What in the everliving fuck is a pede?
Do they know it looks and sounds like pedo?
Are they stupid? That was rhetorical, yes they are.
What in the everliving fuck is a pede?
Do they know it looks and sounds like pedo?
Are they stupid? That was rhetorical, yes they are.
Other urls found in this thread:
>What in the everliving fuck is a pede?
Magapede. Maga stands for "make america great again". Pede stands for centipede.
>Do they know it looks and sounds like pedo?
No, because they're retards.
What does a centipede have to do with anything?
idk, I guess it's their way of saying there's a lot of them because centipedes are consisted of a lot of sections? I'm really not sure how their retardation works.
That IS retarded, holy shit.
>google magapede
>first thing that pops up is a Sup Forums thread saying LOOK AT THIS BASED RABBI IN A MAGA HAT FUCKING BASED
I looked it up and got a leddit post linking to some youtube video. Sounds like it originates from a completely unrelated nature documentary. Why the fuck are they so retarded?
It started with this. youtube.com
>Remember fellow pedes, no racism or misogyny!
Pic is how I feel.
pede = fag
youre not allowed to say fag on rebbit, so they use pede instead
magapede = magafag
I truly hate how crap step and blown the fuck out audio is funny now.
Fuck, multi celled organisms were a mistake.
Pic related
>Literally admitting you're from reddit
If you don't go pledge to gas the jews we're going to have to put you in with the.
wtf when did they put ads on this site?
I think the edgy "lol rekt XD" memes are going out of style.
Memes are dumb guy, there pictures to smirk at, not shout them in real life and rally a fake cause around they you'll do nothing with.
Shadily is the stupidest thing ever as well. The album cover doesn't even look like a Pepe.
Didn't those end in 2015?
idk, it seems like they were still popular in 2016 but maybe I'm wrong.
Use mobile or turn off adblock.
For like almost a year or more dude?
It used to strictly be j-list weeb porn
But they're debersifying
I haven't seen anything replacing them.
weird i have had ad block on the entire time so i had no idea we had them aside from the old j list at the bottom
Some people lost their minds over it but I don't really care, it keeps the site funded without scrapping boards.