Why is Poland so based? What is their secret?

Poland is standing strong, despite pressure from the EU to let in 100,000 refugees. Is there a more based country on Earth? I would immigrate to Poland... but they'd probably send me back to Australia.


>“Ahmad,” a 34-year-old Chechen man, boarded a Polish-bound train in Brest, Belarus, last week, hoping to seek asylum there. He had fled from Chechnya, a Russian republic, where he says the authorities tortured and unlawfully detained him.
Having taken the 15-minute trip from Brest to the Polish border unsuccessfully 27 times before, Ahmad hoped this time was going to be different. Polish and Belarusian lawyers and activists had asked for, and received, an emergency order from the European Court of Human Rights instructing that he not be summarily returned to Belarus. He knew Polish authorities would have a legal obligation to comply with the order while the European Court considers the claim.
But Ahmad’s hopes were crushed when Polish border guards ignored the court’s order and put him on a train back to Belarus that same day.
>Polish border guards routinely return asylum seekers from North Caucasus and Central Asia at the Terespol border station, after concluding they are economic migrants based on no more than rudimentary, two- to three-minute pre-screening.

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Even the anti-Poland memes are terrible.

Why you taking Polandball so seriously, bra?

>unsafe Belarus

Everyone knows the Syrian civil war has been raging in Belarus for centuries

We massacred Poles and killed their king at Varna.

You failed at wien even with much more man strength, the pols where the ones to stop you back then

>What is their secret?
Being a shithole no one wants to live it? Nothing is stopping you from moving there, learning the language, adopting the culture. But you wont because no one wants to live in shitty nations.

Thanks to that Albanian inbred commander yes we failed
it's a shame that we let rapebabies to command our great armies


Human Rights is a code word for letting the barbarian hordes overrun civilization.

We've been fucked over for generations and now we're pissed off.

>What is their secret?
Communism. All ex-Soviets are like this (they were not part of the SU technically, but it's all the same anyway).
>I would immigrate to Poland
Poland doesn't like migrants. Also, fuck off, they're full.
>definitely* send me back to Australia

and we're still being fucked by the left and EU.
We're even considered "west Europe" when I look at vidya prices.

The other way round.

The battle was going well for the coalition before Władysław IV died.

Dumbfuck, he should've at least make a kid with his wife to have his dynasty inherit Bohemia and Hungary, the way it turned out it went to Hapsburgs.

When does Polexit happen? France was a bust and UK clearly blew their chance.

Polexit when?

The day after chancellor Ahmed bin Kebabi is sworn in in Germany,

I imagine the relative absence of nuke threats from their relatives helps a lot. We try anything like that and someone's Big Yankee Zogpoz comes avenge the Holocaust again.

Could it be that you got the wrong Wladyslaw? I just looked it up and it seems the one at Varsa was III, not IV.

Don't knock it Anons, Hitler didn't like the slav's, but I think they are white enough to reproduce with, I mean, come on, Germany is about 20% turk shits these days.

I'd sacrifice Uncle Adolfs genes for the slav

does anyone have the polish 'kurwa' version of sheeeeeeeit?



kinda dig this band, they're like modern bards



Poland knows they won't break the union because of some immigrant bullshit.
On the other hand Poland is poor and can't afford migrants that don't work and act like parasites.