Race General

How white are you Sup Forums?

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Turkroach Jew

100% European

Tell me where to check and I'll tell you.


What are greeks?

meds and byzantines

>100% Jew

i am
50% greek
50% italian
100% man

So turks are the same too, with some mongoloid?

i am greek

tfw riced

meds are almost absent here. we are mostly persianized central asians and anatolians

im 54% greek/italian
2% iberian
15% eastern european
1% north european
25% caucasas
x% EU etc

What about western parts of turkey?
I'va seen some meds

well Western parts of Turkey are not that greek actually. IDK why everyone is obsessed over western turkey here. pic related is ethnic make up of western turks.
greek population is/was nothing compared to anatolians. although actual greeks did exist, they were small in numbers.

Yeah it makes sense i guess, but i see all the time in pol the turkish rape baby meme for greeks, what's your view?

I ain't takin the Jew test,

I know I'm part Scandi, West EU, East EU and dirty Anglo scum

Greeks are not rapebabies, what unifies Greeks and Turks is the Native Anatolian dna, Native Anatolian dna was carried to Greece by Greek kingdoms/Byzantines and Turkish republic (Anatolian Greeks and Pontic Greeks were deported to Greece)

White enough to not need to send my DNA to a third party so they can tell me I'm indeed white.

Hmmm, i agree. How much turkish people hate greeks and why?

You revolted resulting in independence.

>Americans actually have to take a DNA test to see if they're white

Turks hating anyone is just based on autistic screeching
apart from hating NATO, Kurds, Armenians and USA, we shouldn't actually hate anyone.

50% Polish
49.9375% German
0.0625% French

Percentages are approximate of course. I haven't done a DNA test, don't know if it's worth it.

French and German have the same DNA.

Congrats, you're 49.9375% white.

Well, good to know. That small bit was bothering me.

White enough that if i shot up a school they would say I'm a white male.

Not really
French are mostly celtic, latin (in south) and germanic in some parts
Germany is mostly Germanic and Germanic influenced Celtics.

But they're related.

It was my German great great grandmother that married a Frenchman. Is that racemixing?

there are only 5 races in the world.

Wasn't serious user

>Is that racemixing?

It's bestiality.

Who are they?

1- white (caucasian)
2- asian
3- native american
4- africans
5- abos

>White enough to not need to send my DNA to a third party so they can tell me I'm indeed white.

t. 5% nog


Would that make you feel better if I was or something? You're weird.

wow talk about being a mutt

is there a single place in europe you don't have ancestors from?

>French are mostly celtic, latin (in south) and germanic in some parts. Germany is mostly Germanic and Germanic influenced Celtics.

germanic and celtic are mostly just linguistic groupings. all europeans are made up of three source populations: hunter gatherers, anatolian farmers and yamnaya/indo europeans. with the english its possible to determine how celtic vs germanic they are (most are 30% anglo-saxon)
but i dont know if you can do the same with french and germans.



you consider yourself "white"?

it's ethnolinguistic. not linguistic only.
>all europeans are made up of three source populations: hunter gatherers, anatolian farmers and yamnaya/indo europeans
not really. this is just too broad. you probably got it from a chart made by god-knows-who.

Racially, i'm biracial. but i'm mostly caucasian (racially)

if you are american or southern european, dont be surprised if you have some negro skeletons in the closet.

what race are middle eastern people

Thanks dingo. You saved me the time and money sending in my DNA.


White. Some are biracial. Ethnically, they're middle eastern aka brown.
the race thing is only about skull shapes. an albino arab could look like a swedish person but an albino chinese or african cant

>not really. this is just too broad.

the people who test ancient remains to get these grouping break the hunter gatherers down further genetically into western hunter gatherers, eastern hunter gatherers, scandanivian hunter gatherers and caucasus hunter gatherers, i believe.

I don't feel like spending money on paying a Jew to tell me my genetics, but from my knowledge, my father is general western european and my mother is dutch.

>Thanks dingo

i should have put the 'black nationalist' flag on.

Whiter than the average person here.

I would've just said thanks nigger instead

White=Albino monkey
Black Pride

>how White
You are either White or not
You are a nigger. Ashkenazis are min. 2,6% negro


Go back home, filthy wog. Australia is a Northwesten European country

No idea. The results aren't really specific enough. Spain, at least.

100% white european, green eyes and white skin
Literally whiter than 90% of Sup Forums

>6% arab


I'm not disagreeing with you but where did you get that specific number from

Moorjani study

He's a retarded albanian. He's 30% Turk and 10% african himself yet he spergs against South europeans (probably because he was deported). Don't listen to him


Came from my Sicilian ancestors. rip

Im aryan looking, chill.

I'm not an Albanian, because I state the fact that Meds/Jews are niggers

>5% jew

im something like 30ish% irish, 30% western european, 30% eastern european, 3% scandinavian, 3% great briton and 1% central asian. no wog at all.

(cries in the corner)

even if you are north italian you are probably 1 or 2% sub saharan african.

>central asian
>eastern european
Neither White or Australian

You mean cacasoid.

Please be white please be white please be white please be white

Typical Ukrainian

>4% Asia

>2% jew
kill yourself

Pretty god damn white.


And? 1% was considered nothing even in Nazi Germany.

I'm still wither than you, like it or not.

>inb4 wop wop wop you suck xD
Kill yourself. You are probably 30% paki and 50% chinese yourself.

I am red pilled bazurkistanian.

>(((Broadly European)))

>in Nazi Germany
Hitler viewed any negro blood as unacceptable. No one knew back in the day that Jews/Meds are part nig. Rosenberg and Himmler were "one-dropists" on all admixtures.

Italians are not White for many of regular Euros because they look like shitskins

Average Ukrainian for you. Half of what is ethnic Ukrainian today, was Armenian, Jewish or Crimean Tatar on imperial census

We must clean Ukrainian kokhols, thay are not slavic.


Just means 23andme can't pinpoint

>sending your DNA to a kike laboratory
>putting yourself in their system

i'm russky m8

R1b L-21 masterrace

No Albania, i know your brain is small and you can't read but look at this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Laws
Everything below 25% was considered German blooded.
1% is almost statistical noise and it's nothing.

Italians are whiter, more beautiful and more succesful than fucking slavs for sure. You guys look like an aborted mix of German and Gypsy and Turks.

>You are probably 30% paki and 50% chinese yourself.

i got 1% central asian. the rest north, east and north-western european. im whiter than any italian, arab rape baby.

Pretty damn white.


You are not White at all
>Everything below 25% was considered German blooded.
Only those Germans mixed with jews. Himmler and Rosenberg were hella pissed

>2% Sardinian
Disgusting. Fucking how

my grandfather came from the soviet union and was ukrainian. i got his sister to do a 23andme and it came up mostly eastern european, a bit of balkan, a bit of north western european and a couple percentage points of yakut. no jew or middle eastern.