Dick Mutilation

Never came across this written out, but I'm sure that I can't be the only one to wonder about this. What if (((they))), who control (((modern medicine))), pushed the idea that circumcision was beneficial and modern as a cover for their own barbarity? A simple google search reveals that the first early proponent of universal global circumcision was (((Abraham Wolbarst))), a jewish doctor from New York.

Obviously,any sane society would want to protect babies from mutilation, even (((their))) babies. This was an unacceptable danger. So, the (((medical establishment))) has been on a century-long propaganda campaign to normalize mutilation. After all, if mutilation is generally accepted as beneficial and medically necessary, the goyim won't question (((their))) traditions all that much. I think there is also a powerful psychological aspect to this - the majority of men who have been mutilated defend the practice vehemently. I think it is simply too much to contemplate that they have been mutilated for life, and so their minds simply cannot go there.

So yeah, goyim, your dick was mutilated and millions of nerve endings removed so that the barbaric tribal sand people living withing our midst can continue their barbaric and tribal practices.

Other urls found in this thread:


>what if
The ritual is for jews to mark that they own you. Where the fuck have you been OP?

Or you can stop lusting about other peoples dicks and get on with your life.

Some people would agree to have their kids' ears removed if someone spun them a line
Nature gave us two eyes, two lungs, two feet and hands, etc. But it gave us one dick and one vagina because Nature figured those were perfect and needed no duplication

Then read about primitive people, really primitive
they ate their kids
they raped their kids
they physically and mentally destroyed their kids

and they *always* practiced some form of genital mutilation

Genital mutilation is absolutely one of the most primitive relics of barbaric, semi human retards

Have a read:

Lloyd Demause google his books

In the desert, with no running water, circumcision IS medically beneficial. Where did all these religious practices originate?

P.S rabbis suck the blood from circumcised babies because they know (now scientifically proven) that the blood of the young reverses aging.

>pushed the idea that circumcision was beneficial
Chastity belts

Interesting read, and predictable. Same thing goes on in the US with the "peaceful natives that lived in Eden" meme, not mentioning the constant warfare, human sacrifices, and ritualistic torture and mutilation of prisoners.

Europeans have always done what all other groups did. Europeans just them much more effectively.

And look at how maleness and masculinity have been reduced and devalued as a result of all that.

Thank God my dad forced my mom to decline circumcision (dumb bitch). All the chicks I've been with love it and love tonguing my Fremulum. I really sorry for you cut bastards. And those of you suffering from Phimosis, ya shoulda start playing with your dick since before puberty.

circumsicion makes your dick smaller by removing stem cells that would become more dick, that allows the jews to replace you to your women much easier, because the Jewish pets (muslims) aren't mutilated thusly.

And neither are the fucking jews.

Literally billions of men have perfectly healthy foreskins. Circumcision is a barbaric act of child abuse.

These look like Je... I mean lizard's eyeballs.

And now sweden is all like "Let your 9 year olds have sex with muslim refugees!"

Fucking jews.

Your foreskin was the extra skin that your penis blood would have engorged, were it not circumcised.

And this is how jews take over civilizations, pushing circumsision to make the target populations dicks smaller than their invaders.

And they be all like "Your women prefer our muslims!"

>Never came across this written out
Lurk moar

It's not just about muh penis size. It fucks up an infant's brain too.



Better get used to picking that cotton for the jews, nigger.

Early childhood trauma has lasting effects on the psyche.


>It fucks up an infant's brain too.

trauma based mind control?

>Better get used to picking that cotton for the jews, nigger.

last time I checked, the west abolished slavery, and israel still practices it.


4skins are worth big bucks


Circumcision is rape. No amount of memes can cover over that fact.

The coming class action suit will be epic. Just you wait.

Right now, somewher in the world, some 90 year old hag is waltzing around with a load of American baby foreskins on her face like a trophy. Anyone can buy a baby foreskin from USA, they cost 300-400 $$$

They sold us the idea so they can hide among us. During WW2, young jewish boys were hiding out in christian monastery's. When the Nazis came for them, they were able to identify the jewish boys by simply having them pull their pants down. This can no longer happen especially in Americuck were practically everyone is circumcised.

Interesting and I wouldn't doubt it.

jew detected..

>with no running water, circumcision IS medically beneficial
The reason we are born with a foreskin is to keep nasty stuff out, not keep it in. It's a protective organ similar to your eyelids. Cut off your eyelids why doncha?

>rabbis suck the blood from circumcised babies because they know (now scientifically proven) that the blood of the young reverses aging.

Only if you transfuse it, not if you drink it dumbass!

you cut it out because during teens many guys will have a really tight foreskin which will tight the dick like a ring keeping the fucking sperg under the hood in some cases its so extreme that you cant have an erection because of the tight foreskin pain

an actual urologist ITT

Curiously, Americans seem to be the only ones to have that "problem", enough that I wonder if it's just a perception and an underlying fear of the sex organs.
Any non-burger uros want to weigh in?

why do u think I am american, im not. Its not uncommon in yurop as well, it just happens but in case of america they do it for 20$ at birth.
And since usa is a hyper capitalist society all the doctors propose to their parents a quick fix on the spot to get some extra "cash"

In case of abrahamic religions it was done because that region was the most advanced in that age and ancient people also saw the problem of tight foreskin nd spegm under the hood so they decided to do it in the early age (jews) or 5-7 y (muslims). Why wait for 16-30+ years when u can do it early. Foreskin is an expendable part of the body with no purpose like other lymphoid tissues in human body.

I rather enjoy mine, jew.

wrong, that's not extremely uncommon here aswell, yet we don't cut our dicks

nice argument.