How do we eliminate the Palistinians forever?

I can't wait until we completely genocide the Palistinians, the middle east will be so peaceful, we could tear down our wall.

What do you think Sup Forums


Don't be so antisemitic user.

Why must you hate? We are one race!

I love you,


Do it yourself and on your own dime schlomo.

Question is how we destroy Israel, not Palestine.
Filthy jews is why we have this crap all over the world. We still missing 5 500 000 death kikes from Holohoax.

Semites are one race, and it isn't mine.

fuck off my holy land moshe and take the mudshits with you

That's not very nice, they are our kekistani allies! We fight side by side!

>And you have my shield!

Nuke them, drop thousands of nukes in Palestine and the countries around them just to be sure

Simple - destroy Israel. After the Arab celebrations are over, they'll realize they don't really like the Palestinians anyway. They then proceed to kill them.

Give them a state
Wait for them to attack Israel
Commence justified genocide

I eat forskins of cute little boys, do you think the Palistinians would mind if I gave their children a little snibbity snab before the ovens?

Have fun, but don't use one American dollar or weapon.


>solves your palestinian issue

Single secular democratic state, warring ethnostates aren't getting anywhere.

You will be thrown into the gas chamber first, traitorous cunt.

It would send positive reverberations throughout the region.

Educate them well and they will leave islam voluntary

>United Nations

The jews lost the moment they decided to take wiping them out or forcibly removing them all to Jordan off the table. They lacked the stomach to do what obviously had to be done, and now they will be devoured one tiny cut at a time.

You can't wait?

They don't even have a fucking country but they still BTFO the kikes and burgers.

To be honest.. I love Palestinians now.

By nuking Israel.

But kekistanis love BASED Jews...

Am I confused? Does kek not support Israel anymore? I'm lost..

By carpetbombing israel