Anarcho capitalism is the final redpill

Why dont you want freedom user? Is it too hard to swallow

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Anarcho-capitalism is a meme and the true redpill is regular anarchism




We need freedom from niggers first

Political science has died along with other "classical liberal" ideas from the so-called Enlightenment.

>Property rights

what is the point

I've toured around the world, from London to the Bay
It's "Hammer, go Hammer, MC Hammer, yo Hammer"
And the rest can go and play

You can't touch this

>Ownership is wrong! I share my wife all the time, I can't "own" her!

If you're such a nihilist, you should just kill yourself.

why would i want to be like africa


FACT: All natural monopolies are the fractal offspring of the arbitrary monopoly on authority we grant to the state via mob rule.


are you sure

Me on the left

>on the left

Fucking commie

Yes, there really would be no monopolies in Ancapistan and nothing about U.S. history can be used as an example of a free society or free market.

Ancaps are not guilty of the no true scotsman fallacy as their model for society is grounded in an explicit definition of what constitutes a free society. The communist model on the other hand is grounded in an ultimately arbitrary distinction between private and so-called "personal" property.

All so-called "natural monopolies" are in reality the fractal offspring of the arbitrary monopoly on authority we grant to the state via mob rule.

>grant it via property rights
>things will be different now!

No one could possibly acquire a monopoly on authority through purchase or trade, such a thing could only be acquired through force (mob rule). Nation states are nothing but giant cults.

>owning land

>owning a razor

>arbitrary distinction



Wrong. It's starting the next crusades.

Fuck off you stupid communist kike. All the rights we have are delivered because we have the right to own. The freedom to not be taken away something.
I would definitely support a fascist goverment if it meant a future for the libertarians.
1433 friend.

"Voluntary communism" yeah nah.

We already live in ancap society. Rich criminals are writing and issuing laws that punish actual law abiding citizens for disrespecting other criminals as we shitpost about it.

"Already live in ancap society"
>Proceeds to post something directly opposing to an ancap society.

>has no insight to where ancap society leads

Oh trust me, I do know.

Do you have any arguments why would an an-cap society turn to a goverment run one?


Because ancap only leads to the strong bossing around the weak in horrible ways.

If you have a bunch of subhumans willing to live in these conditions, then let them. The white man earns on this.

Also, mechanization is coming for their jobs.
You just posted a thesis, no argument.
Also >believing even if it lead to the strong bossing the weak that it'd be bad

Anytime there has been no government in any point in history, one has risen up.
Every single time.
Humans crave consistency, and that is not present in An-Cap.
Libertarians and An-Caps also make the mistake of assuming everyone wants the best for society and would be well informed, when that is false. Jews will always help each other at the cost of society, Blacks will always be ruled by instinct. Different An-Caps and Libertarians disagree on what the NAP allows and disallows, and if you can't even agree on something that is a core principle, then how can you function at all or even halt outside threats? And on the outside threats, how would you handle actual organized countries or groups attacking you?

You asked how ancap would turn into government and I told you precisely who would end up running the show and who would be taken advantage of. It ends with brutality determining who's on top.

>the white man earns on this
No user, the (((white man))) earns on this.
The blue-collar whites are forced to get shitty service industry jobs, and mechanization is coming for the white-collar white's jobs too in good time.

Cheap consumer goods all around, and all it cost us was our entire middle class and our national sovereignty. Excellent trade m8, great work.

>Cant recognise crony capitalism
The jews really have brainwashed you haven't they?

Posted a thesis, didn't post an argument.
An-capistan cannot exist in the current world, there's no point arguing it. But I want to lay foundations for it to exist in the future.
Whatever fuck off, if you can't get a good job in a free society you don't deserve to live. All you fucking nazis can post as arguments is that it is the (((jews))). In capitalism jews would actually have to provide good quality service for cheap prices to their customers because there would be no goverment to support their corporations or no goverment for them to take over.

libertarianism is the final redpill.
but majority needs totalotarist daddy to dictate them what to do, so ancap or libcap is for 5% of priviledged smart people

>can't refute
>"I'll call it a thesis"
So what's this fantasy ancapistan of yours look like?

You fucking idiots cannot even form arguments.

All you did is say "In ancapistan everyone's going to be ruled by mobsters because everyone's going to be ruled by mobsters just like today." No argument for WHY it would happen, you just said that it WOULD happen.

>An-capistan cannot exist in the current world, there's no point arguing it. But I want to lay foundations for it to exist in the future.
At least you fucking idiots admit it. It's the same thing as communism - it can't fucking happen unless humans turn into a hivemind. I only push NatSoc because it fits human nature and interests, and is an actual achievable thing.
You're the first An-Cap I've argued with who's admitted that it can't even exist.
The fact that you push it while knowing it won't work right now makes you no better than the Communists.

That's not an argument, just an ad-hominem.

Which exact part of ancapistan would not work except for the "Other goverments would just take over" shit?

>No welfare
Pick one

Also I will never support your fucking ideology, because you're the first to call everyone commies, but you're the fucking (((SOCIALISTS))).

I only support fascism if it included a future for liberty, not socialism.

I don't think you know what anarchy means after reading your posts. It forces morality out the window. Those with morals will be seen as weak and those without morals will rise to the top.

choose one

Anzu a cute.



I don't know, maybe you should stop reddit spacing and read the post.
Every thread. Every single thread. I post proof it uses the free market, I post proof that Hitler didn't mean Marxist Socialism, and you dumb motherfuckers just ignore it. You guys are impossible to argue with, much like the Jews. I'll post it again even though you don't even look at it.

>are in reality the fractal offspring of the arbitrary monopoly on authority we grant to the state via mob rule.
not true. look bigger at cartels

Crony capitalism is the natural evolution of the leniencies inherent in libertarian capitalism.
The lemmings will ALWAYS vote for more government. The instant you allowed non-property owners, nonwhites, and women to vote was the instant that you killed the possibility of libertarian/an-cap system existing in our nation. You weren't vigilant.

There is only one way back, and it isn't through the ballot box.

Anarchy just means no goverment.

It doesn't force anything out, even under anarchy I'd still consider myself Polish and would cultivate my culture..
Name a free-er system.
I read it, and reddit spacing is not an argument, and calling everyone communists when you're the socialist is not an argument.

Bigger cartels only exist because they pay the goverment.

You can post proof of Hitler as much as you want, all I care about is:
Do you support economic socialism or not?

Anons aren't big on books and stuff.

Like clockwork, you don't read the post.
No National Socialist supports Marxist socialism, if you would actually read the shit I post, you would get that.
The fact that you guys don't read anything is why the rest of Sup Forums thinks you are fucking retarded.
I invite you to try and actually read this time.

I don't give a fuck about Hitler, do you support economic socialism or not?

>I don't give a fuck about Hitler, do you support economic socialism or not?
>No National Socialist supports Marxist socialism
How fucking dense are you? The absolute fucking refusal to read from you guys is baffling. Arguing with you guys is a chore when you forget or ignore most things I post and just scream "SOCIALISM, SOCIALISM" at me.

I'm asking you to give me a yes or no.
Do you support taxing people so people who don't deserve the money get it?

Taxes don't automatically make something Socialist you fucking retard.

It means so much more than just "no government". It's degenerate, nihilistic mob rule come to life.

I will keep my anarcho-naturism, thanks.

>I would definitely support a fascist goverment if it meant a future for the libertarians.
>I would definitely support a soclialist government if it meant a future for the communists.

What's the difference though? Neither governments are going to just give up their powers willingly

Sure, there'd be some societies where degenerates are allowed but they wouldn't achieve much. I would live in a society with no degeneartes and no blacks. Nihilism is leftist we are more right wing than you.
Do you support taxing people so people who don't deserve the money get it?
Yes or no?
Libertarianism is white people's ideals. A fascist goverment just means there's a dictator or something, he can still allow economic and society liberty.

Good luck finding a dictator who has your best interest in mind.
It's super risky to give up your freedoms under any circumstance

It does.

>Do you support taxing people so people who don't deserve the money get it?
No. I support taxes, but National Socialists don't give out free money to people for not working. Only those who genuinely work get money from government jobs.

>Early America was Socialist
An-Caps, everyone.

does anyone have that ancap memeball with the text about a private cop who shoots a postal box, asks for money to investigate a crime, etc? fucking gold

it's as stupid as communism

I have the original post if that helps.

I agree.
See, this is the difference, you at least want to not support socialism, but there are nat-socs with whom I've talked who 100% support economic socialism just because "MUH WHITE RACE". If you allow socialism, this wil llead to huge degeneracy in the white race. You'd know this if you lived in Poland.
He's just retarded. For example I believe we could achieve minarchy with the state only funding the justice system, the army, the police and as long as we need to, the infrastructure.

The baseic property that anyone have is your life, if you belive in abolishing any type of property you not only abolish a mans house or hes ability to work but the owning of oneself.

Bullshit. There are plenty of ways to make money under capitalism that don't require "good service for cheap prices". Unethical practices are their speciality, in your society they'd still be pooling their resources and forming monopolies. They embedded themselves in our media and our universities (the industries of influence) with little to no government involvement at the start.

Perfect example: Why do you supposed we ALL buy diamond rings to propose marriage, even though they are intrinsically worthless??

A fucking marketing campaign. (((Oppenheimer))) grabbed an effective monopoly and his progeny DeBeers controls the worldwide supply and inflates the price. Has this easily accessible knowledge stopped LE RATIONAL CONSUMER from buying diamond rings for exorbitant prices? Not in the slightest.

Even if you are fully aware of this, I DARE you to not buy one for your fiance. Go ahead and explain to her that the diamond industry is a monopoly, and diamonds are intrinsically worthless.

She's gonna hear "BLAH diamond..BLAH BLAH" and leave you that fucking night. They were so successful that they've got our whole society buying SHINY WORTHLESS ROCKS pulled out of the ground by starving niggers.

I think you might be a bit dense too.

He's starting to play word games and providing you structured leading questions with which you are supposed to give a yes/no answer to. Classic hooknose tactics, you should be familiar with these by now. I also think you know what happens after this thread dies and someone remakes it tomorrow.

>there are nat-socs with whom I've talked who 100% support economic socialism just because "MUH WHITE RACE"
All of them are pagans and purity spiraling skinheads. They exist, but they are all pretty much Strasserists, not NatSoc. NatSoc doesn't give out money, but rather government jobs so you CAN earn money.

The degenerates in this situation are the ones with less morals so they have less holding them back from taking over. Once you form an alliance to fight off degenerates you've just negated anarchy

I know exactly what he's doing, that's why I'm not playing his game of giving a yes/no to pointed questions. Also, fuck off Mike.

Patrician taste

>submitting to a woman
> a nazi
jesus fucking christ.

These monopolies are only allowed to exist by goverment regulations.
Anarchy is no goverment. I can still form a private society with rules, like no gays no niggers exc.
The problem with public jobs is that the goverment will always make more gov. jobs so it can put their own people into this jobs, increasing corruption. Also goverment jobs are much less effective than private jobs and in many situations hurt the economy long term.

thanks senpai, gets me every time

It's not a tainted question if it's real.

Oi, I'm not Mike. Can't you tell by the fact that my shift key isn't broken?

Okay you've confirmed yourself as a troll with that last reply. Thanks for exposing yourself. A society with rules is not anarchy.

>is racist
>still clings to the idea that somalia is fucked because of "ancaps"
lol let me guess. you still have no bitcoin

HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's why idiots like you will never understand what it means to be free!
There's no freedom without responsibility!

>The problem with public jobs is that the goverment will always make more gov. jobs so it can put their own people into this jobs, increasing corruption. Also goverment jobs are much less effective than private jobs and in many situations hurt the economy long term.
This can be a legitimate problem in NatSoc, but also keep in mind that most of the time these jobs are temp. construction jobs until other work is found. If that doesn't happen, then yeah, a problem does arise, but, to be fair, that never happened in NatSoc Germany were people were just locked in government jobs for all eternity unless it was bureaucratic or military work.

the nazis mistake was instilling a belief in statism among their people
now they are docile cucks that are fine with "holocaust denial laws"
a ridiculous prospect to a racist ancap

Ancaps oppose illegitimate authority(the state), We have no problem with legitimate authority

because we don't deserve that level of freedom

Sorry then, not!Mike.
To elaborate on how the economy works in a generic Fascist state, not really specifically NatSoc, but it's close.

Remember that interventionism leads to economic bubbles. Don't let your goverment be run by keynesists.
What's we?

Sad for ancaps, the definition of violence is completely subjective

not using gender pronouns is aggression

Shooting the helicopter down breaks the NAP mate

What's subjective about the "The freedom of your hand ends at my nose?"
Or rather "My liberty ends where your liberty begins" it's pretty objective.