What did Best Korea mean by this?
What did Best Korea mean by this?
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Why the fuck are people going to North Korea? For what purpose?
Same reason some white women go alone on a trip in the Middle East.
Proof that Communism causes irreparable brain damage.
Nothing else to say desu
To non-communists
He thought North Korea was all fun and memes then he saw what North Korea is really about.
Best Korea no!
How was he not brain damaged when he was planning his vacation?
His brain was always in a vegetative state. They put it into "normal" mode for his own safety so his dumb ass couldn't book flights to any more crazy countries to do any more stupid shit. They're just tryin' to help this brother out and they did.
I doubt he'll fuck up again.
He's American so they won't notice anyway.
Just throw him in a walmart, he'll fit right in.
bay dedbz
Americans are born with brain damage.
Man, what an incredibly sad story. I mean, the guy was an idiot for breaking the law in North Korea, and he came across as a bit of a flighty faggy type... But being put through a trial in North fucking Korea, then sentenced to 15 years hard labor... only to contract botulism (supposedly) and become a braindead vegetable, then get shipped home where your parents have to deal with your undead corpse for the next few years. Fucking sad.
And imagine his parents' pain. Scratch that, don't even try to imagine it because you can't. The tragedy of this whole thing is so bad that I'm almost inclined to think it's a media stunt to send us to war.
See what I mean?
I bet if that guy wasn't an american, you'd not even care.
He was vandalizing hotel property, he contracted food poisoning and was let go. Cry me a river you huge faggot.
He might not have even broken the law. North Korea is a shit country that gets it's kicks hurting Americans. Why believe anything they say?
Wonder if he could be a sleeper for a bio weapon, then sent back to spread hell.
Not only that, but you go into a country that vehemently hates you and your country, and you give them an excuse to fuck you up.
An American prisoner of war has been turned
To live the meme
He was ripping banners and pictures off the wall in a hotel while drunk...
I bet if he was German, you would.
kek, his ancestor were shitty brewers.
Thank god your government made it illegal to say no to people with brain damage
If they'd simply killed him it would have been over with. But now American tax payers are on the hook for the rest of veggie's life.
Even 100 years ago this type of treatment would have led directly to all out war consequences be damned.
The figure shown on surveillance footage was wearing a hoodie. There's no evidence whatsoever it was actually Warmbeer. DPRK just wanted an American POW for the gibsmedats
No signs of botulism found, just because you eat fries with cheese and gravy doesn't mean you know everything.
If he wasn't white, I wouldn't care. But he is white. You should learn the same loyalty to your people.
Maybe he was. I already said he was an idiot for breaking the law. But I think you an I can both agree that one doesn't deserve to be turned into a vegetable for that. Also, go back to masking your flag. We still know you're Canadian, but it conveys the appropriate shame.
Yeah, good point. We don't even know whether he did it or not.
>Go to North Korea
>Get brain damage
I would care either way as long as he wasn't a nigger
Oh shit! Really showed him there! Good one amirite Franco?
100 years ago was before nuclear proliferation, and that area is the biggest power keg on earth
He would have been given 15K if he got away with it by the church that offered him the task
good one, leaf
You mess with a nork,
you eat with a spork?
Don't vandalize shit and eat rancid food. Problem solved.
>Olive oil niggers.
Bay dubble dedbz.
It means Best Korea beat his head to the point that he developed brain damage. The botulism argument is retarded; I think he'd have known better than to eat something like this: youtube.com
See here's what I think happened.
Crying Wambier didn't want to partake in the 18 years of manual labour due to vandalizing communistic dictatorship-owned contents while being there.
He REALLY didn't want to stay there for the 18 years. So he asked some of the other prisoners how to get out of jail. To which the prisoners told him that the only way was to contract a fatal disease, in this case somewhere along the lines he learned about botulism which was probably easy to contract due to how Best Korea likes its cleanliness. He took the risk and now he's reaping what he sowed.
That or the Crazy Norks operated on him/conducted tests on him in return for releasing him which resulted him in becoming a vegetable and them upholding their promise and dumping him back to America.
YFW sponge baths for the rest of your life
no sign of physical abuse
the brain damage was the result of loss of oxygen to the brain from a heart attack
maybe he was used to a sheltered life in America and freaked out at the thought of having to spend 15 years doing manual labor like a peasant.
don't be a retarded gaijin when you travel to another country
sounds convincing
Americans are literally retarded. You know how they always say we are extremely polite and nice. That's another way of saying we don't act like animals.
When americans are in groups they start chimping out like niggers, and think this is normal behavior. I bet if Canadians went to NK they would have no problems at all. I love them because they are our neighbors, but they are very retarded for some reason.
Honestly they just scrambled this fucking kids brain to thumb their nose at the United States.
He did what again? Stole some signs or something? If anything this is a strategic failure for the norks. It plays right into the idea that they are a brutal dictatorship when you sentence a kid to like 20 years hard labor for a prank and then return him early because he's been so fucked up he's now a vegetable and you don't want to be hassled to deal with him.
This fuck you to America just validates all the propaganda the west spreads about the regime.
Why are 3rd worlders so fucking dumb? Why can then not get on our level?
>go to 3rd world dictatorship
>expect them to obey american constitution
fuck you guys really are retarded.
I am sick of your lies!
He didn't get botulism. The Physicians say that his state has nothing to do with botulism, and is most likely a result of lack of oxygen to the brain. In which case, it's possible he tried to kill himself - or maybe drown himself or something similar.
As a fucking leaf, you have little authority on the matter.
That being said, Americans are mostly retarded.
You're lucky we allow you to exist. You're unlucky that we haven't just annexed you. If we had, maybe your country wouldn't be flooded with immigrants and owned by China.
Enjoy marxist presidents from here to eternity. Maybe we'll bail you out during Trump's third term... once you're 20% white and Sharia law is your new constitution.
>caring about Germans
dumb enough to go to NK
for what reason?
>be american
>get drunk in 3rd world country
>turn into a potato
For the danger. And this person felt the danger.
NKultra confirmed, get terrorism'd
I can't believe I watched this shit for 15 mins. It's hypnotic.
Be leaf, elect cuck who smiles exact same smile with every tranny he meets.
>its just a prank bro
They managed to educate the average American
>be american
>vote liberal for 60 years
>vote conservative once
>vote for a nigger twice
>poison the world with marxism
>blame it on canada
>100 years ago
>Fag boy takes a trip to North Korea
They showed him the truth. Only few can withstand it.
>Be american
>Be sentenced to 15 years' hard labor
>Fall in a coma after one week of work
>Why the fuck are people going to North Korea?
becuase it's a deeply interesting and unique experience, this goober cunt only got btfo because he took his americunt arrogance and behaved poorly, this is a good life lesson for all millenials.
How dare these insectoid subhumans even touch another White man? We should nuke them and teach all non-whites on this planet a lesson.
Forget the communism, the regime, the nuclear threat. We should nuke North Korea out of racial solidarity, and to show the whole world that no non-white subhuman nation can fuck with us unpunished.
Maybe autoerotic asphyxiation went a little too far and his guards that found him are doing him a solid by saying it was botulism and sleeping pill.
I think its from attempted suicide
Hearing about this gay honestly cracks me the fuck up every time. He led a blessed life: a healthy body, a good family, a good nation. He probably didn't think about it much, but he was one of the luckiest humans to ever live on this planet. He probably went through all of his life without experiencing any kind of serious hardship. He thought life always worked out for the better, because in his experience, it did.
So, with that lesson in hand, he decided to go to North Korea and steal a painting. What could go wrong? From experience, he knew that nothing bad ever happened to him.
Now he's a braindead vegetable after being tortured by the NK government. It makes me smile every damn time. Count your blessings, folks. If you've got it good don't fuck it up.
People are caned and jailed for spitting gum on the street in Singapore, and no one bats an eye. But when an American tries stealing a poster and is jailed for it, everyone loses their shit.
Brain damage was a preexisting condition that facilitated his visit to NK in the first place, the norks are innocent.
>He doesn't seem to have much of a brain any more.
>No one knows why.
This is some disturbing shit. What the fuck did they do to him? Experiments?
everybody in north korea has brain damage
it's called being a socialist
Why would they let him fly in the first place if he had an injury?
Get the fuck out of Australia gook.
They used experimental treatment to try and cure his mental retardation but it only had marginally beneficial effects.
oh please, he was a government spy and deserved what was coming to him
Norks said botulism and drugs.
American intel says beatings.
Docs say no signs of trauma and no history of botulism.
My guess is asphyxiation or cardiac event from high stress.
>The pattern of brain injury shown by Warmbier’s MRI scans, he explained, was consistent with “cardiopulmonary arrest, where the blood supply to the brain is inadequate for a period of time, resulting in the death of brain tissue.”
There are other means of torture than beatings and water torture. Asphyxiation is not just a tool to get a better sensation when jerking off.
>inb4 trump orders operation eagle claw 2.0
Fun fact: the guy in this picture is Canadian
He is a literal sleeper agent.
He is currently storing all the energy he can. Once he hears the secret word, he will awake and become and unstoppable killing machine with the sole purpose of killing Donald Trump.
No one can stop Otto. Not even North Korea.
>Man, what an incredibly sad story. I mean, the guy was an idiot for breaking the law in North Korea, and he came across as a bit of a flighty faggy type... But being put through a trial in North fucking Korea, then sentenced to 15 years hard labor... only to contract botulism (supposedly) and become a braindead vegetable, then get shipped home where your parents have to deal with your undead corpse for the next few years. Fucking sad.
almost seems planned, doesn't it? like an act of war. go figure.
He caught communism
It wasn't a suicide attempt. It wasn't beatings gone wrong or an accident. It was intentional.
Tourists have been fucking around on the hotels forbidden staff floor for years now. Even taking pictures and videos of it.
It's a message to other tourists - don't ever go there again or we'll put you through hell and send you home a vegetable.
He tried to steal some DPRK insignia didnt he?
Fucking idiot, if a Korean had tried to take down a US flag right from the pole as a souvenir all you faggots would be crying bloody murder.
This. He was blackpilled and paid the price.
We still wouldn't send them back as a vegetable though
>actually deciding to go to north korea
No you would probably suffocate him to death to stop him from resisting
He admitted it was him during the press conference.
Who the literal fuck was he supposed to fool by wearing a hoodie in north Korea.
Kid was born brain damaged. They just made it obviously apparent.
Theory is he probably tried to hang himself after obongo abandoned him. NK's managed to revive him but the damage was done.
>The figure shown on surveillance footage was wearing a hoodie. There's no evidence whatsoever it was actually Warmbeer. DPRK just wanted an American POW for the gibsmedats
no sane nork would try to pull that shit, at the very least it had to be a foreigner
He literally corrected the fat fuck about something, guarantee it.
>If Kim Jung Un is retard, EVERYONE must be retard!
He might have not even stolen shit. He's an attractive American. A perfect opportunity for the Koreans to beat the shit out of him for propaganda purposes.
They are a shit country and shit people. I'd be inclined towards a retaliation but their entire existence is torture- so I couldn't care less.