Why do liberals like saying "folks" so much?
Why is people of color an acceptable term when colored people isn't?
Why do liberals like saying "folks" so much?
Why is people of color an acceptable term when colored people isn't?
Why is OP a fag?
Oh, don't forget the social justice "y'all."
That makes me rage.
1. Too many cartoons
2. One more syllable makes it sound respetfuller.
what in tarnation
avoid these liberal terms
>Tfw Texan
>Tfw we say y'all
Because GD took over the Democrat Party after Arnold took out Tookie in jail.
They decided it was time to move.
I hear gun toting rednecks say "y'all" all the time. They are the kind that drive around in huge ass lifted 4x4s and carry a dixie flag on their bed too. How is "y'all" an sjw word?
I hear liberals not from the south, particularly black people, use it all the time.
I am guessing they mean the ones trying to fit in. You know when you hear it, it sounds forced.
There is a difference between Texan Cowboy/redneck Y'all and Nigger Y'all.
The "ya'll" that's used online. On fora, and irc. Those "ya'll"s. SJW, all of them.
I guess that makes sense, I live in a small ass town in dixie country where everyone practical uses the word. It's common vernacular around here, blacks are a rare sight as well.
I see, it's strange that sjws would even use it.
It's a good conjunction, senpai.
was just thinking about this today
-yall white people
-yall trump supporters
-yall racists
-yall republicans
holy FUCK its infuriating
I remember when we were supposed to call them Afro-Americans. It must have been some joke that went further than intended.
Lived in the south my whole life and never used "y'all".
Glad to be the last real white human being.
>people of color
I unironically love this phrase
lets you lump together all browns, blacks, yellows, POOS, etc
i like to say it as much as possible
one of my favorite 'accidental typos' in papers, etc is 'colored person of color'
Because there arent many ways to address a group of people without using terms they'd find offensive; "You guys", "ladies and gentlemen", etc
The "folks" thing is probably just an attempt to avoid (((problematic gendered terms))) like "you guys". Which is fucking retarded but this is leftists we're talking about here.
The whole colored person vs. (((persons of color))) thing though, I have no fucking idea it just makes no sense whatsoever
>I remember when we were supposed to call them Afro-Americans. It must have been some joke that went further than intended.
they resent being brought to america and many do not consider themselves american at all (nation of islam for sure)
they also resent the assumption that all blacks are 'african'
by switching to 'person of color', nationality and genealogical origin are no longer implied. now it is 100% about skin tone
I say folks, and I loathe liberals.
>kill every kike
I've been on Sup Forums for the past 2 years and have never seen anyone say that kek is "kill every kike" Are they just making stuff up now?
what kind of """"papers"""" are you reading that even mention that phrase?
also, I like their euphemism and I will start using it in that manner.
It's democrat speak. Obama and his flock all used it to describe people, it's a way of seeming "down to earth" with the common "folk." Another one was "common sense," that was really fucking annoying.
Because the people of color comprise ~8 of the World's population and their numbers are projected to fall.
Think victimhood psychology mixed with a bit of subversion techniques. 'Projecting' doesn't even scratch the surface.
tl;dr: gas the jews and their university professors.
I've seen libruls defend the "people of color thing" saying it's better than "colored people" because if people comes first in the term, you're identifying that they are a person before identifying that they are a nigger
It's dumb and I don't agree with it, just what I've heard is all
>I've seen libruls defend the "people of color thing" saying it's better than "colored people" because if people comes first in the term, you're identifying that they are a person before identifying that they are a nigger
>It's dumb and I don't agree with it, just what I've heard is all
isn't 'identifying that they are a person first' kind of insulting?
like shouldn't that just be a given, when talking to about people?
who the fuck assumes a person isn't a person just because they stated their race/skin color before the word person?
People of Color simply means EVERYONE VS. WHITES. its such an obviously slur against white people, and its entire use is to enforce an idea that white people alone are racist and ruining everyones lives
Weasel words. Weasel words are the bread and butter of liberals. It's gaslighting, they're trying to shift your mind into a mode where it subconsciously thinks you're meant to agree with them even before you've decided. If you ever hear things like:
>Let's be clear
>It's time to admit
>Why we need to stop ____
>Let that sink it
>Let. That. Sink. In.
the liberals are trying to program your brain so their narrative slides into it easier.
Absolutely. I hate it. Their language warfare has helped them sell ideas that or completely self destructive and insane.
It's actually a grammatical rule, that you should always put the "people" "person" or whatever if you are refering to a human being in front of the adjective. For example a disabled man should be refered to as a "man with a disability" or some sort, not the way around that I just used.
But It's really petty of them to be so assraped about it all the time, usually it's just good tone to use that rule when writing, not if you are talking normaly
>social justice
You can't be serious. It's associated with rednecks, but it's nothing more than a shortened version of 'you all.'
Jesus Christ lads! Look at the behavior not the damn words!