AUSPOL fuck China edition

>Bishop denies making China defence order

>UN agency ranks Australia 39 out of 41 countries for quality education

>George Christensen balks as push for banking inquiry falls flat

>US takes Malcolm Turnbull's impression of Donald Trump 'with good humour', embassy says

>Laurie Oakes says PM’s Trump speech never should have been off the record

>Malcolm Turnbull faces claims he called China a ‘frenemy’ after Donald Trump impersonation leak

>Turnbull ministers decline to apologise for comments criticising terror sentencing

>Government establishes new national gun amnesty to rid community of illegal firearms

>Former PM John Howard applauds first national gun amnesty since Port Arthur

>’Anti-violence [read anti-gun] children's charity’ welcomes gun amnesty [check out the CEO…]

>'What's the deal with Asians?' Red Symons under fire over controversial interview

>Hutt River Province tax row: Self-proclaimed 'Prince Leonard' and son ordered to pay $3 million

>Australian law would require aspiring citizens to make pledge to share values

Poll: Is war with China inevitable?

Other urls found in this thread:

Daily reminder OP is a gook


I see by your pic that you're still not able to handle your emus.

Meanwhile a narcissistic idiot from Egypt fooled Australian 'experts' and government funders of taxpayers' money
A Pakistani using fake documents got into Australia, left, came back, raped someone all under the eagle eyes of Australian 'experts'
Victoria is now listing for public safety the suburbs in which home break ins are 'most violent'. Not which are worst for home break ins, but 'most violent'. Apparently, home break ins are now normal for Australia since MP Michael Danby introduced thousands of problematic Africans that izrail didn't want

>gun amnesty bullshit
won't change anything but it's an opportunity for politicians to virtue signal and get a handie from cuck cannon user and his pet anti-fun charities

>Victoria is now listing for public safety the suburbs in which home break ins are 'most violent'. Not which are worst for home break ins, but 'most violent'. Apparently, home break ins are now normal for Australia since MP Michael Danby introduced thousands of problematic Africans that izrail didn't want
link this cunt

All this citizenship law stuff is a distraction.

The decision on them needs to be made before they even come here, not just when they apply for citizenship.

It needs to be built into immigration policy itself.

it's stunning that they're attempting this. why on earth would i give my guns to the government for no compensation? all that's going to result from this is more illegal guns on the street.

Every white man who fell defending Australia against the yellow menace has had their memory shat on by traitors.

>Australian law would require aspiring citizens to make pledge to share values

Can't we just mince anyone who lands here? As a Tasmanian I find foreigners abhorrent.

So what IS the deal with asians?

how about invite-only policy? if you can't personally, using your own face, convince a street or apartment block to sign you off, thhen maybe australia is not right for you. Also some kind of min-51% by birth law for all postcodes.

Hey fellow Tasmanian

>sign you off
they'll just gravitate to areas with other foreigners, then move when they have citizenship.

>min-51% by birth law
more like min-95% by birth law, and don't do it by citizenship, do it by english ancestry.

Can't jolt the

why would other foreigners want them here?

uhh hello.

>I find foreigners abhorrent.
We are taking over and there is nothing you can do about it.

Tasmanians what would I find if I moved to a place like this:


you've always been able to hand in unregistered guns to a cop shop or (better yet) a dealer

>all those gooks
They are all so ugly, how do they even have sex with each other and reproduce?

Denmark started at 51%. You could raise it every year, allowing aliens to die without relocating them, but not return once they have moved. I can't imagine needing more than ~150 migrants per 100,000 inhabitants. I can't imagine why non-citizens should have the same rights, especially the right of land ownership.

because foreigners place their race and their country of origin above this country. chinese "australians" don't see themselves as australians, they see themselves as chinese. ethnic groups are going to mass in certain areas, and your proposed change will just make it worse.

that doesn't matter. why would i give my guns to the government for no compensation?

>why would i give my guns to the government for no compensation?
you wouldn't, you'd give $20 to bunnings for a length of pvc pipe and some end caps...


Meth and depression, queenstown is a shithole.

>why would i give my guns to the government for no compensation?
If they are illegal you would eliminate the risk of some day possibly facing criminal charges for possessing them.

You can't just throw them in the bin, so it is better to hand them in to the cops to rid yourself of the worry they cause you.

Is the meth cheap?

He got a good one in

Tell that to Tina Yu

Mates my car makes a sort of buzzing sound, like the fans on a loud PC or a quiet vacuum cleaner. I think it comes from where the air is sucked in through the front grill.

Is this normal, or the sign of some specific problem? It is much louder than the last car I drove.

Two young men against one old Conservative where they get the ambush and still do fuck all

You know the bad parts of Appalachia where the parents feed their kids cola in the bottle?

Sort of like that.

Are blond, blue eyed, Caucasian people, with 100% North Western European ancestry considered white?

Probably normal, fan comes on when it reaches a certain temperature.

I bet that woman's opened her map of Tasmania to a few internationals

I read that Tassie has the lowest crime rate in the country.

How can things be so bad down there but not show in the crime stats?

lots of mutant freaks

you should know exactly what awaits you in tasmania, it's the incest capital of australia. close behind is Melbourne.

Gotta move to the nice places for the nice people m8.

It's so shit that the criminals don't want to move there

I thought Queenstown was a big tourist attraction?

That's Kiwi Queenstown

Not really, Strahan is more popular with tourists. If you wan't move down to Tassie, look into Hobart or Launceston.

I legit got an ad targeted at me to visit there. Apparently the slag heap and gravel cricket ground are world famous.

Blundstone is famous for being the venue where our cricket team always fucking chokes. You don't want to be associated with that.

>Hobart or Launceston
I am on a limited budget which is why Queenstown popped onto my radar. I cannot afford $200,000 for a house near Hobart or Launceston.

Maybe rent for a while until you have enough, rent is cheap as fuck in Launceston.

>have been to at least 150 shows over the last 6 years (this includes festivals)
>it was my outlet to let off steam and feel good
>been broke for a while, have only been able to find casual work
>cant afford shit
>tfw been to like 3 shows in the last 2 years

now i know why ive been feeling like shit for so long, seeing live bands made my life worth living. either im getting older or todays music is becoming shitter, or both. oh well, at least ill be going to watch qotsa and sigur ros in a months time

who /live music/ here

You can never find anywhere to rent that lets you have your doggo. It is a real problem.

>If they are illegal you would eliminate the risk of some day possibly facing criminal charges for possessing them.

let me lay out my logic on this for you

>possess illegal firearm for the purpose of committing crimes
>you by definition have already committed a crime, and are committing crimes regardless since you're a criminal
>giving away your gun removes your ability to defend yourself from other criminals and the police, and your ability to threaten people using your gun
>you shouldn't give away your gun under any circumstances

>possess illegal firearm for the purpose of defending yourself from criminals
>if you give away your gun you have just effectively received a death sentence
>killing someone with your gun has a maximum sentence of life in prison, not having a gun to kill someone with has a maximum sentence of death
>you shouldn't give away your gun under any circumstances

>possess illegal firearm because of an inheritance or something
>giving away your gun will result in it's destruction, but that's not a terribly bad thing if you're not into family history
>you should probably give away your gun

this amnesty will only remove historical firearms from the streets. it won't reduce crime.

Any person who enjoys festivals that much is either too much of a normie or too much of a freak

If they don't find out and you keep the house clean and fix up any damage he causes

>enjoying live music is considered normal

wew, fucking wew

since when?

i dont drink at festivals so i couldnt be that much of a normie

>it won't reduce crime.
Maybe but it won't increase it either so no harm done. Also, taking more firearms off the streets is still a benefit because it reduces the risk of them being stolen and then put into criminal hands.

They probably think the shitskins will be good boys and hand in the 100 Glocks still unaccounted for from that import racket

This guy gets it.

>If they don't find out
I have an over-active conscience and hate lies and deception. They eat me up inside.

This, heaps of people sneak doggos and catos into rental properties, just hide him when the real estate comes around for inspection once a year.

Is there anything cringier than when Australian posters who probably aren't old enough to remember Port Arthur start behaving like this country ever had a strong gun culture so that the big muscular American posters approve of us?



This is fucking bullshit. Cunts should hang for this.

>Also, taking more firearms off the streets is still a benefit because it reduces the risk of them being stolen and then put into criminal hands.
the majority of illegal firearms are submerged in dams on properties inside PVC pipes. the majority of firearms stolen are taken during home invasions, and the guns are located via insider leaks from the police.

destroying the gun registry would actually reduce gun thefts.

>Maybe but it won't increase it either so no harm done.
i see it as harm considering most of the guns destroyed during these amnesties are historical artifacts.


Queensland had sizable gun culture, nowhere near American level, but it was significant enough.

>>giving away your gun removes your ability to defend yourself from the police
Umm, if you're needing to defend yourself with a firearm against the rozzers (who would also be armed to the teeth in that case) I'd say having an unregistered gun is probably the VERY FUCKING LEAST of your problems....

Who else shops ere, lads?

i'm not saying that engaging in a gunfight with the police is a good idea, i'm saying that criminals who are prone to getting into gunfights with the police probably don't want to give up their weapons.

>Job agency I am with can't even find me volunteer work or work experience
>Not even collecting benefits, just looking for some fucking work
>They told me I could pay some company $100 to take me on as an unpaid slave for an indeterminate amount of time
>Acted shocked when I told them that sounds fucking stupid

South Australia is dying, this is awful. This whole country is bleeding.

Just Jeans is unironically better (at not jeans)

I have two shirts from there.

Move, lad.

Maybe I've just been fortunate in life but I literally only have me year 12 and i work an unskilled job making $90k/yr.

Not huge bux in 2017 but comfortable enough.

What size?

90k is heaps.

The same way your parents did, with the lights off.


With all this money I have? Nobody my age can find entry level work without basically being hoist into it. A chick I knew was going to put a good word in for me at a place she started working, then it shut down less than a fucking week after she started. Taking train trips to and from the city is depressing; you just watch empty businesses and houses pass by, smothered in graffiti and forgotten.

They don't carry my size.

But the smell.

Just remember not all Muslims support terrorist attacks like 9/11, or the London bombings, or the Orlando shooting or the attacks in Paris, Nice, Berlin, Australia, Bombay, Pakistan, Lebanon

Some of them unreservedly condemn the Jews & CIA
for carrying them all out

> i'm saying that criminals who are prone to getting into gunfights with the police probably don't want to give up their weapons.
I get that, but that's a fairly small group - historically terrorists and bikies and as I said, if the cops are shooting back then having your gun rego papers on you ain't exactly gonna help is it?

Is that some kind of miniature walrus he's holding?

>no terrorist attack in Poland or Japan
>no muslims

>UN agency ranks Australia 39 out of 41 countries for quality education
Remember when the checkouts at at Coles and Woolies would have children's books for sale so that the kids would pester their parents to buy them a book? Those are gone now, replaced with shithouse magazines and chocolate.

Kids in this country are not being read to and they are not reading. Gen X parents do not read to their children and it's fucking us up as a country. We've got a really shitty attitude towards education in this country, increasingly parents are believing that their role in the education of their children is nil or small, while in reality it's huge.

If you have kids don't just throw them in front of the TV or an Ipad, give them a book and get them to read it AND/OR read to them. It makes them smarter, makes them perform better at school and it also strengthens the bond between you and your children.

Check that your kids are doing their homework and help them with it. If your kid is coming home failing a spelling test in Year 1, that's a big fucking deal and needs to be fixed. You can't repair a decade a poor results when it comes time for your kid to do the HSC. It used to be if a kid comes home failing a test or having trouble with their work the parent would sit down and help them with it, spending maybe 15 minutes at the most, and that kid's education would improve as a result. But nowadays everyone assumes that the teacher is going to do that for them or not even bother checking. The teacher can't micromanage every single aspect of every child's education, teachers work in broad strokes, whenever there are gaps the parents need to fill those in. It doesn't take much time at all but parents are so fucking lazy today that's it becoming a serious problem.

it's starting to look like you're trying to be dishonest in this conversation, mate.

>giving away your gun removes your ability to defend yourself from other criminals and the police
i clearly stated "other criminals" along with "the police", but you cut out "other criminals". you're attempting to distort my argument, and that's not alright.

Violence against women: Australia says NO PROBLEM, ALLAHU AKHBAR.

1 of 1000000 enfields isnt a historical artifact

Yeah, it does. Go to Lonnie/Hobart or one of the towns around the central valley. Best place on the WC is Strahan. Only reason you go to the West Coast is if you work in mining, timber or (pre-80s) Hydro.

Pic related, stick to the green area.

yes it is. you might as well go around destroying old tanks and other pieces of equipment from major wars if you feel that destroying old rifles is a good idea since there are "so many of them".

What are the meth clusters inside the green zone?

Every Enfield is an historical artifact.

I want to own a manor house or possible castle on the South West coast of Tasmania where I drink whiskey in my throne room with a roaring comfy fire whilst it's cold and windy outside.

Feels good cucking Victorians.

Any one up for a good old game of spot the Aussie? Its a Shitney CBD level so it's hard difficulty.
>My count is 6 Aussies.

>kid drowns in pool because parents not parenting
>cry to government, forced fencing everywhere
>kid hurts himself from fireworks because parents not parenting
>fireworks banned for everyone, no fun allowed

Story of this country for the last 30 years.

Devonport = druggo central
George Town = most bogan town in Australia
Triabunna = never been so maybe it doesn't deserve it, but heard they had an ice problem

>Government establishes new national gun amnesty to rid community of illegal firearms

I saw an abo lady on the side of the road with her nickers down to her ankles eating a slice of watermelon.
I says...."why are you standing on side of road like that with ya knickers down to your ankles"?
The abo lady says....."I'm keeping flies off my watermelon"


>most bogan town in Australia
Are you sure? That is a pretty high bar.

Davo is putting up a good fight, and I do think it is within the realm of possibility for him to get self defense laws changed so things like mace are legal, but we will never get our guns back without going through some hard times first to purge government

>If we ask nicely
>Really nicely
>Criminals will start following the law!