believe this

Nc is hot as hell and love it minus the yellow


Been out a year. I'm sticking around for a while. Debating the future...with myself. Yourself?

Stfu you cultureless swine. I'm on the west coast myself, and I've seen what you computer IT fucks contribute. Mongaloids, all of you. Literally nothing to do for fun except drugs and videogames. What's the point of all that money when all you use it for is sitting around being an unprincipled uncultured piece of shit?

Fuck east carolina

The southeast is the promised land, all we have to do is remove nigger

Fuck off hicks, you're the worst and dumbest side of the right... although I'd rather call you the left since you love dixiecrats so much.

Losing to the Chinese (1 billion strong, 5000 year old civilization) is much less shameful than the USA losing to Mexicans. Thats like Aussies losing to Abos or an invasion from PNG.

Besides 18 million 'Australians proper' (Anglo-Celtics) can't be expected to win against a billion Han Chinese.
It would be nice if our Anglo-bros could help us but they are busy losing to Muslims (Europe) & Aztecs (USA)...

Taking a 5th year victory lap then getting the fuck out of here. I'm so sleepy all of a sudden. God Speed Ole user

louisiana reporting in, Sup Forums discussions seem to be better in generals, but there has never been one for me, feels fucking great man.

I get my discussion of local politics from tigerdroppings (LSU's biggest sports message board) we have some atrocious fucking politicians right now. Feels fucking awful man.

We're fully aware of our demographics. We're reminded of our demographics every day by simply walking outside. Although it is hilarious to watch white super liberals look down on our Beloved Dixie without realizing exactly who they're looking down on. It's hilarious to watch these lefties accidentally look down on their precious black pets.