I hope there's a riot soon.
I hope they burn 10 Downing St.
I hope there's a riot soon.
I hope they burn 10 Downing St.
you will riot over some shitskins burning to death but not over thousands of white kids being raped? Or repeated terrorist attacks where you're seen as the aggressor for daring to oppose the core ideology that sustains the violence?
kys you absolute faggot
>Whites die in terror attacks, children blown up by nail bombs. No one gives a shit
>Non-Whites die in a fire, everyone is upset
Britain is done.
kek this
here come the cunts trying to justify that one persons death is worse than the others
Just said on the ticker on Sky News, that there's a demo planned for tonight.
Going to kick off, anons??
What are all these toilet-tissue tier xenophobic tabloids raging about? Even fucking Daily Express, I can't even believe this level of hypocrisy. Most of the people who died were
a) poor-ish and/or
b) brown/black and/or
c) Muslim and/or
d) immigrants and/or
e) refugees and/or
f) benefits recipients.
I.e. the people who the mainstream loves to hate. People who Tories and Theresa May personally hate. So they can fuck off with their condolences and outrage. May should resign first then fuck off.
I'm in north london, could smell smoke all night from that tower?
I wonder if there will be many more fires like that?
How about getting rid of all the genetic trash that accumulated over the last years? That would solve housing problem quite nicely.
Why can´t I shake the feeling that this particular apartment bock - starting from what has been publicized in the media about its inhabitants - was a veritable slum in itself, including two illegal inhabitants for every legal, registered one, obstructed hallways filled to the ceiling with trash that made quick escape impossible, highly dangerous and (again) illegal, self-made power installations, in short a whole no-go-zone on its own, outside basically any western legality.
would be unreal
On the contrary. Terror attacks are taken very seriously, but Britain has strong laws against them, and millions of pounds are spent on counterterrorism.
British people die in a fire, of course everyone is upset. Race is irrelevant.
Baaawwww the poor niggers
We should celebrate then 100 less invaders
And nothing of value was lost.
>I hope they burn 10 Downing St.
i hope they try and the coppers start lighting them up with their MP4s (or whatever).
everyone is a tough guy or gal until the lead fires your way.
good point, it is almost like there is a group of people who are using this event for their own purposes, hoping it will cause trouble for the government as they want to destroy the UK and have comunism and niggers.
everyone who is angry about the fire should just sing Don't Look Back In Anger and get over it.
'Youths' break into B&M, Poundland and brighthouse. Steal cheap food and home electrics
£20 @ 1/4
>Terror attacks are taken very seriously
is that why there are 400 returned Syrian fighters walking around London right now without anyone watching them? is that why England keeps on taking on hundreds of thousands of third worlders into their country? is that why the Muslim mayor of London is telling people to just get used to the occasional blowing up?
their response to the Manchester terrorist attack was talking about censoring the internet. they arent going to do anything that would actually solve the problem. it's a joke.
>British people
They are almost all foreign parasites.
Yes but he does a good job of explaining how normies view this in day to day life.
Your from Australia mate a country filled with criminal invaders. Do you like people celebrating your death?
They view it the way they are told to view it. Or at least they don't countersignal that view.
confirmed, stock pile fray bentos lads
The tower deaths were the result of appalling negligence and implied "social cleansing" in one of the UK richest boroughs.
Kensington and Chelsea is not short of the money to buy fucking sprinklers and decent cladding.
>renovate your tower so it's not as ugly for the rich people nearby to look at
>don't spend the extra 2 pounds per square meter on the fire-resistant sheets so you can save all of 5000 pounds on a huge renovation that costs a hundred times that
>entire apartment building now ruined with hundreds dead
>'why are these fuckers upset'
Remember, capitalism is the most efficient and logical system, and everyone acts in a completely economically rational way at all times and don't do things like cut corners for a buck now despite it costing 10 down the line.
dude £9.7 million
>Grenfell Tower built in 1974 is a 24-storey prominent residential estate managed by Kensington and Chelsea TMO (Tenant Management Organisation) on behalf of the council. The £9.7million investment is a major commitment by the council and the TMO to regenerate the tower, with numerous improvements set to raise the value of the estate significantly with residents still in occupation.
>The large scale works which includes an upgrade of the cladding to the exterior of the building, new windows, a totally new heating & lobby smoke ventilation system all of which will greatly enhance the energy efficiency of the tower and contribute to reducing resident’s living costs.
needs aren't a right
if the poor is unable to put a roof over their own heads, then they don't deserve one
go back abdul
no eternal shit tier anglo would mistake one of their flags
he probably typed Australidl but autocorrect does like the memes
>set to raise the value of the estate significantly
Mission accomplished.
Aren't they all Muslims?
Its funny. I heard a patient tell me today that, 'they were from the lowest social strata".
I really didn't care.
I am working class and I have never lived in a shoebox sized shit hole that these filthy sand niggers and paki's squeeze themselves into.
They deserved what they got.
I'm sure they'll find a way to blame Brexit on this.
>flood the area with indolent foreign shitskins
>insist that is now the government's responsibility to house them
>spend public money housing subhumans that don't contribute
Why are they even here?
Indeed. Weaponised woggery is what we needs. Serves the treacherous British state right for betraying us natives and letting some many of the filth in.
White cockney here: It could just be me, but i'm getting the impression that the rest of the country doesn't really give a shit about this fire? What's the word in the provinces, lads?
It summarizes England perfectly
>sham of an election passes on by
>ask brits outright "Which one is going to address the rampant migrant terrorism"
>nobody can ever provide an answer
>candidates both look exactly the same
So in other words all of this bullshit was an excuse to give migrants luxury housing, like they get in Sweden.
Cornwall here, an ex firefighter mentioned it offhand in a joke about his ex employees were here instead of fighting the fire, only thing I have heard anyone say about it.
>brits dont get out of bed for race warfare
>but class warfare? boy oh boy
marxist cunts you should all be destroyed with the rest of us
South westerner here, I couldn't give less of a shit about the fire. Has nothing to do with me. And it's heavily annoying that it's been so politicised by those labour commies .
seeing the victims i suddenly give no fucks.
The Daily Mirror supports the labour party (communism). Take no notice.
>I hope there's a riot soon.
When muslim gangs raped 1400 young english white girls, many of whom were children at the time, there weren't any riots. Do you really think people are going to riot over a bunch of shitskin social housing immigrants who died in a fire. They will probably celebrate.
kek, Englishmen should be celebrating in the streets that there are 100 fewer brown fucks in your country shitting it up
Not all that bothered
would this have happened if they hadn't spent £10million refurbing 120 council flats?
fucking lefties
>luxury housing
It's a commie-block shithole.
With migrants in it it was a massively-crowded commie-block shithole. Nothing luxury about it.
2 more fires since mate.
It seems very few 'British people' died in this
And just a friendly reminder: a dog born in a stable is not a horse
Yeah, but now cum-slurping liberals or whatever you call them there can use this as an excuse, they can cry "those poor migrants, if they lived in mansions this wouldn't have happened."
Farewell London
East Anglia here. It's a shame that people died in such a horrendous way but London is lost. Best we can hope for is some riots out of it.
No-one is saying that.
Good quality bait, 3/5.
Why are people upset? Sure 100s died but the man who caused the fire saved many lives going to his neighbors to alert them of the fire! A refugee no doubt!
Brave man.
Lincolnshire here. It's a shame, but I think too much of a big deal has been made about this. What the hell makes a tower block fire so important, considering houses burn down everybday and we don't hear a word about them?
Kek. Fine praise coming from someone who lives in a cultural fucking desert.
That's EU regulation, all Eu countries gipsies are building things using trash and discarded cardboards. The European commissioners themselves have invested in buildings like that.
They do it so that normal white carpenters run out of business. Its probably one of their fucking pilars.
Why? What's at 10 Downing street?
non-whites die..
Does anyone on Sup Forums ever care about this?
>Does anyone on Sup Forums ever care about this?
Kind of.. and still, it's the EU who has pushed this kind of carpentry competition through, happens everywhere, Rom-gipsies are given contracts, local honest hardworking carpenters run out of business, the gipsies collect cardboard and trash from the local landfill and use it for isolation. The investors are always pro EU or EU politicians and people end up dying as a result.
dorset farmer here, no clue why they made such a big deal; dont get me wrong, no one deserves to die like that (maybe a few) but its not something the media should be using as a weapon for their narrative
>dorset farmer here, no clue why they made such a big deal; dont get me wrong, no one deserves to die like that (maybe a few) but its not something the media should be using as a weapon for their narrative
It goes against their own narrative, I've travel around Europe, seen politicians and close relatives of them use the same type of people, mainly cheap gipsy labour to build the houses they rent out to state housing for immigrants at an Incredibly high price.
The gipsies fuck over local carpenters who are honest, hardworking and use Actual materials instead of trash as isolation.