Is logical to hate white people after you read books on european colonialism and white imperialism?
Right now I don't feel sorry for white countries being ethnically replaced by non whites.
Is logical to hate white people after you read books on european colonialism and white imperialism?
Right now I don't feel sorry for white countries being ethnically replaced by non whites.
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If you think it's logical to hate Islam for the acts that some Muslims commit then it follows that it is okay to hate white people for the acts their ancestors committed.
In fact, I would say that it's worse with white people, because white people are proud of the murder and theft their ancestors committed, whereas every Muslim I meet is always telling me how I should not even call ISIS "Muslim" and how they don't represent them.
Why don't you hate on Genghis Khan then, why only White nations (even White nations that didn't have colonies)?
Genghis khan didn't made genocide into an nation institution, unlike white colonialism in africa, how natives were genocided in america and australia.
>Jew books
Forgot to check your flag (tired)
Opinion discarded
>has never read a book.
We should. Anyone that does bad things should be hated. White people are not the only ones taht have done shit things.
I fucking hate Japs too. In many ways, Koreans and Japs are even worse than white people. At least white people try to acknowledge their ancestor's crimes. Japs are proud and even visit the shrines of their war criminals.
You'll notice an interesting pattern if you cross reference Jewish expulsions and European colonialism.
Not going to lie if I were black or native I'd probably hate white people also. All other shitskins can fuck off back to their own countries though they don't have to be here.
You shouldn't hate them for what their ancestors did. That's SJW kike logic. You should hate them because they're doing nothing about having their native population replaced/actively killing themselves off for the sake of "diversity".
Lol you posted this in the latinamerica thread.shut the fuck up and k ow your history boy everyone in latin america speaks mainly spanish you have white blood only exist because why people learn your place
Do you niggers have internet in chocó?
Depends on the perspective.
From a Darwinian perspective, its logical to be indifferent to the decline of Western White Civilization. We're allowing it to happen to ourselves, and we're being outbred and overrun by alternate breeding strategies.
If you are white, you should have some pride for the conquest and achievement of your forefathers. The history of the entire world is a history of war and conquests; Whites just did it better for the vast majority of the last 1000 years. There is no shame in that.
Colombians aren't exactly saints either. If I gave enough of a shit to read about your people's history I bet I would find some bad things as well. Maybe try reading some books about the good things white people have done, like advancing modern medicine so you don't die after getting stabbed by a drug dealer.
White people are the salt of the earth. We brought those moronic niggers civilization and all the benefits that come with it, only to be repaid by theft and murder.
>columbian flag
Go back to the coca fields, drug slaves shouldnt bother themselves by reading.
Not all white countries did that.
>he ignores the part of western cultural imperialism and disdain for non western civilizations
The net losses of imperialism (introduction to technology, modern medicine, and modern agriculture) have outweighed the social consequences.
Without colonialism your Columbian ass would still be killing virgins on top of temples cause you would help make it rain next week.
>Genghis khan didn't made genocide into an nation institution
Thats pretty much incorrect on all accounts
Then hate the whole world at that point
Non Western Civilizations suck.
And again, the imperialism and conquest is natural. Every culture/nation/peoples who have had the means to do so, has engaged or attempted to expand.
If White Europeans hadnt colonized every corner of the globe in the last 1000 years, somebody else would have, and we'd be talking about how we have no sympathy for their decline.
read a book, nigger.
If they did, it's too bad that they didn't do a better job.
>it is morally wrong to serve the interests of your race
>it is morally wrong to follow your genetic imperative
except every non western country see western nations as assholes.
It doesn't help when chinese, indians, arabs, persians, africans, slavs actually see whites as their enemies.
nothing to see here just a butthurt comie, Colombia was funded on western values if you don't like it you can get the hell out of here
>white people bring civilization to the savage lands & single-handedly end slavery worldwide
>but nonwhites are forced to work hard for a few centuries while we sort everything out
Damn those white people, we could've been living large! Ugh, thank god they shared all of their innovations in medicine will allow us to breed enough to overwhelm them.
We're heading back to the good life soon!
>pic related
>we were so successful that a new term had to be made specifically about our conquests
Also telling that the term was 'coined' in 1980, after the onset of political white guilt.
And we were exceptional in comparison to other cultures in every sense of the word; that was what allowed us to conquer the world with such ease and success.
cos they r jelly m8
>except every non Golden State Warriors fans see the Warriors as assholes
Everyone hates the team that consistently wins. And Whites/europeans have only begun to start to lose (mostly due to self inflicted wounds) in recent decades.
>Genghis khan didn't made genocide into an nation institution
That's pretty much the only thing he did, whereas the British vastly improved most of the places they colonized.
Too bad Ghengis and his crew didn't reach your retarded ancestors.
White build this world into what we see today. Whites created industrialization and that was lighting in a bottle. Without whites competing for spice from Asia we would have not discover the new world America would have not exist. If white died out in the black plague eastern empires would have taken over Europe and feudalism will still exist today as well monarchs. So stop and think, whites pretty much provide a lot for this world and when we pull out of Africa all you niggers could not even know what to do. You need us, but we don't need you. Also I am NOT sorry for what my ancestors did in fact I'm proud and proud to white more than ever.
the fact you're able to communicate to the rest of the world is solely due to whites you ungrateful little sjw op
>he ignores the part of failed non-western cultural imperialism and disdain for western civilization
>he doesn't know about all those european disseases that genocided millions of non whites
So the term is correct and you're still guilty off it.
good luck when they're outbreeding you.
demographics are a bitch.
whites will be basically a memory in 2050, even less than modern amerindians.
>What is european universalism
>still trying to understand non western cultures using western eyes
imagine if some invaders come to your land, start killing your people, stealing your resources, and then calling your civilization shit and trying to force you foreign concepts.
do you think africans don't have memories of colonialism?
or russians seeing american as allies?
or what the chinese think of american imperialism?
or indians about british?
>what is western imperialism in arab nations during the XX century
brainwashed retard.
Good goyim kill more whites
>implying the deaths we caused outweigh the lives we've saved
Come on Pablo, we taught you about math n shieeet didn't we? You're gonna need this to keep the machines running once we've gone and you're working for Mr. Goldbergstein.
>Anyone who doesn't agree with me is brainwashed.
You don't have a problem with speaking their language and benefiting off of their technological advances.
You should be thankful we were around to invent that computer of yours.
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>Anonymous (ID: ZhV6enbn) 06/16/17(Fri)00:37:42 No.130116200▶
> Is logical to hate white people after you read books on european colonialism and white imperialism?
>he doesn't know about the illegal campains to spread disseases in africa, sterilize poor people in latinoamerica and east asia and other BS
brainwashed retard.
made using arabic math.
I read both white and black supremacist books. Enlighten yourself to both sides of the coin instead of reinforcing preconceived notions.
Also, don't expect anything other than "wypipo didnt do nuffin!!!!!!" for anytime the white race fucks up
i just wish you'd learn something from us instead of being envious and petty
>Muh Arabic math
Reminder dune coons are too busy today fucking goats a 9 year olds to care about math they invented that they don't even use anymore. Whites put it to better use its called innovation nigger.
Pablo, if we actually wanted you all dead we could've done it. If we'd sterilized MORE of your useless poors, you guys might've turned into a half decent race.
Instead we bitched out, and now we send food and money to all of you retards who STILL can't form coherent modern societies on your own.
>this is the future you chose, enjoy
I read history books.
well, they could develop peacefully if americans didn't start making wars into their nations, embarguing the iranians with BS sanctions, suporting saudi terrorism, suporting israel, putting dictators, killing all the leaders that want to develop their nations, forcing them western values they don't want and so on, during the last century.
>poor people are evil maymay
ok retard.
You really are just like the niggers, you will be excellent slaves.
>Well played kikes...well fucking played.
>I read history books
Do you really chap?
Last time I check the Caliphate one point in time was imperializing Spain, North Africa, Iran Syria and Palestine which were all European before the rise of Islam. It was not until the crusades and the reclaim Spain we got some of are land back and saved Europe from Islamization.
Do you even know who Genghis Khan is?
Don't mind me just checking out the flag feature
So are you.
yeah super sorry for all that medicine, technology, philosophy, basic governance, etc. that we gave to you
what assholes we are
White people are like cancer. We are a plague on the world but there is nothing you can do to stop us!
I mean it was kind of shitty to give them access to it. Now we have an almost endless number of people bitching about us.
north africans and middl eastern people are still the same race as europeans though.
Did gengish khan imposed his culture and language and religion on others?
>>What is european universalism
>>still trying to understand non western cultures using western eyes
>cannibalism, torture and genocide are bad only when the westerners do it
>Did gengish khan imposed his culture and language and religion on others?
No. He wanted taxes and soldiers. That's it.
that's the diference.
whites still think their values are superior and still are trying to enforce them on non western cultures.
they're trying to promote feminism and gay rights on africa and muslims countries.
fuck off whites.
It's not enough to say fuck off.
You drive the invaders out.
Since when does an invader not steal?
Since when a colonizer acts just?
Kill them and then they respect you.
whites simply decided to stop breeding and mass import millions of non whites.
what a cuck race.
If shitskins had the chance they would of done the same shit. It just turned out 99% of them had walnut sized brains.
As a white person I find this pretty offensive :((
"slaughtering and killing isn't as bad as building infrastructure and forcing your language on people!"
You see how retarded that sounds?
and I'm sure you'll have a bright future warming up their egg rolls for them, shitskin.
read about belgian genocide on the congo, the origins of the rwanda genocide, the reasons of darfur.
they're not whites though.
they're doing a much better job in african than what your race did.
Nigga what tech was that? Stargazing? please like the pirates didn't already have that. Basic geometry? Been there done that universally. What Tech? Babel on underground "Railroad" Music. Please... Spell "FROM" like a good English speaker or get the fuck out from the land our forefathers built with your labor and our ancestors moral traditions.
I hate white people for that. But i hate it more when people abuse kindness. And thats what muslims are doing right now. We can settle history later
Right now we have a common enemy, muslims and (((friends)))
is it logical to hate all shit and simpson skins when you learn how little they have achieved in their long long histories?
Good advice for Americans, and for black inner cities.
Read about 14 centuries of Arab slave trading of blacks, read about Ottoman colonization of the Balkans, read about Zulu genocide of the Khoisan, read about Arab slave markets in modern day Libya, read about how the Spanish were only able to defeat the Aztecs with the help of several tribes who had been used as slaves/human sacrifice farms for the Aztecs for centuries. You're just another idiot who thinks the entirety of human history boils down to whites vs everyone else.
I'm Scotch-Irish shitskin, my race never had any African colonies. And if you actually think the Chinese are giving more than they're taking in Africa you really are a fucking moron.
You shouldn't hate them. The tables of history always turn. You can take comfort in knowing this fact.
We had flying pyramids that let us fly to South America and colonize them. Stargazing? Fuck we need that for when we can move among the stars?!?!?!? Little do you know that underground "Railroad" music was just a way to lift our spirits after a long day of building Amerikkka for you lazy white people. If anything you toilet seat complexion cave monkeys need to give me and my people our due and go away from the land that we cultivated.
Müh ancestor help us!
>too retarded to understand I'm talking about eurocentrism
and whites are suposedly to be the smart race, lmao.
wow those Chinese are so great for Africa my fellow non-whites:
"nothing else matter except what Europeans did, everything else I either ignore or handwave."
I'm surprised you're even smart enough to use the white mans internet.
care to give me examples of other civilizations that aren't western that have cultural imperialism on par with whites?
White man's internet. White man's numbers lol
You should hate the individuals who do shitty things not entire races you dumbfuck.
No white person living today had anything to do with that shit.
"Read about 14 centuries of Arab slave trading of blacks, read about Ottoman colonization of the Balkans, read about Zulu genocide of the Khoisan, read about Arab slave markets in modern day Libya, read about how the Spanish were only able to defeat the Aztecs with the help of several tribes who had been used as slaves/human sacrifice farms for the Aztecs for centuries."
You ignore this reality in favor of commie terminology about "culture imperialism". If you're so against it, disconnect your home from electricity, throw out your computer, and go back to wiping your ass with leaves. "No, no, me likes dat stuff, I just don't want any of the stuffs about Western culture, I don't like!" Well guess what retard: most of us here don't like that shit either and are actively fighting against it.
So the bad people are actually the (((elite))), right?
White people made every country that they colonized better, even when you account for the atrocities they committed. The natives in every case were doing far worse to each other.
This tbqh
leftist commie cuck niggers conviently ignoring all of history in the name of the racial grievance industry. Niggers were killing and enslaving other niggers long before the white man showed up. Every race is bathed in war and enslavement of other tribes. But oh we ignore that because it doesn't get me any commie points at the local drum circle.
OP fucking kill yourself you retarded brainlet
>what is middle east and arab countries
>what is eurocentrism
Who cares when white people got us the best standard of living?
Do you honestly think living conditions would be any different had any other race had the opportunity to colonize?
Well, and I wouldn't call Anglos white
as opposed to the absolute loveliness when Muslims colonized Yugoslavia?
You said it not me