The Giving Tree

What's the deal with the man in this book? Is he red pilled by taking advantage of the tree? Is the tree cucked?
>inb4 (((silverstein)))

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he's arguing that logging violates the NAP

Damn I remember this book from when I was really little.whats the message of the book?

only whites read this book in childhood

The man is cucked, the tree is cucked.

The only thing that isn't cucked is Jesus Christ because he died for our sins.

First book to make me cry

True story

tree has no friends until the boy comes
climbs on limbs
picks the apples
cuts the branches
cuts the trunk
old man comes back to just sit on the stump

I'm not sure it even has a message. I think it's just supposed to be a sad story.

IIRC, stop taking shit from people over and over and over again. You don't deserve the generosity nor does the person deserve the abuse. He never truly acknowledges the tree until he is old and the tree is a stump cus he cut him down for wood.

What do you think?


I'm seriously thinking about planting several rows of fruit trees on my dad's land. He's got 450 acres I'm told I'll inherit. Fruit and nut trees can take years or decades to mature and produce so I'd rather go ahead and start now. I'm planning on having the soil tested at selected sights I like and speak with a horticulturist on what trees go well in our climate and what pollinators they may need. My research has been very interesting.

My mom also loves trees and bushes in their back yard. I've urged them to plant fruit trees and berry bushes so that these plants actually produce and do something for them instead of just hanging out and looking kind of pretty like normal trees.

>dying for someone else's sins because your """"""father"""""" told you to
>not cucked

that is the folly of man

Only whites read in childhood

> not sure a children's story has a message

"Be mindful of the gifts, privileges, and opportunities which {your parents, previous generations, societal structures, nature} had to sacrifice for in order to give you"

I think you are supposed to feel gratitude and empathy for the tree.
Appreciate and respect others kindness.

I think this is an excellent metaphor the the baby boomer generations, where they have the best opportunities but fuck over those who made they get to where they are now. Fuck niggers


what gratitude, the tree sacrificed itself for a kike

The tree is your father

All the tree wanted was to make the boy happy at any cost.
Why would the boy come back at the end and sit on the stump?

The tree did everything it could to give the boy a good life. Sharing and sacrificing for others means something more than that.
Why did the boy come back at the end?

impliing the tree never knew anyone else or was magiced into existence. shitty kike plot

I read this book a few times (it was a gift from a relative), I kept feeling sad each time I read it.
It is the most fucked up piece of propaganda for programming oneself to be weak and free-to-abuse I have ever come across.
I am regretful of nothing, save for having read this book and thinking it was something to live by.
If I ever see it near offspring who call me father, I shall immediately take it out and burn it.

Kek confirms.

Nature propels those who are able to advance by any means necessary. The tree was happy to help in the end. Some people who read the book often took the tree's unending kindness as being a weakness exploited by the boy. If the boy hadn't been there the tree it would only have fulfilled a small part of its purpose. In the end the tree was glad he had helped and glad that the boy didn't let anything go to waste.

There's two stories here. The story of a man utilizing what's offered, accepting the gifts God granted and living a good life.

Then there's the story of someone who gave too much for love. Not sure if its saying don't be the tree, or if its outright saying be the man, but I always saw two sides.

I think people don't understand that anyone could want anything but something for themselves.
Nearly all plants are producers, not consumers as we are.

I feel sad imagining all the people who grow up today never knowing or experiencing the joy of giving. They will just say it's some "kike trick to make you cuck yourself". Amazing how everyone will allow the truth to be distorted to the whim of their justified opinions and they will be contempt with that.

Today's new generation is only full of hate and numbness.

Government propaganda telling you to buy wood and groceries instead of being redpilled and gathering it yourself.

The tree regrew just fine, if the man didn't utilize it some corporation would've instead. The man did nothing wrong.

To me it was a lesson about thinking about another before you take from them, even if it is given willingly. In addition it's a also a warning about giving so much that you ruin yourself in the process. Overall I would say it's an interesting lesson about relationships in general