>Asians suck at driving and have low empathy
>Blacks are bad swimmers, low intelligence and a MAOA gene that causes stabbing behaviour
>Jews are more prone to schizoid syndromes and kleinfelters
Do whites have any innate genetic deficiencies?
>Asians suck at driving and have low empathy
>Blacks are bad swimmers, low intelligence and a MAOA gene that causes stabbing behaviour
>Jews are more prone to schizoid syndromes and kleinfelters
Do whites have any innate genetic deficiencies?
Other urls found in this thread:
Being cuckolded. I mean Shakespeare did invent the whole concept to begin with.
if you want more ammo
> chinks are prone to motion sickness in everyday situations
> ALL lesser races can't drink milk without shitting themselves
Geoffrey Chaucer popularized it and whites turned it into a sexual fetish
Indeed, it's called pathological altruism.
Pathological Altruism
Probably celiac or some shit
Misplaced empathy
>Being cuckolded
spic here, milk will give me diarrhea
>low empathy
ever head about buddhism?
Prone to being alcoholics.
I think native americans got you beat on that.
Oh and asians are compulsive gamblers.
Cuckoldry, entitlement, selfishness, back stabbing and easy to manipulate
It's some of the worst illnesses of them all unfortunately
>ever head about buddhism?
Yeah, My dad told me about Buddhist he fought in Vietnam.
Lots of Buddhists in those Cambodian killing fields and lots of Buddhists put them there and fought my dad.
More prone to giving a fuck about sub humans.
>Cuckoldry, entitlement, selfishness, back stabbing and easy to manipulate
Yeah. it's not like whites literally cuckold the world first.
Also, Blacks aren't known for their entitlement mentality and selfishness at all GIBSMEDAT
Jews got us beat on backstabbing.
And everyone manipulates Black peopleā¦.sad but true. You dumb
Chink that can drink milk just fine here
Small penises and the urge to exterminate every other form of life
Asians and Indians(dot) are pretty shifty fellas too and they will backstab a motherfucker for status. Not to mention seites in general aka Arabs too are some backstabbing lying motherfuckers.
>Except when Japan makes a better peaceful, self sustaining society then whites ever could.
>Then we firebomb those children to ash and nuke their cities after they can't fight back
Can't take this old racist seriously when he clumps everyone in with niggers, because that's exactly what niggers do.
Some other races are superior to whites in many ways, but that doesn't mean white people should be genocided or be denied a home country. They should be allowed to secure one and defend it from whoever they don't want in it for whatever reasons a host can deny entrance to guests.
We are too kind and empathetic to the lesser races.
too much empathy
so it's half positive
Our only weakness is that we care too much.
Why are all the other races so jealous of us?
We're God's favorite there is no doubt.
>>Except when Japan makes a better peaceful, self sustaining society then whites ever could.
Japan's not actually peaceful. It's a mess under the surface, with tons of unreported crime, and mountains of degeneracy. Just Sup Forums can't speak Japanese and are so delusional they wouldn't listen anyway. Also there's tons of fucking shilling English teachers on here for some reason.
Be careful your government might try to poison your milk for a few dollarydoos.
>white people
>small dicks
eh, kinda? really more average.
>Cuckold the world first durrr
Yeah then go extinct
>Blacks are selfish
Yeah out of need and culture because they fucking suck at providing for themselves and need to stop being babyed by white cucks
>Jews backstab
Never where it counts the way whites do. Never forget that the US was a German nation during WW2 and they made sure no nation would EVER be proud to be white ever again
>Blacks are easy to manipulate
Because they are literally vote slaves living in concrete plantations...
Arrogance is the enemy of the white race and you are a promoter of white arrogance
>eh, kinda? really more average.
More like above average hen considering the whole world.
Half the world lives in china and India alone. Both have the smaller penis around.
>Do whites have any innate genetic deficiencies?
pic related
>MAOA gene that causes stabbing behaviour
u cant compete white boi
having TOO much empathy
ever heard of arab guilt for their slave trade?
no, since it only works on silly whitey
Who the fuck said Japan was perfect?
They just do a better job at having their society work together than this multicultural white cuckold utopia we are all dying inside. Fuck this shit, give me a white Japan that closes it's borders and cares about its culture for fucks sake.
>Do whites have any innate genetic deficiencies?
They don't know how to draw a line so they let people push them around until one day something clicks and they start gassing jews by the truckload.
Mad Dog Mathers
If you care about dick size you're a fag or a slut. Microdicks that literally can't get a girl pregnant are wierd but idk, that's still just more work for you I guess
This. Altruism is the downfall.
>but their society isn't working
Only something like 8% of adults feel like Japan has "a bright future". And most people wouldn't consider themselves happy, far less than other nations.
Also if you're in Tokyo, there's a lot of immigrants lately that are fucking fails and a half.
Tendency to put world on fire every now and then.
Tendency to create crazy political ideologies that result in millions and millions ends of human lives.
Otherwise we are very nice people.
Give a white man power, he has the highest chance of being a saint out of any race, but his excesses would make Jove blush.
anglo's are the equivalent of jews
>Tendency to put world on fire every now and then.
Part of the Industrial Revolution you filthy Muslim pig fucker
Please tell me this is a joke...
>other races are superior to whites in many ways
Nope. The Japs are the ONLY race that were on our level.
The other East Asians have potential, but we'll have to wait and see what happens.
The kikes are a parasite race.
Everyone else (blacks, spics, arabs, etc) are too low IQ to run a decent society.
Pathologic empathy
This thread will say cuckolding because most of this board has an unhealthy fetish for it, but I would say the biggest white weakness is empathy.
If you go anywhere in the world, from Asia to Africa, absolutely nobody will consider charity. Empathy for strangers is a uniquely European deficiency and is the reason why so many wealthy, comfortable whites are eager to hand over everything they have to people who openly despise them.
Jews are fucking Jews and they are the reason the world is so fucking terrible
It's only the Jews
>cyclical time
>mass society
It's the fucking Jew. They're the ones making shit worst not matter how bad it was already
living in middle east xD
Cystic fibrosis is almost exclusively a disease of white people.
>Part of the Industrial Revolution you filthy Muslim pig fucker
>Boo hoo that evil machine created this atom bomb, we had nothing to do with it.
Fuck off cuck. We do good things and bad things, I have no need to find excuses for anything like you.
It's the reason why white societies aren't shit and everyone wants to live in them. It's a catch 22.
Lacking the MAO-A enzyme is actually a benefit. As a white male, I found myself reaching Volksh status when taking specific MAO-A inhibiting drugs. Increased empathy, self confidence, sex drive & orgasm control, and enhanced intelligence. Very poor argument for why blacks are violent.
More than likely, the higher melanin correlates with higher dopamine and thus adrenaline levels, meaning blacks are more likely to take risks and their genetic profiling is closer to that of a stimulant user.
But don't listen to me, as this doesn't fit the easily digestible narrative.
Marx was a jew.
It's good to be jew
>Except when Japan makes a better peaceful, self sustaining society then whites ever could.
They didn't though, murica built japan.
When whites colonize asian countries like japan, south korea and hong kong they become utopias.
Just like how white colonies in africa make those places better than everywhere not colonized.
Love of "isms", identity groups, near idiot-tier "brand loyalty", money and material things over family and people, autistic need to be special, out-do others and/or value-signal to "others" as if out of "the 'secret' guilt of being superior".
Constructive criticism bros. Many of these don't aply so much to Sup Forumsacks thankfully.
Yeah, it's called "giving away your homelands like retards" syndrome
Im sure you'll be saying that on the day of the oven
>Do whites have any innate genetic deficiencies?
we are vagina wreckers
our babies' brains are so big, they stretch out the white woman't vagina, leaving her only Tyrone to provide her white-cucked vagina with enough stimulation to orgasm.
Are you sure it isn't pasteurized?
>Do whites have any innate genetic deficiencies?
White men can't jump.
And they also tend not to completely finish their genocides.
snek can't into pubmed
cystic fibrosis, MCAD deficiency
Big dicks. I mean it's fucking uncomfortable to sit on most days.
Whites are letting themselves get completely overrun. We have possibly the weakest survival instinct of all races - but at the same time, we have the strongest.
>writers invented what is a universal fear among men that their wives are fucking other men
No, you stupid fuckers. Cuckoldry is one of the major underlying themes of the Illiad and the Odyssey, and it appears in the earliest written records. What does Mars do to Vulcan? The second you have longterm relationships between men and women, which are fundamental to higher civilization, you have the terror that the fickle, crazy bitch you're calling your wife is sucking someone else's dick. What Chaucer and Shakespeare and Rabelais try to do is ease the tension by making jokes about it. Do you know what the "Nothing" is in Much Ado About Nothing?
The peaceful Japan meme needs to die and the Triad vs. Yakuza meme needs to come back.
Yeah, excessive empathy
South vietnamese government persecuted buddhists in favor of catholicism. Perfectly justified for them to fight back.
>Take risks
Yes, I hear selling crack cocaine in Detroit is dangerous this time of year.
Milk-drinking kike here
You mad goy?
>empathy is so good
>whites control the entire world and decide to commit self-inflicted genocide because of their liberal egalitarian mental illness
it's so funny watching dumb fuck white cuckolds talk about their altruism as if it's a good thing. whites are now losing their motherfucking homeland that hundreds of millions of them died building. your ancestors wished they didn't fucking have pathetic trash like you and never busted that nut, but you somehow feel it's a good virtue.
asians have empathy for their family otherwise there isn't any good for anything. western (((empathy))) is just the christcuck teaching about equality and treating your neighbors kind. the christcucks tell the 50 subhumans they're equal and god says so which is why they fucking hate whitey so much. it's literally why all the whites in africa were murdered cause christcuck subhumans teaching the word of god.
strength is a virtue
altruism is a weakness
God's image
>bleached kike trying to bantz
100% correct
I hate when white cucks shit on chinks for not having empathy
Well at least Beijing is 100% Chinese you cuck, How's London? How's Paris? How's Berlin?
>MAOA gene
isn't that in every human, even animals
The Millers tale is fucking HILARIOUS. so many fart jokes.
Whites? Yes. Here are a few:
1. Fat/flabby, mostly refuse to exercise.
2. Hate education. Ignore that the internet has all of the information and education you can ever need to advance yourself and your people.
3. Regularly confuse empathy with stupidity and gullibility.
4. Loser mentality. Whites don't give a fuck about winning. They would rather LARP and lose gracefully than break the rules and win.
5. Rigid. Warned about the Jews for 500 years non-stop. Still using the same failed tactics today getting blown out over and over again.
6. Lazy and Cowardly. Lose control of every major industry and position of power in 100 years. Continue to run from the fights and battles that need to be won and instead, hide in shitty trade jobs, and piss away time/resources in bullshit hobbies.
7. Stupid. Endless cheap ways to learn how to defend yourself. Plays with guns and gets beat up by blacks over and over again except for very rare circumstances.
I could go on but it doesn't matter. Genocide is coming.
We have too much empathy which is why we are letting our nations be destroyed by shitskins
We're not weak, we're altruistic to a fault
>Constructive criticism
This is exactly what deconstructionist postmodernism airballs on completely.
Half chink with chink dad who can also drink the sweet creamy white stuff, treated and untreated. his family are a bunch of dark-skinned farmers from the southeast, though, so I'd bet that their stomachs are stronger than the average oriental.
yes compassion
>Do whites have any innate genetic deficiencies?
genetically predisposed to being a culckold faggot.
they had a good thing but they had to fuck it up with conformity and salaryman culture that makes raising your own kids almost impossible in your prime.
>Asians suck at driving
asians have the least accidents per capita by far
murica converted japan, actually. it is still very much their own conformist, group level, tradition steeped society.
yes, whites have highest rate of autism. this board is a tribute to the fact.
higher suicide rates than others for the most part too
Tend to be a bit all or nothing
like mister magoo they are chugging along, cutting people off, swerving all while people behind them are thrown off and lured into pile ups and t bones.
the worst drivers are often the most careful drivers--think the old guy going way too slowly in the passing lane
I believe that our excessive empathy could be not just cultural but genetic.
It is what is driving us to the extintion