I'm convinced they don't fucking exist, should I stop trying and just start making white babies with my 9/10 gf even though she isn't a virgin?
Give up on finding a virgin woman?
N1 user
Your palm doesn't count as baby maker
Yes, reward the whores with money, protection, and status after they fuck 100 men.
14-18 year old depending on your age and parental consent. Tough luck outside of that bracket. Marry her fast OP.
Enjoy your ban mate.
>should I stop trying and just start making white babies with my 9/10 gf even though she isn't a virgin?
She's aint got no cherry,
And that may be a sin;
She's still got the box,
The cherry came in!
lel jealous faggot
I bet these young ladies could be just the virgins you're looking for.
user, you cannot post naked people on Sup Forums, it could earn you a ban.
(they really need to put this in the sticky)
Nice fag flag
I actually could do worse, she was with the same dude since she was 14, her first, and broke up with him before we got together, didn't cheat on him to my knowledge
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a woman having sexual partners prior to being with you. Just don't date/marry total fucking whores.
Anybody who has had a few sexual partners will understand that not everybody is sexually compatible. The only way you will find that out is if you have slept with a few people.
I've dated girls who are total pillow queens and aren't willing to put in any effort in bed. They don't give a flying fuck how enjoyable it is for the guy, they think sex is 100% about themselves and that you should just be thankful you are even getting sex. Good luck trying to stay happy with a woman like that for the rest of your life.
People settle for non virgins now that there are so few. Girls who weren't pure in the past were total pariahs. Don't spread your degeneracy around OP. Maybe you just sucked in bed if your girls never cared to reciprocate.
Only way you're getting a virgin is via church or someone with very strict parents
Look for the best you can find and then settle for it. The most harmful thing is that you wait too long to get married.
If you're trying to refute mountains of research into the positive effects of virgin marriage you're failing
Oh, Jesus Christ you made me cross-eyed. Right after looking at OP semen demon. Fuck it we got to fix the young boys of these broken women sure it's cucked but by the definition, the next gen of men are cucked just by being born. To arms for the next gen to give them some daylight or shall we all just give up and let it all go to shit? I for one will dive into the fire, wish me luck.
>thinking of marriage before you had sex with her
wew lad
>should I stop trying and just start making white babies with my 9/10 gf even though she isn't a virgin?
Has she fucked less than 6 people including you?
Virginity doesn't matter as much as keeping a wife that isn't pregnant.
Keep your wife pregnant at all times and no guys will approach her and she will never approach guys. Get her into a church ward and live a happy life.
Also, make sure her friends come from a church as well. They will establish a pecking order which is built on good home making and morality.
If all of her social pressure comes from positive moral people then she will become positive and moral too. Women aren't that different from men.
Without women to encourage us or friends to push us we can kind of become slobs.
I made my post before I read the thread. If it's just you and one other guy you should be fine.
*citation needed
Yes. That is a good idea.
The only things that matter are having no kids and no emotional attachment.
You should start having children and supporting them as a solid father. You are I the best spot.
>I gave on finding virgins.
There's a surefire way. I pity fools who didn't get a school girl gf when they had the chance. I supposed it still isn't too late depending on how lucky and iron willed you are.
I've taken to just going to asian happy ending places
Where the fuck are you looking.
If you are going to clubs and shit or waiting for someone in your own degenerate circle of friends, then you can't complain.
First off, go to church. Church is the only place where you are ever going to find virgin wife material. Having any sort of morals without a strong, solid base to it like the belief in God is a meme pushed by degenerate atheists.
Also, there are a lot of "born again" women there who may not be virgins. Don't go for the over 25's.
There. It's as easy as that.
Honestly, it's pretty dumb to expect the woman to be a virgin if you aren't as well. Also, if the girl was in a relationship before you, who cares. What matters is that you satisfy her so she doesn't look elsewhere. Being true is what is important.
But yes, there is a limit to how many dudes she's been with.
>Also, there are a lot of "born again" women there who may not be virgins. Don't go for the over 25's.
One of my best friends fell for that meme. Then he knocked her up, moved her to his city and forced her into a hardcore christian lifestyle (all their friends are of the church and yuppies).
Of course. Where did you think you'd find one - among the Amish? With their Rundspringe you probably wouldn't with them, either. Mennonite, maybe you've got a chance.
how long can we wait?
sperm takes a really long time to go stale, right?
i know eggs go stale by 30, but doesn't sperm last until at least 50?
or are you saying it's infeasible to score a teen/early 20s girl once you get to a certain age?
>complains women aren't virgins
>fucking women out of wedlock
OP pls
You seem to value virgin women. Therefore, you need to be the change you want to see in the world.
If you accept a non-virgin bride, then you are letting women fuck freely before marriage. You don't like that, right? So don't accept it.
Alternatively, you can say "Whatever man, I don't matter, nothing matters." In that case, don't even bother coming here for an opinion. If nothing matters, then just fuck off and live in hedonism. We're all going to end up 6 feet under, right?
#5 is best by far. The rest seem too autistic even for me.
Only 8 out of 100 are virgins and it's most likely because they're ugly.
>muh virgin muh lady
Nope... sorry.. especially if they're pretty or even beautiful. That's modern life now.
t.guy with a 28 bodycount with gf having 13 bodycount
1. You didn't provide source
2. How many of those people are in heavily religious families where divorce would basically mean being disowned from their family? Ton's of people stay together even though they hate each other just because divorce has so much stigma.
I've seen ton's of marriages where you can tell they have hated each other for years, but they still stay together. According to your retarded chart relationships like that are still healthy and great.
If you want a virgin that much go join a church and scope out the slightly mentally ill, brainwashed types there.
But think first if that's the partner you want in life. Someone who thinks harry potter is demon propoganda and two of every animal were placed on a boat by a 600 year old man.
Personally I'd rather have a balanced girl who fucked a few guys when she was a dumb teen but has grown up, or had a relationship for a few years. Fuck, imagine if you found your virgin and she'd been in a relationship for a few years without ever having sex. Enjoy your weirdo.
I just ignore my stomach, but then I feel poor cause I didn't eat food, and think other people think I'm poor when they hear me hungry
I'm really not even opposed to life on a farm where harry potter and modern music are off limits. I'm incredibly sick of modern culture.
So you grew up poor and think anyone else judges you for being poor other than other poor people?
if the answer isn't obvious you need a Sup Forums break
No, I just feel like a poor african when I have an empty stomach
Huh okay. That's never crossed my mind when I'm hungry...
I've been told I'm autistic, I'm starting to believe its true
When I was 14 I realized I didn't look anyone in the eyes when they spoke to me and vice versa. I used to stare at their mouths. It took a few years to force myself to look into people's eyes and many more to be able to follow people beyond a few sentences without fading out or going back to their mouths. Am I autistic too?
As they said before, church is your answer.
I don't know, I used to do that too, now I have no problem staring people in the eyes. Sometimes I hold it for too long though, so I try to give it a break by looking at other stuff and not staring. I think I'm mostly autistic on the internet, it seems to amplify autistic tendencies, in real life I'm not that bad I think. I used to never talk in high school, but I don't have a problem talking with people now.
I'm 100% normal with that all now. I used to be a "lingerer" and got made fun of for it a few times, thankfully. I would do the same, hold eye contact too long and also linger because I was so fucking awkward. I guess it's not something 100% natural to everyone. I worked on my social skills a lot. Long periods of socialization in person are still exhausting to me, but that's the definition of introverted.
perfect way to describe it, like I was always the person listening and never contributing. Glad I'm not too weird though, because social development is important to normal interaction with people.
No matter how painful it is, it's best to get feed back and work on it. People who know me now don't believe my past. I'm really just better at faking it, because it's still exhausting generally to socialize outside family and inlaws (also family).
Guys I met a girl a couple of months ago and for some reason I thought she was like 21 and then I found out she's 30. I'm 27 though so it's not terrible but she's a 9/10 for me. I don't want kids anyway.
>ugh if only women were not so shallow and were still virgins
>she has to be 9/10 though
The Eternal Male strikes again
That's not horrible. 27 and 30 aren't that far apart for child birthing health.
It SHOULD have fucking stigma. The rise of no-fault divorce has completely fucked marriage in the West. It used to be if you got divorced it was for a damned good fucking reason, like your husband was a fucking violent drunk or an abusive womanizer or some shit. There was incentive to try and work through problems and make the relationship work.
Now you've got half of marriages ending in no-fault divorce within ten years.
I know it's just she looked so young that I didn't even ask her age. Was pretty shocked when I found out. I think I'll see how it goes.
But that could be a great indicator for how she'll age. Better than a 21 year old who looks 45 at 32. I know some women over 50 who could pass for 10 - 15 years younger.
How'd you meet? Was her age just something that never came up or did she actively mislead you about it?
She never mislead me. She is taking college classes so that also made me think she was younger. She told me when we hung out for the first time alone.
They don't exist, user. Most girls lose their virginity by age 14, and even the really fat and ugly ones lose it by age 17. So if you're over the age of 18, give up on marrying a virgin, it simply isn't going to happen
>ding ding ding
It's sad but true. Any fineass girl I know have at least 8 sexual partners by 21 (especially in college & alcohol).