How far have you traveled from your homeland, Sup Forums?
Do you think those experiences have affected your political opinions for better or for worse?
How far have you traveled from your homeland, Sup Forums?
Do you think those experiences have affected your political opinions for better or for worse?
Yup. Made me appreciate nationalism and selective borders while I lived in Korea. Korea/Japan purposefully give non-whites a hard time at airport immigration lines.
pro-tip: do not line up behind non-whites in a Japanese airport or you're there for 30 min.
I've been to Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Uae,and Kyrgyzstan and killed a total of 7 menot throughout those countries tries whi,email in the militany.
When I came home I rented an apartment in my old hone town and the entire building is full of hijjab wearing women.
I My experiences that helped me decide to vote for the S&W M&P handgun I keep in a jewelry box next to my bed next Sunday on my patio if the weather is nice
>How far have you traveled from your homeland
300 kilometers (180-190 miles) or so. I've never been anywhere outside of my region of birth, not to mention travelling to other countries.
Sure I've seen europe and it made me understood that people are ruler the way they deserve
I think data mining is against the rules and I like how you shills are still trying to push this idea that you are worldly and experienced whereas knockout game victims have never encountered a black person.
I have no idea what you're saying.
it's pretty self-evident you fucking mongoloid
pic unrelated
I've been to Spain, went to see a lot of old towns and castles and shit. Made me sad that a lot of the continent is gonna be trampled by mudslimes.
What the fuck is this? Is this how Korea represents their colleges?
About 4,000 kilometers
Yes, now I hate where I come from.
my trip to Japan was such a big redpill on ethnic homogeneity
I have traveled to brasil and namibia, botswana, mosambique. My opinion remain the same, especially during my travels in brasil. That opinion is that more white people need to be put into governing positions so society can function again.
>read left to right scrolling down super slow
>that last panel
im from germany and ive been to mexico,
i only met nice people there but still, i became more and more right winged.
keep your race and your tradition alive while rejocing others
i was in USA with my gf. When we arrived we were baffled my amount of nignogs and other shitskins. after a while when we got drunk she asked me if its truth about blacks having bigger dicks. i said that no its not, later i left bar earlier and she didnt come back, next day she told me crying that she had sex with 3 blacks in gangbang becuase she was aroused by though about bbc. sucks
this cant be true, shieeet
The farthest I've been is probably Istanbul, Turkey. When you leave the "European" side, you see filth I never imagined is even possible. But then again, compared to our standards, even Italy and Croatia is filthy, so I might be biased.
krautkebap from germany here. furthest i got was 2800 km into eastern turkey once and usually making holidays on the western coast of turkey. aside from this i was in austria, netherland and spain.
and it influenced myself probably as i know muslim themselves arent bad people. its just that their culture isnt compatible as ours. and while would condemn people breaking their customs like making out in public and shit europeans and especially germans are too cucked to do the same and think we have to comply if people want sharia law here all of the sudden because not doing so would be intollerant and shit. maybe im just biased because a big part of my family are muslim, but this is still my honest oppinion. i also believe if it werent for the (((jews))) the muslims werent nearly as big of a problem as they are now. neither as refugees nor as terrorists
I came from the Philippines about a decade. Ever since then, I fell in love with America and its rich history. I also would love to date a beautiful white girl and experience the American Dream.