Shill thread, you better pray to mouloch your half witted dem voters dont watch the putin diaries.
Shill thread, you better pray to mouloch your half witted dem voters dont watch the putin diaries
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But Russian hackers are super-beings that can do anything.
putin said before if backed into a corner they would be down for another war. but idk their economy is kinda atba standstill already so more sanctions wont help.
Russian economy is bad because of the oil prices, not sanctions.
im in awe of where you get your information, and that you believe it enough to regurgitate it.
Good.ruin that shithole so the people rise up
Giving up ukraine? It's two areas; donbass & Crimea. OP is a faggot. Sanctions need to stop
What can he do?
Obvious how?
They are winning in Syria, no one does shit in Ukraine, their economy is recovering (though at a sluggish pace), Putin's power is secure.
Sanctions are barely relevant in any case, reason for their economic troubles were oil prices.
>so that people rise up
Did you learn nothing? Ukraine is how people rise up.
>gain more territory
How gaining more territory could improve our economy?
Russian economy is bad because of its obsolescence, inefficiency and corruption.
Except the economy was growing well when oil prices were high.
Hmm umm have they tried bringing in refugees?
What a meme.
Yeah, I'm not a friend of Putin or Russia but BBC ... lol fuck off with your leftist propaganda
How long until (((USA))) starts declining as a power?
>he thinks sanctions can harm Russia
lurk more
it is.
the guy already bitches constantly, he tries so hard but it's difficult to take a touch guy bitch seriously, even normal people see through the strain he constantly puts himself in on his face.
>so the people rise up
Like in Ukraine, amirite? It sure helped them to improve their economy...
>he thinks that they cannot
You don't understand American strategy against Russia. The US won't declare war against Russia directly, because amount of casualties in such war would not be unacceptable and the outcome not certain. So instead they are weakening Russia with using old "death from thousand cuts" torture technique. Each cut is small and insignificant, but if you deal them consecutively your enemy will bleed, weaken and then it will be easier to finish him off.
That's exactly what the US been doing since early 2000s, if not earlier, long before war in Georgia and events of 2014.
The same strategy was used during the Cold War as well, with success - it brought down the USSR.
>thinks the plan to dismantle russia is only a couple decades old
the CIA has been operating from an anti-Russia playbook since the beginning.
The CIA is literally incapable of operating in a manner in which it does act as if Russia is the final enemy.
It's in the DNA and will not be satisfied until Russia is shattered into smaller nation-states with all of it's economic and political bargaining power diminished to nothing and it's entire military is dismantled.
They're incapable of identifying their mistakes, how they create enemies far worse than the USSR ever was, or that Russia isn't even an enemy anymore.
>>thinks the plan to dismantle russia is only a couple decades old
No, i don't think that. As i've pointed out
>The same strategy was used during the Cold War as well, with success - it brought down the USSR
Also it's not just CIA, it's that "deep state" in general, three-letter agencies are just part of it.
He will liberate pribaltika next.
>Baying for commie blood in 2017
>Yao Ling and his goonies are pegging off a slice of the South China Sea
Is the US this delusional right now?
Sucks for western Europe either way. If Russia collapses, then Chechnya, will no longer be the front lines for the conventional portion of expansionist Islam. If it stays, it will eventually take advantage of the collapsing EU.
Oh, and to add to what I said, if Russia collapses, you won't be talking about Muslims with 3rd world technology. You'll be talking about Muslims, with modern Russian weaponry.
>It's in the DNA and will not be satisfied until Russia is shattered into smaller nation-states with all of it's economic and political bargaining power diminished to nothing and it's entire military is dismantled.
Good, the sooner the better
i hope there will be a nuclear exchange and they wont forget that australia exists
Nothing. Russia still sits on the largest amount of resources in the world. All it needs to do is build up its military to be able to defend them, especially from China that will go bankrupt once automation kills its slave labor-based economy.
As for USA, Russia will get along just fine with it, once the Israel First WASPcucks die out with the rest of the old white population and Latinos take over. Slavs always get on well with Latinos.
Russia is just a depressing shit hole. 1/4 of the land area is worth inhabiting (still bigger than all of Western Europe) economy is geared towards commodities (oil,gas,agriculture) most of the population are bunch of drunks and drug addicts. I bet a lot of them miss good ole USSR days, at least then they were relevant and feared.
In 2013, 68% of Russia's export revenue was oil and gas. The price of crude in 2014 dropped from $105-110 per barrel to about $50. That's about 1/3 of 2/3rds of Russia's total exports, so they had a total drop in revenue of 33%.
That would put any country into recession. Anyone who thinks the sanctions were anything other than an insult at that point can't do basic math.
>american circle jerk and fantasies ITT
kys dumb ameriniggers, putin very good knows that their economy is fucked up but they do good and improve, by beeing less independent
He literally says in Putin Interviews he is ready for total war if the U.S. wants it.
Are burgers still triggered over Russia destroying their islamic jihadis in Syria?
Stop being sore losers burgers
Al Qaeda and ISIS got wrecked
gg wp
i thought trump was putin's puppet why haven't the sanctions been lifted
When the Civil War broke out in Russia in 1918 some Eastern Europeans were cheering and celebrating that. Leader of Poland Marshal Pilsudski even supported the Bolsheviks, because he thought that they will destroy Russia. Twenty years later his country was dismembered by Bolsheviks and ceased to exist and 6 years later reemerged as Soviet satellite. Your own countrymen supported Bolsheviks back then for similar reasons. And the same thing happened with your country as well.
One would think that Eastern Europeans have learned something from their sad history. Apparently you're as ignorant and arrogant as your ancestors.
Be VERY careful what you wish for.
If you want to see Russia dismembered and you really believe that when Russia burns the neighbors will remain safe, then you're a retard.
If Russia burns then Latvia, all Baltic states and probably the entire ex-USSR will burn as well. You best pray that Russia is stable and prosperous, so Russians will eventually get richer, demand more liberties from their government and be and less militaristic/aggressive.
because drumpf has zero power
Russia voted in an Retard and now murrica has to hadle this kek
Not gonna happen since pretty much all of the regions have a russian slavic majority population. Russians were good at outbreeding the natives
the more you sanction them the more structurally independent and self contained their economy becomes
and the less effect sanctions will have
>be and less militaristic/aggressive.
fucking lol, tell that to United Slaves of Israel.
>so Russians will eventually get richer, demand more liberties from their government and be and less militaristic/aggressive.
then murrica should GTFO and let russia alone and become nice first world and become friends
very larping map
Neocons will never allow that.
>Russian national debt
>17% to GDP
>United State nationa ldebt
>105% of GDP
How fucked are burgers lads?
I'm pretty sure Russia has nukes, they could never be powerless so
Probably none at all unless their currency gets devalued.
I know, sadly
ZOG America is cancer
Fuck you shill
Shhhhh, don't let idiots know they are idiots, or they'll try to disprove it by spreading their stupidity.
Pakistan has nukes also. And overall Russia is closer Pakistan than to US or China
Americans print money like crazy and dont give a fuck because PetroDollar..
once some of the ME countries frees themself from the (((central banks))) and russia fixes their economy, petro dollar will die
Well, Americans actually aren't that easy to persuade. Look back in 2003 and how much effort was made by MSM to make Americans think that Saddam is the ultimate evil and thread to the US. Or how long did it take for the British and Wilson to prepare Americans for war with Germans in WW1. Years and years of persuasion.
You also have to consider that most American soldiers that have signed up for Iraq war came from low income families. Even now guys who are in their early 20s, broke and without education are encouraged to join the military to "get their shit together".
It's much more difficult to make a prosperous individuals go to war than the individuals who are poor, desperate and have nothing to lose.
Think about it.
>So it should be clear by now that Russia is steadily declining as a power,
Sure seems this way.
Limitless natural resources, primary surplus, no debt - all the hallmarks of declining power in its final death stroke.
Fuck you too, brainless and indoctrinated moron.
USA has been in decline since approx 2006.
Trump steadily destroying the globalist hegemony is alienating America even moreso.
Once China has completed its parallel financial sector in Hong Kong so that NYC is no longer needed as a financial hub, the US is in for serious trouble.
Out of all the Russians I've ever personally talked to one thing's for sure, they're patriotic and not cowards. I can't imagine a situation where too much pressure being applied to Russian/Putin doesn't result in retaliation (even to their own demise), they won't be humiliated or back down.
>broke and without education are encouraged to join the military to "get their shit together".
jesus christ, america is a fucking shithole
even russians are not that retarded and join military on masses, fuck.
the military campaign in syria showed us that amerishits underestimated russia
Maybe Russian economy would be doing better if they spent money on diversifying it, instead of propping up puppet separatist countries via their military. There would be no sanctions and maybe their neighbors would be interested in cooperation, instead of hating them.
You're the definition of 'useful idiot.' It doesn't matter how much you try to blame it on the USA, Putin is aggressive and anyone with a brain knows it.
>useful idiot
and you are the leader of those?
>Limitless natural resources, primary surplus, no debt
You do have debt though and sanctions limit your abilities to pay it back (limited access to Western financial sector = harder to refinance debt with low interest rate loans from the West). It's just government debt that is low, private debt (not guaranteed by the government) is much more bigger. The catch is that while it's technically "private" debt, most of the debtors are corporations and banks that are either too big to fail or where the government has a large stake.
Government and media literally provoking Russia into war and the left useful idiots have their claws out while they follow the globalists into certain death.
Even Trump who cmapaigned on healthier relationship was forced or changed his mine to attack Russia economically and politically.
Fucking disgusting how they feel the need for this war.
>It doesn't matter how much you try to blame it on the USA
>describing US strategy vs Russia is "blaming"
Wheew lad, are you for real? So, if i were to describe US strategy in WW2 vs Japan you would also say that i'm "blaming" FDR?
>>so the people rise up
That was all us, though.
GDP in dollars does not reflect the actual situation, because after 2014 we had our RUB/USD ratio dropped by 100 percent. However if you count GDP in Rubles, or adjust it to LOCAL prices, the GDP is stable and keeps growing slowly:
So in short summary, less Russians can afford foreign travelling now and certain import (mostly hi-tech stuff that is not produced locally). Other than that nothing changed.
What do Russians think of Putin? Is not true that for the most part he has unfucked the country from the state it used to be or am I just ignorant?
you got rekt, apply anal creme.
Do you mean EXTERNAL debt? Well, 40% of GDP how much is that comparing to other countries?
Here we go with another fraud OP projecting the decline of the West on Russia. Atheism is a helluva va drug.
The Russian economy is growing again
Do you even know anything about the sanctions, beyond what you've read on RT and Wikipedia?
The Western sanctions against Russia are aimed towards the oligarch class and Putins inner circle, targeting individual persons and businesses who were involved in the annexation of Crimea and are instrumental in supporting the Donbass insurgency.
Its the Russian "counter sanctions" towards the EU that are killing the larger Russian economy. Russian has banned imports of food produce and various mechanical items from EU, resulting in increases of food prices and decreasing the availability of auto repairs. Why do you think the truckers were protesting?
He did. He is still supported by majority of Russians (around 85%). Those who oppose are mostly liberals with a large portion of gen Z, who doesn't remember much about political situation in Russia before 2000, and is falling for stylish youtube videos.
Ukrainians are poor, user. It doesn't take a lot of effort, or support from a superpower to get poor and desperate people in the streets (or to mobilize then for war) as they have nothing to lose. Ukrainians are organizing protests on Maidan literally every year. Obama administration just used opportunity and exploited one of these protests to take Ukraine from Russian sphere of influence.
It was a payback for 2013 when Russians refused to extradite Snowden and humiliated Obama with his "red line" in Syria.
Again, some buttblasted retardo might think that
>uRRR blaming USA hurr durr how dare u!
I can guarantee you that how the historians will describe these events 50 years later.
>not importing food from the Baltics and Poland is killing the Russian economy
Really jogged the noggin
That's due to risen oil prices. Russia will be in a big trouble in the future if they can't diversify their economy
More sanctions from US makes no difference. More sanctions from EU might be slightly harming.
At this stage, petroil went up in price because Qatarz n shiet, and also they are pushing their economy towards Chinar!
The new silk route and BRICS in general seems pretty unite and growing.
Russia has some of the lowest sovereign debt of any major nation.
>>It was a payback for 2013 when Russians refused to extradite Snowden
as if US has extradited any asylum seekers back to Russia. You need to go back to SU times for that to my knowledge.
>Limitless natural resources
>Do you even know anything about the sanctions, beyond what you've read on RT and Wikipedia?
Looks like it's you who are reading about the sanctions from your MSM and conveniently avoid the important ones:
>Treasury imposed sanctions that prohibit U.S. persons from providing new financing to two major Russian financial institutions (Gazprombank OAO and VEB) and two Russian energy firms (OAO Novatek and Rosneft ), limiting their access to U.S. capital markets;
I'm sure that you'll put Forbes into "black list of Russian shills" now.
>Its the Russian "counter sanctions" towards the EU that are killing the larger Russian economy
You are literally beyond salvation m8. Sanctions on food supplies were shilled and endorsed by Russian food producers themselves, even by some European companies who work in Russia:
Use google translate if you can't read German.
Do i need to explain why they did it?
Please archive those
>forbes com/sites/francescoppola/2014/07/18/u-s-sanctions-on-russia-are-financial-warfare/#7e204aae2d74
Well we circumvent the ban via Belarus (sell it to them, then they sell it to Russia as their own)
Although initially it wasn't so pleasant.
less people can now go to Europe to ski and buy shit and less school boys can buy new GPU's
>Sanctions on food supplies were shilled and endorsed by Russian food producers themselves
I wonder why. Probably because they are free to churn out low quality palm oil ridden garbage now, as the competition is not there anymore.
Look who's in charge of those financial institutions.
I'm still right.
>implying european food is better.
I second that, you can't just sit on an oil/gas needle and expect everything to not go down the shitter eventually.
Ok, ZEIT made that article available only for paid viewers it seems
Here's video:
basically one of the biggest dairy producers in Russia (a German) convinced Putin to hit the EU with counter-sanctions.
>I'm still right
You're still butthurt and cannot even admit that you're were wrong, so you have to repeat
>i-im still r-right.
It's hilarious.
>implying canned fish and polish apples matter