Nordcuck YouTuber BTFO

>be paranoid schizophrenic in black metal band

>Kill a guy because of your paranoid schizophrenia

>spend years hard time in jail like a nigger

>released from jail

>marry young stupid autistic girl who for some reason likes you

>have 5 kids you cant adequately support like a literal nigger

>support using welfare

>live in a shit shack in france with no bathroom and running water like a literal nigger

>excuse for this is you want to live more "simple off the grid life" despite still using internet

>claim to be a farmer but cant farm for shit (like a nigger)

>make excuses talking out your ass about how fruit trees cant handle the sunlight of france (there are literal flourishing fruit groves in flordia)

>make more excuses about snails and vermin eating your plants and saying "oh this is nature, we wont do anything about it"

>larp as a viking in the woods (like a literal autist)

>make failing dungeons and dragons copy

>become one of the most historically illiterate youtube personalities to ever exist

>make retarded claims such as that autistic people are more empathetic, that europeans are 100% neanderthal, and were all blonde

>ban people on youtube when they call you out on your retarded theories

why the fuck does anyone take varg seriously

Other urls found in this thread:

>have 5 kids you cant adequately support

He has a whole farm dude

>White supremacist
Obvious American trash

Isn't that the retard who's vision for the white race is to go back to living in the dark ages?

these threads give varg more attention than he deserves

T. Varg Vikernes

But varg was a sumerian you fools


this guy is a kike

The only video I watched of this guy is his video about blonde hair and was literally cringing at how retarded his nonsense theories are. Without source he just asserts that all Germanic Europeans used to be blonde at an unspecified point in time. He then states that if a blonde person breeds with a non-blonde person, their blondeness (and therefore pure europeanness) is gone forever, among a bunch of other crazy, half baked shit. Like apparently any Norwegian person with brunette hair must have been raped by Spaniards. Nigga I'm blonde and my dad has dark hair you dumb cunt.

well summarized, made me chuckle a couple times

some people on pol especially pagans take this guy as some kind of authority. pretty hilarious

t. Joffrey Baratheon

How many times a day do you post this thread?

We wuz Vikangz n shit!
De christian man be keepin us down!

Not as delusional to think that he's related to Socrates though.
He's not wrong

t. triggered poo eyed medshit

>has a bicameral mind and augments his traditions ingeniously through technology

>killed a guy because Odin commanded him to, because consciousness make christ-cucks weak

>spend time reflecting on the past, the meaning of life, and broken state of the modern world

>breaks free with the power of Thor's hammer

>becomes "flesh companions" with another bicameral mind

>has more children than any "modern" man could ever dream, teaches them to live the way humans are meant to

>takes advantage of the broken system, because contributing to it would pay to feed niggers and make you a cuck

>keeps technology at a minimum, still feels to obligation to help as many people as possible, rather than become a hermit

>makes his woman farm, while he builds and invents

>discusses the delicate balance between nature and the climate, learns from his mistakes

>understands that lower yields is the price to pay for not polluting the earth and your food

>celebrates in the traditions of his ancestors

>constantly tries to reach people through different media platforms

>is multilingual

>understands that the "out of Africa" narrative in science is bullshit to avoid racism

>deletes worthless trolls, like yourself, to stay focused on what's important

I love varg hate threads

>has a bicameral mind and augments his traditions ingeniously through technology

I can totally see Varg unironically hearing the voice of god in his head in his day to day life.

Oh but he is...
Varg's mum got SOUVLAKI'D

The seed is not strong

If you had half the will Varg had, maybe you would be able to stop masturbation you jewish fuck.

Explain this lmao

Truly a uniter of Evropa


Modern Greeks are a mix of gypsies, kurds, arabs, niggers and locals. Stop claiming those who would hate you for being a mongrel. If you know anything about the Hellenic world, you'd remember that "your" ancestors valued racial purity

Metaxas was literally Hitler!

thread theme

But they aren't

>marry young stupid autistic girl who for some reason likes you
Girls love killers. Look at all the attention mass shooters get. If only Elliot could see all his fan girls now.


I don't think he's schizophrenic, he's just a dumb cunt who ignores actual scientific evidence.

Varg occasionally has some good points, but he cares about religion way too much. All fascist movements were primarily christian, but there were pagans in their ranks as well. Varg's fans are the worst.


[citation needed]

Kurds is a new one, I wonder what the next claim will be.

Meds are white, all nations however have mixed mongrels in them that should be isolated. In every European country you will find people that are the descendants of the indigenous population.

Also, regarding Hellenic ancestors, you know Alexander the Great himself married shitskins and promoted Persian/Egyptian culture?

You can claim that Classic Hellenic (I don't mean that they were Nordic by the way) genetics didn't change, but all the genetic data suggests otherwise. Classic Hellenic peoples didn't have subsaharan, south asian, aboriginal and west asian admixtures. They were exclusively European

Pic was unrelated mostly, wanted to know more about vargs mum

t. faux makedonski

But neither do we have these

Meds are not White. People outside of Southern Europe, don't have mongrel issue.
>know Alexander the Great himself married shitskins and promoted Persian/Egyptian culture?
Yes. He also was a big fan of kikes

You are not Hellenic, grekoi

Varg's mum was in Iraq till the Gulf War, she later fled back to Norway, but her way she settled in Cyprus
Let's say that βάρβαρος has a reason to hate us

Yes, I am
*on her way

Varg doesn't hate meds, he just has his own theories and he's entitled to his opinion.
You shit skin worshipping cucks are pathetic , always getting triggered by Varg because you wish you had a fraction of his musical genius or charisma

>spend years hard time in jail like a nigger
>Hard time in jail

>WPWW amirite guys

You jidf kikes need to step your false flag game up, it's too obvious

Night of the unholy sacrificial daggers soon, christ cucks
Hail Satan
Hail the serpent of wisdom


What can we do, we take immigrants as well

>>be paranoid schizophrenic in black metal band

Technically, a band is made up of more than one person. So Burzum is a musical project, not a band. Every part of every Burzum album was played by Vikernes, with the exception of maybe two tracks from the first album that had someone from the band Mayhem as a guest musician.

>he posted it again
>5th time today
>for the past 3 weeks

>A similar study by Auton et al. (2009)—which also contains an admixture analysis chart but no cluster membership coefficients—shows little to no Sub-Saharan African influence in a wide array of European samples, i.e. Albanians, Austrians, Belgians, Bosnians, Bulgarians, Croatians, Cypriots, Czechs, Danes, Finns, Frenchmen, Germans, Greeks, Hungarians, Irish, Italians, Kosovars, Latvians, Macedonians, Netherlanders, Norwegians, Poles, Portuguese, Romanians, Russians, Scots, Serbians, Slovakians, Slovenians, Spaniards, Swedes, Swiss (German, French and Italian), Ukrainians, subjects of the United Kingdom, and Yugoslavians.

I guess you'll say the 2009 study is irrelevant though eh?

500 shekels says this is the same reddit-spacing shitlib that made this same thread against the golden one a few hours ago.

It's about the so-called natives aka modern Greeks. Sorry, but having "some Hellenic blood", doesn't make you a part of that instinct tribe of Europeans. Niggers in the US are not seen as Beady Anglos, even though they have "some English blood" too.

>plebbit spacing

>little to no
>little to no
It's almost like those with "little" don't make it into "European race"

Euronymous (the guy he killed) played the lead guitar on War and used the gong on Dungeons of Darkness and Samoth from Emperor played bass on the Aske EP when Varg thought he might play live shows

Of course
That's why we are relatively pure, like the other nations in Europe

The mudslimers did steal our tech and infrastructure it was the only time they where almost equal to us

lvl 16 viking here (warrior class) , christcucks days are numbered. Cypriots will have to pay. all (((southern europeans))) are arab mongrels.
Hail wotan!

>implying christkikes aren't shit skin worshipping cucks

Did varg take the dick in prison
he was a cute desu

He probably sees Christians as the ones that let Jews into our country in the first place and foresees that they will be merciful to Jews if and when we defeat them, allowing them to gain control of our country again decades down the line. If you can be honest with yourself and everyone else for just a minute, you will recall that every politically-active Christian who doesn't lurk Sup Forums is always glorifying our nation's "Judeo-Christian culture".

only in america

And they all deserve the sword lad
Christ killers won't get away this time

The point of baptism along with many christian ceremonies is to replace the Pagan soul with a Jewish soul
Only anti-Semitic Pagans and Satanists are white

they are

>literal flourishing fruit groves

"Relatively pure" doesn't it cut it for normal Europeans or Classic Hellenics. They hated mongrels. Can't you get it? They waged wars to prevent what modern Greeks are from ever happening
This thread is a living evidence

Hahaha but that chart also lists Germanics and northern Europeans

>christianity isn't jewish! it was by shit skin Israelite heretics from jewish tribes, not real jews!

It says little to no admixture and lists many peoples including us
Thus just like a Belgian or a Dane, we have little to no african admixture

Nice try (((dude)))
fuck Christians, tool of the fucking globalist kykes

Y'all mongrels. I'd kill my blood relatives over going out with a Med as if it was an arab, a gook or a negroid.

Let's take Switzerland. A place where Celtic-Germanics and Med dindus cohabit.

>The * in Switzerland indicates that the three populations available from this country have variable estimates: Swiss-Germans show no evidence of African mixture, Swiss-French 0.5±0.2% and Swiss-Italians 1.6±0.2%. The ‘+’ sign in Italy indicates that multiple samples were available but all show evidence of African mixture.

Literally the only guy I know that makes a point out of practicing Norse religion and wearing a Mjolner hammer also married a black woman and is crazy about it. that's not bullshit, it's crazy. He wants half black kids so they will be stronger. "Nothing is more norse"

the guy is such a fucking faggot it's not even funny.

And SOME atheists if they act Pagan

Worship a rock
I'll stand true to the faith
I don't remember Jesus having a Talmud

Having "little" is what makes you a mongrel. The whole definition of a mongrel is not being of pure stock. What the Classic Hellenic race feared given the proximity of various subhumans

If these qts are not "European" then I don't want to be European

"European" is pretty much synonymous with "gay" these days anyway

It also says 'to no' so you can try again

When did Bulgarians cease to be Turkic tribes mixed with tsigans?

That doesn't say Mediterannean French/Italian though, are you saying all French and Italian people are the same as arabs, gooks and niggers?

Wait, are you one of those skinhead sister fuckers that keeps making us all look like the stereotype the Jew created?

reveal your geographic flag, shitskin

This is why half of pol is retarded,they follow "intelectuals" like varg,molymeme or styx

Dat feel when your childhood hero bans you on youtube. Such injustice can't be tolerated if we want to progress as a human society.

Divide and conquer

Christcuck ''logic'':
Brother Nathanael is so based!
Shitskins and mongrels who are Christian like me are so based!
Jesus was such a based shit skin!
So were the shit skins who wrote the bible!
Go back to the_donald, normalfags and shit skin shills
By the way, Trump only'' became christian'' when he started running for the Republican Party. I wonder why

I opened this thread (being 3+ years a Sup Forums user) interested in this e-celeb, but I think this pic pretty much sums it up. Greece was Fair-haired (mixed with blondes) until the Muslim invasion that sparked the crusades.

If he's based enough to know this, then he's alright by me. Nobody is perfect.


If this was any other board than cuck-chan, you'd be IP banned, faggot.

BTW, Why is there every imaginable 'flag' given, except the Zionist/Israeli/Jewish flag? Why was this left out? Pro-tip: Mossad=Jewish CIA and this board was bought-out a while ago.

murder yourself nigger

>are you saying all French and Italian people are the same as arabs, gooks and niggers?
All French from the Southern France and all Italians are the same as arabs, gooks and niggers to me when it comes to tribal loyalty. I don't want my homeland or bloodline to be corrupted by any of those people.
Biggest shills for all-European unity. I'm a clean cut professional with elitist racial views. It's not uncommon at all.

As an example: Steve King being considered for Donald Trump cabinet position says in this recent interview that modern Greeks are not European and real Greeks no longer exist.

At 5:26

>unarchived MSNBC
Hooktube that shit so they don't get views

Let the man have his opinions, but we talk about facts here

Facts are here. Meds are tainted with nigger blood
One of the few things Varg got right on genetics, actually

>>make failing dungeons and dragons copy
>>become one of the most historically illiterate youtube personalities to ever exist
>>make retarded claims such as that autistic people are more empathetic, that europeans are 100% neanderthal, and were all blonde
>>ban people on youtube when they call you out on your retarded theories
>why the fuck does anyone take varg seriously

Dude, Varg is a retard autist, but I've seen threads bitching about him nonstop for the last week. Stop giving him attention if you hate him so much. Is this some kind of war between Varg and The Golden One? Kek.

But that isn't a fact

>thinking that means anything, especially coming from a burger

Hahahaha he's just repeating the Nord kang theory that all Greeks/Romans were blonde and of Nordic stock

Also, why would you reference someone who's being considered for a kike puppet cabinet lol

This is only an argument when it works in your favor

How do you explain swedes have 30 nobel prizes and jews have 197 and they have the same population numbers worldwide (10-20 million)?

They originate from the same area as Greeks -the east med. Were Jews nordic in antiquity too? Then explain why you can't compete with them in this century, gypsy.

Whats the symbol on the right?

Edgy paganism/odinism

>One of the few things Varg got right on genetics, actually

Spaniards, Greeks, and Italians have around 1 - 2 percent North African admixture which is less than the average white American's Native admixrture. You're a retard. Google genetic studies.

>Nord kang theory that all Greeks/Romans were blonde and of Nordic stock
Not at all. Just a fact, that Hellenic race wasn't affected by negroes, gypsies and turks genetically
>why would you reference someone who's being considered for a kike puppet cabinet lol
To reaffirm my point that it's a rather common knowledge and not a "skinhead kosher Hollywood nazi" thing with a good example?
>How do you explain swedes have 30 nobel prizes and jews have 197
I don't really care. Swedes are my people and jews are not my people. Besides, given the jewish ethnic nepotism and Swedish invidialism, the Swedes look rather impressive in that ratio.