>Pres Trump Address before Congressional Baseball Game 6/15/17
>Rodman gifts The Art of the Deal to lil Kim 6/15/17
>SoS T-Rex opening Conf on Prosperity and Security for CONCACAF 6/15/17
>VP Pence @ CONCACAF conf (intro by T-Rex) 6/15/17
>Senior Leaders meet @ CONCACAF 6/15/17
>Pres Trump signs EO for The Apprentice 6/15/17
>Barron leading the Trump kids + motorcade 6/14/17
>Pres Trump Statement on VA shootings 6/14/17
>Atty Gen Sessions testimony @Sen Intel Com 6/13/17
>Pres Trump statement on Healthcare in WI 6/13/17
Trump Playlist
>Donald Trump Carolus Rex
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
Bread theme:
Why did Ana Kasparian dye her hair blonde?
She is racist
It probably gets lighter during summer, mine does.
because she wants my dick
why would a hippie like you care? aren't you too busy getting your moppy top braided like a girl?
Anybody else find it extremely impressive how fast a spider can weave a web?
Nice IP harvester
kek, libs btfo
ain't clicking that shit nigger
Now all we need is for SCOTUS to get off their asses and reinterpret the 14th so we can start sending the """"""citizen"""""" anchor babies back too
Did she dye her eyes, too? There's lighting changes and then there's this.
What have you done pol? Are women trying to look like (real) people of color again?
. She's trying to look like an Aryan
>June 16
Blog post incoming. Please ignore. This is just for me to organize my thoughts and experiences.
I did not follow Trump at all for the first month or so of the campaign. In June of 2015, right before he announced, I had decided to totally give up on politics. TPP was going through, Europe was about to be destroyed, and all anyone could do was cheer the Supreme Court ruling on faggot marriage. There was no hope for the future, and I wasn't going to bother getting angry about it anymore. I totally shut myself off from all news and politics, and tried to focus on my life.
Not too long after he announced, I heard from a relative that it had happened, and that he's said something controversial about Mexicans that the media was eating him alive for. I knew that whatever it was was probably completely accurate, but that this would be the end of his campaign, and he would be forced to bow his head, apologize, and never show his face in public again. This is how it would be for anyone else. He had no chance, and I remember thinking that he had to be either crazy or not serious.
It was another month or so of avoiding politics until my curiosity got the better of me and I finally came back to Sup Forums, just to check. I was shocked to discover that not only was Trump still in the race, he was somehow leading in polls, even against Jeb Bush. I didn't understand how this could be possible. This was not how the political process worked, not ever. Were these not phone, but online polls that could somehow be rigged by Sup Forums? It made no sense to me how Republicans could support a man that the news was calling "racist." The same people who nominated McCain or Romney. Shortly after I came back, Trump made his comments about John McCain being captured, and I thought, "well, that's unfortunate, but it was bound to happen at some point. This will be the end of Donald Trump's campaign." Instead, I watched as his lead literally doubled. What the hell was going on? I did not understand.
By this time I was curious, but also cautious. I knew that he couldn't possibly have a chance of winning, and like most anons my plan was to halfheartedly support Rand Paul until he dropped out after the first primary, then stop caring. I didn't watch any rallies or interviews, for fear of becoming attached. All I saw were occasional polls and primitive memes about the wall.
I did not see the first debate when it aired, as I had to work that night. Instead, the first thing I saw the next morning was the clip of Megyn Kelly's women question, and Trump's response about political correctness. The way he spoke in terms of the nation and its future, its priorities, was something I had not seen any modern politician do. But I still didn't understand how voters could be seeing through the media's lies and supporting him. He didn't exactly have a silver tongue. After that I saw the spin they tried to put on it, where they twisted his words and put them into a wholly invented context of talking about Kelly's period. "That's it," I thought. "This will be the end of Donald Trump's campaign."
Then I saw him call into Morning Joe. Far from being scared and apologetic (no other candidate would have even bothered to call), he faced them as if nothing was wrong, and they were the deviants for even thinking about something like that. He articulated exactly what I was feeling about the situation, with such force and such conviction, he wouldn't let them get a word in edgewise, and seemed to have no shame. He was simply telling the truth, as if it came completely naturally to him. I had never seen anything like it before. In that moment, I suddenly understood exactly why people were supporting him. He was immune. I knew then without a doubt that he would be the next President of the United States.
And I never doubted him again.
So it`s all the world against the United States of America?
Fine by me, I accept a NWO any day if it comes along with the United States of America constitution.
I made this one just for you.
Which one of the following general groups are you part of?
>the very stupid people follow their primitive urges and thus demand socialism to provide for them. criminals, lowlife scum, wellfare leeches
>the stupid people are generally more religious and conservative. they are often nice people. however, they can also be crazy neocons or socialist stormweenies
>the a little bit less stupid people think they are super smart with their arts degree, are atheist and vocal about it and they fall for the appeals to emotion which support socialism. they are your typical leftard
>the not so stupid people can see beyond emotional fallacies and apply basic logic but their thinking is still very flawed. among this group are lolbertarians, so called 'alt right' and people who wrongly think they are redpilled, probably the most common group on Sup Forums
>the somewhat smart people know some rough basics about how the world works and don't just think they are but really are redpilled on topics like genetics, climate change, egalitarianism and leftism. Stefan Molyneux is in the slow process of ascending to this group
>the actually smart people, beyond philosophy, don't follow any ideologies and are realists. they are open minded and capable of critical thinking thus become ever more red and black pilled but do not succumb to them or any other emotions, instead follow their own ambitious path. extremely few are really part of this group
The amazing part is that she's still this ugly AFTER half a dozen plastic surgeries. This is a legit genetic dead end had it been ye olde world.
If 9 year old Chelsea Clinton's virginity was given to Epstein, could Epstein be faulted for looking a gift horse in the mouth?
She just didn't go extreme enough, get her a Korean Doctor or something, she'll be a 9 by the end of the year
>And I never doubted him again.
God has never doubted us.
fuck i clicked it, whats going to happen to me?
You'll find out
2020 here we come.
Scared yet?
I met one of the princes of Lichtenstein while I was working an internship at the US Senate. Seemed like a pretty cool guy. don't remember his name, though, said hi and then went back to work.
fbi are gonna get you.
I honestly think they'll run that Harris lady on the senate committee that keeps interrupting anyone she is questioning
but it was just that video of kantbot talking about german idealism
Oh god yes, the fake Indian and James Brown in the same ticket
who looked at those two people and said to themselves "yes these are the people i want to be in charge of my government"
You going into politics my boy?
That's it, it's over for you. Better make your peace now, the negroes are already salivating.
we should already be digging up dirt on potential nominees desu
Hide the loli..
Harris for sure is gonna be on the ticket, even though she is completely incompetent at everything she does.
I can't believe I missed the final redpill and now that I swallowed it I'm going to die
Q: Did you, or did you not, collude with beautiful Russian women?
A: Well I was young in Saint Peters-
Q: STOP dodging the question! I asked you, did you or did you not work for the Kremlin!
A: Well, they took me in because apparently she was a distant relative of the Czar and this was a pro-
Q: So you admit it! You colluded with Russia! I rest me case.
Think they'll have her on as the VP or main candidate?
I mean, come on.
It's her turn AND it's the current year.
You need glasses user
hammer to the blackberry. bleach bit them drives.
OMG!!! That got me laughing so hard. I'm going to use that from now on. lol...
Ready for what?
Sending them visiting angels for homecare?
Kamala Harris will be the Diane Abbott of the Democratic ticket.
how the fuck in a nation of 30,000 people do you come here of all places
don't you guys have better shit to do? Like denying shitskins entry? Or living in extreme peace in comfort with your whole bi-century murder?
I think VP. She's not quite the star of the party just yet, but things could change.
We need more Greg here.
its pretty boring desu not gonna lie
ive been coming to Sup Forums since 2013 and have known about it since long before that
I love it when their toes curl around the back of my neck.
Just wanted to share a video you guys may have forgotten about.
Why the fuck did Hillary settle on Tim Kaine?
Do you guys have guns? Niggers? American tier freedom of speech?
I know nothing about you guys, not because I don't know that you exist, just that you're so fucking small and have a smaller population than the "small" city bordering my town.
My house..
Was thinking about it. I got into my Congressional internship with the help of some nepotism, but then got a white house internship just on my own merits after that.
It's honestly so disgusting. If you're anybody important, you're either a jackoff LA (Legislative Assistant) writing bullshit in a cramped cubicle, or the smarmy politician that has to partake in the sausage making directly. Otherwise, you're a staff assistant or an intern, getting to work for shit pay in one of the most miserable places on Earth. As an intern on the hill, I responded to constituent mail and phone calls (mostly from lunatics) and occasionally got to write a social media post. At the White House (though, technically not serving in the White House, but one of its several auxiliary office buildings), I worked on spreadsheets all day. Was there for the TPP negotiations, though, when they were in their full swing, so I met some powerful people. That summer was, ironically, the moment of my life that I shifted from being a full globalist shill to hating everything globalism stood for.
It's not glamorous, and nobody can actually make a difference. It would be better to be a cultural firebrand and then burst onto the scene like the kool-aid man (as Trump did) and then trying to make change happen.
>being this Romanian
>not gonna lie
To the confessional with you.
Tim, Hillary, and Debbie struck a deal to revolve Schultz and Kaine's positions as head of DNC and VP.
Silly gypsy, you can't hide
Because Kaine is a hapless dope who does what he's told and didn't overshadow Hillary.
Kek. Love when he shit talks about Dobbs.
Kaine was the previous head of the DNC.
wtf no, open your eyes.
Trump needs to walk the walk
An attempt to court the white male vote
We need your help to get a better idea of what it's like for Trump in DC. You may not be working there now but you have experience of what the environment there is like.
delete this
Quick rundown on Andrew Jackson gassing the central bank
>Trump needs to walk the walk
One of my favorite screencaps.
So many levels of woke, I lost track.
Is there anything good on netflix? Already watched the roger stone documentary.
He was the only person who wouldn't overshadow her. She needed to pick someone who was actually less somewhat less likeable/respectable than her. It was quite a feat that she succeeded.
Donald J. Trump is president of the United State of America
stop giving companies like netflix, amazon, etc your money you cuck!
Very few niggers although theres pressure to be importing more. You are allowed to own a firearm but not many people have one because its pretty much safe, have only had 2 murders in decades, only 100 police officers in the entire country etc. Recently our far-right party has gained some ground in elections but its very chill , idk most people just arent concerned about the politics and more on making money and their families because the quality of life is so good
>Diane Abbott
t. American that has no knowledge of British politics
It's my old gf's account.
insane nigger who was in line to be Jeremy Corbyn's foreign minister and got You're Fired because she was such an insane nigger