Is that true? Was Mc Donalds lying to me all that time? Also, how the fuck is CNN showing up on my polish account? Is it because of Trump?
Only if youre a fatass who doesn't exercise and eat normal amounts of food.
Omg eating greasy salty fold isn't good for your health! Who knew???
Fried foods not good for you news at 11.
bad at life.
Virtual private newfag
Water can kill you if you drink too much of it, ergo I only drink CNN approved Smart Water (tm) with 90% more flouride
>Living linked to death
what did I mean by this?
luckily i only eat french fries or hashbrowns, not potatoes
>fries are french
>burgers are French
>cola is French
>ford is French
is there something that isn't French in usa? they dont have anything on their own
>is there something that isn't French in usa?
Not surrendering for starters
What is i bake my fries? It's the oil that's bad, right? What if I used lard?
Fried food is bad your your health? Thank you CNN.
You should fry them in lard anyway. Tastes much better.
Oil is primarily water, and salt absorbs water, so you just have to have equal parts oil and salt on your food in order to turn it neutral, therefor healthy.
smartfartr has floride ?
potatoes have an evil substance in them, they are poison and over time you will feel ill and stuff etc up to and including death
I'm sorry, user. It's time I told you the real truth... Scientists have discovered that 100% of people who consume food will die in their life-time. It's not just the fried potatoes that give you a higher risk of death, it's all the food.
It's the oil that's bad.
They use some sort of peanut or cottonseed oil which is high in polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are carcinogenic and quickly form free radicals in the body due to their unstable double bonds which lead to inflammation and cholesterol oxidation.
French fries are fine if you fry them in a high saturated fat oil like tallow (beef fat), which is how they used to be cooked for hundreds of years.
As far as lard goes, it depends on the diet of the pig. If the pig eats soybeans then I would avoid it.
That's the redpill. The French are the master race.
You need free radicals to produce healthy sperm. That's the joke.
The jokes on them, I want to die.
Potatoes are nightshades and do naturally contain alkaloids which increase in level if the potato turns green but this isn't a problem for 99% of people.
>Eating carbohydrates fried in fat covered with sodium can give you a heart attack.
Well shit nigga.
Poland no.
None of those three are inherently bad for you.
You do. Antioxidants are bad for your sperm.
I'm sure someone from Ireland can confirm this.
Pure unadulterated bullshit spearheaded by (((environmentalists))).
I eat them everyday, I exercise and I'm fine.
Hiberan conspiracy
Not that the insult made much sense, but I understood the intent behind it.
Show me a link so that I can debunk it.
It's not bullshit. You should avoid PUFA if you can help it.
What if potatoes are good for you and (((certain people))) just want all the potatoes for themselves??
Only niggers eat McDonalds, and being a nigger is a higher risk of death.
Potatoes are good for you but I think Jews mainly eat wheat.
those glutenous jews
One of the seven deadly sins
the longer you live, the higher the chances that death may occur for some reason !
Checa mi 5 De Mayo
>you might want to stop being poor and stupid
>making retarded life decisions linked to higher risk of death says every nutritional study ever conducted
It was partially hydrogenated oil that was causing cardiovascular problems. Fried food really isn't that bad for you if done in the right oil/temperature because very little oil should get into the food
As they study the link between food and cancer more, my prediction is that we will find that all foods share a link to the human body developing cancer. It only makes sense that absorbing foreign matter into our bodies over time degrades DNA.
About a year ago the WHO released studies showing a link between cancer and meat products. Predictably, vegetarians and vegans bent over backwards to rub the news in everyone's faces. What they didn't decide to publicize is that two years earlier studies found that all citrus fruits increased your chances of getting cancer, at almost twice the rate that most meat products cause cancer.
All the food is poison.
>Eating high fat food shortens your lifespan
Colour me surprised.
Bullshit, the Japanese live the longest and eat a shit ton of sushi aka fat/cholesterol. It was trans fat that was killing us
>eat food w/ peanut oil
>eat food w/ cottonseed oil
>eat one of the 99.9% of things with canola oil
>flare up to point of anaphylactic shock
>can't be allergy because no protein trigger
>find out used to be used on machinery and tanks
>major canadian cash crop
Of course a FUCKING leaf invented this poison. What the fuck is causing it?
>high fat
Not really. Most fat is quite healthy. Excuse me if I sound like some faggot, but it's trans-fat that's bad for you.
Of course a high-fat, high-carb (also high-sugar), high-calorie diet is going to wreak havoc on your body. High-fat, low carb diets are done by many people and they are quite effective - they don't fatten you up like many people believed a couple of decades ago.
It's not canola, it's rapeseed oil. And it's raping your body.
So...cannibalism is the only healthy diet?
I thought burgers were German? As in Hamburg.
I still eat there every day. Great food for the buck!!
unless you eat people with cancer
I always think these studies are flawed.
Vegetarians/vegans tend to be more health-conscious than meat-eaters. That's a fact.
If a meat-eater limits himself and starts giving a shit about his health (while still eating meat) the results would be quite similar.
>consuming the liquid leaf
You should have known better.
That guy said it's quite hard to avoid it - since almost everything out there is made with it. It would be a pain in the ass to look for products made with other oils.
That "allergy" of his sounds strange, but he's basically forced to eat healthy. If only it worked that way on the rest of the americans...
>new info to americans
wtf.... i hate this place
Theres nothing wrong with fluoride, you really must not have gone to college. . . its shocking how many backward thinkers there are on this website. Fluoride is one of the biggest medical breakthroughs in history, and has no negative impact on your body AT ALL.
>eating unhealthy food is bad for you
wow thanks mom
there is no risk of death. there is only Certainty of Death.
The facts are in and 100% of people who have eaten potatoes have or will die and 100% of people who have never eaten potatoes have either died or will die.
Potato or not, you are going to die.
It's nice being able to delay that, though. That's quite a pessimistic view you have.
>only 10% of britain fluoridates their water
>all britcucks have awful teeth
q e d