Serbia is now officially cucked country, Croatia should annex it to save the land.
Serbia is now officially cucked country, Croatia should annex it to save the land.
Let's archive it
>theguardian com/world/2017/jun/15/serbia-gains-its-first-female-and-gay-prime-minister-ana-brnabic
lol look at that bitch no wonder she is a dyke
>Shovel face
>lol look at that bitch no wonder she is a dyke
oh you.
>Serbia elected a homosexual as prime minister
Fuk them in that case.
Russia should bomb them right fucking now.
I really hope that real hetero Serbs will start revolution and will overthrow this faggot Government in Serbia.
now you see the true face of this shitstain, my priyateli. serbia was always a weak country and never (((based))). they are no better than albanians
based serbia
>Serbia elected a homosexual as prime minister.
Ok, so?
homosexuals are mentally ill deviants and a public health threat due to their nature as disease vectors
Srbi na vrbi
Nah. Get out of your bubble.
>Nah. Get out of your bubble.
Atleast get it right, sweetie.
Look at those faces, might as well be New-Turkey.
I can say this because i'm obviously only
define elected, because I highly doubt voting vucic who was an unconstitutional candidate because he's prime minister and he also stole the election (not saying we have a better option than him) and then him fucking over all the candidates to replace him as prime minister and puting a nobody lesbian croatian for europoints
Kill yourself you ugly tranny you are an abomination to God and nature
Hell is for ever!
>nigger who stole election elected her
yea we elected her,sure,good memez
You seem a little bit upset there, friendo. Maybe go out once in a while.
>Believing in Hell.
nice we are progressive too now
>Croatia to annex Serbia
Kek at you István, you know they stand no chance at all
It could be worse. They could have elected a transsexual instead.
I see you are being very active today. Keep up the good work.
but kebab remover doesn't look like that
>Croatia should annex it to save the land.
We already got our own problems. We don't want it either. It was already hard enough to kick the Serbs out of the Krajina, let alone the whole of Svbija.
wonder who arranged that
What's the problem here? She's probably more competent than all her competitors considered she got in that position in a very conservative country.
Damn, Vučić really wants dem EU gibs doesnt he ?
This was the most obvious virtue signaling ever.
Look at me EU look at how progressive I am! Fucking Vucic.
If she was not a lesbian woman she would not be getting the job
>Serbs finally coming out of the closet...sips slivovic.
Vucic (president, former prime minister) appointed her, because she will most likely obey his every command. In Serbian political system, prime minister has much stronger powers than president. Cunt called Vucic, also president od Serbian Progressive Party, just wants to stay on power as long as he can. He will now have full control over government using this puppet dyke.
>highest official
Serbs know no limits to pissing of muslims.
We didn't elect her. Also, the whole gay thing is just a story to cover up what she really is, a working agent for Trilateral commission.
So, I guess that makes us even more cucked.
If you genuinely think that way, you are fucking retarded.
Pic made me kek out loud
Considering how incredibly ugly Serbian """"" men""""" are, can you blame their women for becoming dykes?
And? You can be a faggot and redpilled. No idea what his views are, but if you're playing identity politics rather than looking at policies, you're a bad of the problem and no better than the 'progressives'.
Men aren't even supposed to be pretty you low test pussy
*part (fucking phone)
will there be street protests or what? i can't even fathom it out if the orthodox church won't ask for countrywide protests.
Serbia always were a balkan trash shithole, nothing new
>Men don't have to try and be attractive
Keep telling yourself that virginfriend
keep projecting faggot
Who said anything about being "pretty", Slobodan? I'm talking about not being physically repulsive, which 99% of you potato-faced, Balkan niggers are. No wonder all your women get BLACKED in the West. Unironically kill yourself.
gee whiz wonder who's behind this post
>Serbia is now officially cucked country
thanks to the EU faggotry that they spread all around
it's Germany's fault
I know, romanian tier country, We should take back the vajdaság as well, It would be better for everyone there.
So they became gay enough to join the western world aquafresh, but there is one more step, they have to accept kosovo as a free state.
The declaration of Great Albania is near.
They are turk rapebabies, if slavs are subhumans, there is no word for serbians. The serb kebab remover is just a meme that has to die. Croatians were the based slavs, they really fought agaist the muslims.
>he's prime minister and he also stole the election
It's not the first time when you elected vucic.
>Kek at you István, you know they stand no chance at all
Don't be so sure, they have friends too
No, it's their fault, look at Poland, doesn't has to be gay or let the muslims in, as Serbia did.
girls cannot be gay
No one really cares, the only person that matters is Vucic. Rest are either his puppets or western puppets
>Croatia should annex
Isn't Croatia the most homosexual country in the Balkans?
Romanians have no words here, you almost got a muslim pm.
LIterally nobody gives a shit. She is only placed there to be controlled by Vucic.
Yeah,but there were some protests regarding the choice of appointing her as PM and they worked.
I don't know, they have cucked govt. too, but at least they look like white.
Anyway, you are the most leftist country in the region and your president is the greatest goy that ever lived. Not to mention the autistic hate towards the only white ppl in your country.
Croatia isn't annexing anyone
Serbia has been occupied since 2000.
Economy destroyed, you can buy a vote for 10 euros. People lost their jobs and hope.
>tfw cigan on Sup Forums
It's not us,it's our crooked politicians
She is actually very capable, hardworking and is not corrupted
You are stupid if you think that she will do a bad job just because she's gay
Would you say ancient Greeks were cucked because they were led by Alexander the Great?
Fuck off
The thing is that she will always do things having the needs of the faggots first and regular citizens second!!
but traps aren't gay
Goddamn Croatia I hate you, but you president..
>look white
>dyed hair
Yeah sure Janos.
They are same shit.
this. unless we could kick out serbs out of sebria, i wouldnt want that country
Just another serbian trick
delet this
You can mostly thank Milošević for that.
>shitty sallary
>300m2 apartment in belgrade
>not corrupted
>I'm talking about not being physically repulsive, which 99% of you potato-faced, Balkan niggers are
By your own admission you said that we are the niggers which means that we are the ones doing the S E R B I A N I N G.And also since niggers are physically repulsive too and they B L A C K your women all the time, doesn't that mean that women aren't attracted to a man's looks ?
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>tfw Vucicu Pederu meme came true in a way now that we have a faggot prime mistress
None really cares about her, the news of "Serbian gay prime minister" was bigger outside of Serbia than in our media
The real problem is Vucic, he now controls everything. Media is highly censored and the few remaining independent media outlets are regularly beaten, threatened and on some occasions killed. There is no way to get a job unless you enlist into his party and ho way to keep that job unless you vote for him and provide proof. He is appointing his inner circle of people to various important roles to keep control
>BIA - something like Serb CIA - has a new director who hasn't finished his high school
>Nuclear development - some scientist was fired from the director position so that he could free space for the old parliament secretary who has nothing to do with nuclear research (and even weirder, what does serbia have to do with nuclear research)
>the list goes on ..
Police, army and all other major state organs that are supposed to be independent from the government are under his control
We need a revolution ASAP
So what exactly are here positions? I can't find much on her.
So far she had on policies of her own, she only praised what Vucic is doing. A few days ago she was literally no one, no one cared about her
On one of the interviews with her a managed to catch she would just repeat the same sentence over and over again. Whenever the interviewer would criticize Vucic she would say
>I know notihng about that and don't believe it is true, Vucic did for this country what 100 years of politicians could
She is basically an ass licker and Vucic appointed her so that he could control the prime minister position and be president at the same time. Full power
As for Vucic's political views, he is a opportunist thief who changes his views every few months according to the situation
One day he would go to Kosovo and propagate how he will save the Serbs of Kosovo, the next day he would dismantle the Serbian government there and acknowledge the Albanian one as superior. One day he would help domestic businesses and promise investing into the public sector, the next day he would sell national factories at discounts to Chinese and Arabs. He is the worst of slimes, he has no real policies, no real ideology and his only goal is self enrichment
Oh and also let's not forget that he and his brother own all quarries, asphalt factories and most of construction businesses in Serbia. Trough last few years he started 2 major and expensive projects:
Belgrade waterfront : I rich city district with skyscrapers costing 3.5$ billion
Pan-European Corridor X: Highway that passes trough Serbia costing some 1-2$ billion
The Serbian fund could not pay for these projects(since we are in major debt) so credits from EU and United Emirates were taken to finance these projects. Vucic hired only his own privately owned companies to work there
All the materials for the Corridor X are taken from those Quarries and asphalt factories owned by his brother and all the workers on Belgrade Waterfront come from Vucic's construction businesses
Nepotism and Opportunism are strong here
>burn a bitch
>Serbia elected a homosexual as prime minister
>"Oh, i wonder if he's cute at least"
>it's a fucking dyke
You couldn't even get that right, so sad desu.
>Serbia is now officially cucked country
>Serbia elected
Nice try hungol but you're not fooling anyone
we had no say in this you niggers
(((Vucic))) chose "her"
>They are turk rapebabies, if slavs are subhumans, there is no word for serbians. The serb kebab remover is just a meme that has to die. Croatians were the based slavs, they really fought agaist the muslims.
janosz plz
both your country and large pieces of croatia were under ottomans for upwards of a century
if we're turkish rape babies then so are you
dumb hungol
well mr. 60%, what if I told you that lighting plays a good part in how people look in photos. That and there are also gypsies in the Serbian politics. I can tell you that the abomination next to our ((((((((((PM))))))))) doesn't represent how Serbs look actually.
Pic related is how the average Serb looks in regard to other Slavs.
they wish that it was this high
I don't even know anymore really
>shitty sallary
she's in East-West bridge (((group))) m8
she got the shekels
>conservative country
What the fuck, I thought the Balkans was some far-right, gay hating, traditionalist land, and isn't Serbia specifically tied to the hip with Russia?
we are,but we are also a shithole ruled by criminals and we generally cant do shit
Also this
we're more conservative than the west though
in some cases
>gay hating
sadly not
>isn't Serbia specifically tied to the hip with Russia
Keep in mind that we didn't actually elect "her" though. Our former PM, current president and the one who will definitely be the de facto PM is the one who put "her" in charge.
there wasnt any voting
Current Serbian prime-minister must have her room full of posters with these pics of Croatian president.
>hardworking and not corrupted
Being a non-elected head of a country, She doesn't have to suck vucic's dick dry for sure
Based Hungarians.
>Being a non-elected head of a country
Are you trolling or are you just stupid?
Vucic is head of the country moron
Živila Hrvatska
Fuck Serbians!!