Finally they are cracking down on the real criminals, some valley girl at coachella in a headdress.
United Nations YES
Other urls found in this thread:
What happened to celebrating other's cultures
They can't even stop genocide. Twice.
Navajo panties?
>ban cultural appropriation
>90% of the world has to stop wearing European/Western clothing and has to go back to wearing man-dresses and loinclothes.
I'm just going to assume this is a troll post so I don't start my morning pissed off
They somehow found a way to make the Middle East more uncivilised
I got it off vice so most likely
Seriously, that bitch needs to stop appropriating Naboo culture.
How many layers of irony are they on?
Well, take all the AKs out of there. They're illegal now.
The First Amendment BTFO the UN.
They are appropriating Russian culture so expect the Xir squad to roll up in officially sanctioned Prius any day now
Does that mean it would be illegal for backs to live in houses?
I can't wait till we get to take away all the clothes and tech the minorities use every day. I approve of this motion.
But the non whites can still use the internet, computers, cars, electricity, etc... right?
Also, the UN has literally ZERO legal authority.
I'm expecting a strongly worded letter from them for this post, in fact.
What authority does the UN have to do that?
Also what the fuck are "Navajo panties"?
I saw a thumbnail on Youtube from Rebel media about this, but didn't bother watching the video, so I though Canada was going to ban it. Thank god it's just the fucking UN AHAHAHAHA
I'm an MEP in the European Parliament. I can neither reveal my name or my representative nation. Ask me anything.
I'll let you chaps in on a secret. Everything we're doing, we're doing for the lulz. What we're trying to effect is the grandest-scale trolling in human history. If we have to sacrifice whole peoples and nations for the sake of the lulz, we will.
Upcoming measures you may wish to know about:
1) Islam will be made mandatory.
2) White testicles will all be removed; former men will be made into traps to service brown cock.
3) Niggers, on the other hand, to balance things out, will be heavily fined for wearing trousers, as its an instance of cultural appropriation. Trousers are white dress.
4) But said niggers will have no money to pay for said fines so the state will pay them. And by state I men the employed. And by the employed I men white traps.
There are darker things in the works, but to reveal them now would be to spoil the fun.
>Navajo panties
That's what I found by googling this shit.
Archive clickbaiters
I don't even think you're trolling
Nice shitposting nigger
bad smut fiction
You're the biggest credit to this board
This better apply to all the ethnics stealing white man's culture and technology.
south park did this pasta already, last season
wouldn't buy
>Implying this law will apply to any non-whites.
The Kyoto protocol would like a word with you user
How can the UN make something illegal? They have no judicial power as far as I know. They're just a bunch of elitists condeming actions they deem inappropriate.
That building looks fucking unfinished. Couldn't they make something aesthetically pleasing for the fucking UN?
Yeah I was wondering bout that too
>You can't dress up as someone not white for halloween
Anyone who isn't celtic shouldn't be celebrating Halloween then.
It's a white celtic only holiday.
Stop appropriating my heritage.
They actually used to make interesting content. It's so sad to see how far they've fallen.
It's left unfinished so funding for it can be open-ended, lasting forever. It also rustles jimmies.
They cannot make things illegal, and obviously any country with freedom of speech need not worry at all.
Way more than twice
Nuclear power
The train
The car
The bicycle
The aeroplane
Division of labour
High-rise buildings
Space exploration
I just want to make it clear to any burgers that freedom of speech is absolute in the USA, unless your speech directly incites a physical crime.
However, all it would take is an especially liberal Supreme Court for us to be Canada'd in a second.
The white man made not owning slaves mainstream. Non-whites practicing abolition is cultural appropriation. The word Slave comes from Slav, in accordance with their horrible serfdom.
Basicly, non-whites are allowed to own Russians as slaves by UN ruling.
actually, it's mandatory, so all non-whites who cannot afford a non-abolitionist perspective must be put to death.
So we can kick out all the niggers in Europe for appropriating our society?
So is Japan gonna stop using railroads and wearing suits?
>Genocide, crime, starvation, failing governments everywhere
>"Hey hold on, this person is wearing an outfit similar to another person from history! Oy Vey!"
western culture has been deemed "public domain"
I don't care about this.
I have never dressed up like a foreigner and i do not care about the hipster shops that sell this kind of crap.
good point user.
The only reason i would care about this kind of crap is if I were the scapegoat for Metropolitan Liberal Hipsters bullshit.
But is any out-group allowed to purchase any of these products any way?
Would that not be cultural appropriation?
I better not see any niggers in a suit and tie, especially that ape-like creature known as mugabe
sadly this seems legit
Can I have everyone's attention, please?
The use of the saxophone by non Belgians is now illegal. Should we hear its dulcet tones brought forth by any person not of Belgian heritage, we will be deeply concerned and write a strongly worded letter.
That is all.
Sad thing is that this really isnt that far fetched. A couple of years ago people were laughing at north koreas laws, now europe is nearly at their level.
Leaving a single red man alive was a mistake
Nah, it's going to be one of those laws that only applies when it's convenient for (((them))).
>I'll let you chaps in on a secret. Everything we're doing, we're doing for the lulz. What we're trying to effect is the grandest-scale trolling in human history. If we have to sacrifice whole peoples and nations for the sake of the lulz, we will.
So the Tower of Babel needs to be destroyed once and for all, so we can all go back to understanding one another again.
They will stop genocide only when white people are doing the killing.
It's unfinished for a reason - it symbolizes the tower of babel. Yeah. A doomed tower, for a doomed project. The symbolism, is somehow lost on them.
ur welcome :^)
wanting diversity and being against cultural appropriation is absolutely retarded. it's a backwards and inside out approach towards diversification.
>hey i want others to learn about and respect thing
>but no practicing respect or adopting any of these customs, fucking bigot supremacist
they will get mad at literately everything, stupid regressive faggots.
They will unironically bring back segregation
Silly goy you have no culture. Kangz was wearing the finest cotton threads and hi tops before the white man enslaved them to exploit their knowledge of the sacred crops.
GOOD. Now white people can't emulate inferior cultures. It's about fucking time!
The delegates, Mahuhmmahd. Hand them over.
this is my fetish. white women will be bred, and then the nigger will move on to the white boy and make him cum anally
This guy knows whats up.
>no more pizza for nigs
>no more sketties for nigs
>no more general tsos chicken for nigs
>no more beer or gin or vodka for nigs
>no more western-scale music for nigs
>no more kung fu films or wu tang for nigs
>no more guns for nigs
>no more straightened hair or straight weaves for nigs
>no more western attire for nigs
>no more automobiles of any kind for nigs
>no more electricity for nigs
>no more social media for nigs
>no more chef boyardee for nigs
>no more kool-aid for nigs
>European Parliament
not your best joke
whites are not the only ones with a Halloween like holiday retard
>have to embrace multiculturalism and fill your country with low IQ mudslimes
>embracing multiculti is also illegal
It's a symbol for the tower of Babel. They just can't help mocking christianity.
>Navajo panties
I'm sorry, what?
you da real MVP
No more western medicine for africa and asia.
Kangs can stick to witch doctors.
Asians can eat random wierd shit and stick needles in them when they get sick.
lmao how the fuck do you even write up a law like that? It would be next level talmudic reasoning.
White people only steal. Celebrate? You're benefitting from all the suffering my ancestors did at your hands personally!
ISIS will stop bombing now and give us our dynamite, this is how it works right?
For 8 bucks they look ok
I just leave the tabs open until you appear with the archive now
It's like seeing someone's piss stained undies with your family coat of arms on it, who "borrowed" the design because he thought it was cool. It's pretty fucking disrespectful.
now everyone will live in huts except in the western world
Everyone won't have any commodity, welfare etc... except in the west
i bet Jake posobiec believes this post and will screenshot it as a scoop on his Twitter account
OK, stop doing pizza.
It's cultural appropriation.
Wooo woooo woooo. Don't be so butthurt you'll never get to taste the sweet white princess who wears those.
I immediately request all non white people stop using electricity, automobiles, and all the other shit we invented.
>pleb that cant trace his family bloodline back to European nobility
Neck yourself, mutt.
>niggers have to walk around naked with lip plates and stretched necks and bones through their nose
>everyone will see how small their dicks really are
Finally! Fuck am I tired of seeing blacks were business suits.
You will be crushed in the revolution.
There's no such thing as a family coat of arms so who cares
Great now maybe you'll all start to pay us for using saunas.
haha hipsters covered in tattoos and stupid piercings about to goto jail
Didn't realise Sweden had changed it's flag.
t. deluded southerner who is descended from sheepfucking imbred pictish savages who smeared poop on themselves
the (((UN))) doesn't know who's (((UN)))ing who
Does this mean people will stop appropriating my lederhosen?
>implying anybody gives a shit about united morons
They can make breathing illegal, too.
>post your /d/ fantasy for cheap (You)s
Fuck other cultures, genociding inferiors is a white man only club blackbois, so are guns