Continued from
Kekistan cringe thread
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I love this.
Is this the fabled Right Wing Death Squad who want to throw people from helicopters that I heard so much about?
You do realise you Drumpfcucks on Sup Forums were the ones who started this pepe/kekistan crap? Take responsibility for your actions.
Not just drumpftards, but nazis and liberfaggians too.
I imagine the bronies must feel so vindicated seeing this shit, after all those mlp cringe threads.
I blame the HWNDU fags, too many Sup Forumsacks overcome there agoraphobia and went outside to get there faces on screen and fifteen minutes of internet fame.
Nothing good comes from going outside!
t. proud citizen of kekistan
Reminder that only a right-winger could look like this.
>Pats fan
top cringe right there
This isn't that bad.
Look at that fat fuck on the right, he's literally every Sup Forumstard ever.
he doesn't look that fat, maybe a bit chubby but not like a fucking ham planet
>look mom, we nazis nao!
Found the proud citizen of kekistan. how long is your beard fatass?
now we know who makes fag threads like this one
This. Divide and conquer is BS.
>Posting retarded memes on Sup Forums
>Alone in a dark room
>Holding retarded memes in-person
>Socializing with strangers and friends alike
>Posting pictures of retarded people holding retarded signs on Sup Forums
>Alone in a dark room
Pick C. Virgins.
epic win OP
Someone should name everyone in this picture
Project Echelon
le divide and conquer shill
I want to send them all to camp
The fact that these people are now 60% of the population on this board make me want to puke
Back to thedonald guys, you're not welcome here
We're not on the same team, I'm not your friend, you're shit.
I get the feeling that Sargon and his group of kekifags may have killed pepe. I mean I don't see much pepe usage anymore, or at least not as much as before.
Anyone else?
Anyone have that picture of a bunch of alt-lite following that "proud kekistani womyn" or whatever it was?
>muh purity spiral
You have been visited by the kekistani upboat king, upvote this post in 3 seconds or he'll steal all your reddit gold
Pepe was destined to die a long time ago. We managed to keep him alive for a few months around the election but the cancer couldn't be stopped. Rip in peace.
God these people are faggots. But at least theyre not commie idiots whining on pol about pol. Kys. No seriously. Kill yourself.
this isn't cringe. it just looks like normies
>Iron Pill the alt light
Most of it are non-white subhumans and/or impure """""European"""" Americans. You can't Iron Pill those whose ancestry is not exclusively European. How can a bunch of darkies help us to form DNA based eugenic ethnostates?
No, the person who did this was sargon of akkad
>you roasties will never take my virginity!
Project Echelon
What is this thread supposed to achieve? How does this help the right-wing?
classic assblasted leftypol trying to divide and conquer
just ignore kekistan retards
>How does this help the right-wing?
It's not suppose to
It's to expose the right wing for the fatass, neckbeard virgins they are.
So you're not even going to pretend you're not leftypol? Kys
>young communist league
>old ass cunt on the right
subhumans the picture
Did some diggin
Alexei Piotr Janewski
Jorgen Klein
Carla Janzen
Those are all the ones I could find on FB
fuck off loser
If Kekistan is retarded why are you getting upset that people are making fun of them?
The base of the '''kekistanni''' flag is a white power flag that's listed in the hate symbol database. People flying that flag may get hurt because they're dumb ass 12 year olds.
Not sure how I feel about this but is a Jew with a yarmulke.
Could be right.
Im appart of this group but im not in this picture we realized it wasnt a very great picture but we decided to post it anyways
>implying these faggots arent civic nationalist republicans
you leftist cunts are so fucking dumb
Congratulations, you are mentally ill.
Goddamn this is brony tier
It shames me that these are the same people I have to share this board with, why the fuck do I come here?
>implying that nazis don't look like this
>implying YOU don't look like this
it gets me so fucking horny to know that these giant retards probably went out did all this cringy shit thinking "omg lol i bet this would kill on Sup Forums praise kek hahah"
Oy vey!
Congratulations, you're a fatass virgin
Is that his mom telling him no tendies? Poor lad
He used all his goodboy points just to go to the protest.
they don't even understand when a meme is directed against themselves like true cucks
>no you
You have some nerve attacking my presumed physical appearance after you said you were part of this group
this right here
you guys shouldn't be concerned with the image we put forth, I mean how many times during the election did we go "who gives a fuck about PR"
The important part is we are coming together and organizing, don't be so concerned about the secondhand embarrassment seeing some of your peers might cause
Oh well, should have double checked the ID, never mind, all communists look the same
The moderate left not criticising SJWs is a tactical mistake of theirs which has allowed the Alt-Right to grow dramatically.
We will not make the same mistake as them. Now fuck off with your gay kekistani bullshit.
So what if I someone is mentally ill?
It sloughs off our weaker stragglers who are national embarrassments and yet spuriously aligned with us.
i don't find this cringey
t.ethnic kekistani
jesus fucking christ ... I almost feel bad laughing at the guy because he is literally a subhuman
RIP /pol
I didn't realize how bad this was getting.
Do I have to move left to get further away from association with this shit? Or maybe just further right?
Go left. Look at all the images in this thread. Get out while you can.